Wednesday 28 March 2018


Sunday 22nd October 2017

Another evening meet-up and this time we were around Jason's to watch a story new to me.  Now was it The Seeds Of Death?  No, THAT was a Patrick Troughton story!  This time it was The Seeds Of Doom!  All about the Seeds!  So I look forward to a future story called The Seeds Of Donkey-Punches!

But before that - let's do Doctor Who Nights around Jason's.....


MJ: "Doctor Who...... Here we are around Jason's on a Sunday night which is ridiculous but we decided to meet here because otherwise we wouldn't be meeting again for a month or so!" *Laughs* "And we've got to finish off Tom Baker's... second season?"

Shaun: "First isn't it?"

Jason: "Second isn't it?"

MJ: "Yeah it is second, yeah.  With The Seeds Of Doom, which I've never seen so this is newly bought by me - "

Jason: "- I have!"

Shaun: "That's right, there's a promise of foam!"

Mark: "Is Brian back?  I liked Brian, from the last one..." (Brian from, ahem, The BRIAN Of Morbius...)

eigh: "I remember the album." *Sings to the tune of Sowing The Seeds Of Love* "Sowing, the Seeds Of Doom -" *Shaun laughs*

MJ: *Takes over the singing* "Seeds Of Doom.  Sowing the seeds!  Look out for the weeds!" *Laughs* "Erm, we've already had The Seeds Of Death which had foam and hissing -" *To Shaun* "- Which I'm sure you enjoyed!" *Makes a hissing noise*

haun: "Yay..."

MJ: "Bu
t yes I've not seen this one so - "

Mark: "Jason's become more casual!"

MJ: "Hey!  Jason WAS wearing a white shirt-shirt, now he's got on a white t-shirt!"

Jason: "Yeah, and then Shaun nicely pointed out that I had crap all over the front of that!  So now I've got to soak that!"

*Mark laughs*

MJ: "What, ACTUAL crap - like faeces?"

Jason: "ACTUAL faeces."

Shaun: "Yeah."

J: "Well, there we go.  So yes, Doctor Who Nights, again - well, late afternoons -"

Mark: "- Early evenings."

MJ: "Slash early evenings!" *Leigh chuckles* *MJ looks at telly which is playing new Crystal Maze* "He's not Ed Tudor Pole though is he?  Not Jason, I mean, Richard Ayoade."

Mark: "No, no."

MJ: "He's not Richard O'Brien."

Mark: "No."

Leigh: "No."

MJ: "And who else is he not!?" *Laughs* "He's not Ghandi!"

Mark: *Laughing* "He's not a lot of people to be honest!"

Leigh: "He's not a lot of people."

MJ: *Michael Caine impression* "And not a lot of people know that!"

Mark: "Yeah."

MJ: "And that's Michael Caine..."

Mark: *Laughing* "You have to explain it otherwise it's not funny."

MJ: "It's not funny."

Mark: "Yeah."

MJ: "Okay well I'm going to stop it there and say Episode One!"

Mark: "No, don't stop it!  You've got to keep going.  Something really important that's Doctor Who based MAY happen..."

MJ: "Yeah."

Mark: "And you won't be recording it...  And you'll regret that..."

Shaun: *Smiling* "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon and for the rest of your life!" *Marks laughs*

MJ: "Part One."

Photo 1: At Jason's house. 
MJ, Jason (with the DVD case)
Mark (with the sign) & Leigh.


MJ: "End of Part One and somebody, err, what's his name?  I don't know his name."

Mark: "No-Beard."

*Shaun laughs*

MJ: "No-Beard got attacked by somebody who's been infected, basically by -"

Mark: "- No, No-Beard was doing the attacking!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "No-Beard was doing the attacking!"

Jason: "Yeah, No-Beard attacked Beard!"

MJ: "Oh okay.  There's a few with beards."

Mark: *Giggles* "Beard One is what we will call him."

MJ: "So basically one man's turned into a plant-like creature - Krynoid.  And they've found some seeds in Antarctica.  Stuff's going on."

Jason: "They grew a bit."

MJ: "They grew a bit."

Jason: "We saw it under a microscope."

MJ: "Microscope, yeah."

Mark: "It's just like The Thing - I'm loving it!"

MJ: "It's like The Thing."

Shaun: *Smiling* "It's like The Thing, only bad!"

Mark: "I'm lo
ving it."

Jason: "When was The Thing made?  The first one?"

Mark: "The first one, The Thing From Out Of Space, was like nineteen fifty something." (I think he means the nineteen fifty-one version that was actually called The Thing From Another World.)

Jason: "The nineteen seventies one was based on this!" (Actually it was released in nineteen eighty-two as The Thing)

Mark: *Laughs* "Yes, the seventies one is based on THIS Doctor Who!!"

MJ: "I don't think I need to copy this..."

Mark: "You definitely do!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "This is actually RELEVANT to the thing we are watching, for once!"

MJ: "Well Jason's really quiet over there so I might not pick it up!"

Shaun: "Well I'll just annoy you and repeat everything he's saying!"

Mark: "I think the main problem is that MJ isn't talking!" *Leigh laughs*

Jason: "Part Two!"

Shaun: "Yet somehow he's going to have told that joke in the write up!" (Slander!  I NEVER alter the text....much....!)

Mark: *Laughs* "I know!"

Shaun: "Don't be mean to MJ!  He's gone through a lot of effort to put this together and be here!"

MJ: "Said Shaun."

Shaun: "He gets a hug!  Come here!"

MJ: "Thank you!  For the people reading, Shaun is hugging me!"

Shaun: "Yeah, a nice hug."

MJ: "And I'm feeling awkward AND also aroused!" *Laughs*

Shaun: "And now my hand goes up your thigh...!"

*MJ and Mark laugh*

MJ: *High-pitched voice* "Part Two!!"

Photo 2: At Jason's house. 
Shaun, Jason (with the DVD case)
Mark (with the sign) & Leigh.


Mark: *Part way through a chat* "...But they're are just running for it and didn't care about him.  I don't know who's dead at that point."

MJ: "I suppose not." *Smiling* "So, Scobie-Scobie-Dooby's a bad guy!" *Leigh laughs*  "There you go -" *Laughs* "- I was waiting ten minutes to do that!"

Mark: "It was really worth it!"

MJ: *Laughs* "I thank you!" *Reading end credits* "John Gleeson - that sounds familiar?  Or maybe I am thinking of John Leeson?  Erm, So... lots happened there!  The base blew up!  The Doctor and Sarah got caught by Boycie!" (the actor John Challis (who is Scorby in this) also plays the character Boycie in the BBC sitcoms Only Fools And Horses and it's spin-off The Green Green Grass)

Jason: "He's very threatening!"

MJ: "He is very threatening... in this!"

Jason: "He's a gangster."

MJ: "And his friend didn't want to hurt people but he was made to."

Mark: "It's going to stop being The Thing now.  They're going to back to London..."

MJ: "Well, it sounds like it."

Shaun: *Not impressed* "Yeah."

Mark: "I liked The Thing aspect."

Shaun: "The Thing bit was good."

Mark: "Yeah."

Jason: "It could always turn into another film - Carry On Up The Khyber or something!"

*Mark laughs*

MJ: *Laughs* "Yeah!  It turns into a Carry On farce now!"

Shaun: "Well I wouldn't put it past them!"

Mark: "Yeah, it IS the seventies."

MJ: "So are you enjoying that one so far?"

Mark: "Yeah.  I like it so far."

MJ: "I am!"

Shaun: "I'm liking that it that it's reminding me of 
The Thing!"

*MJ laughs*

Leigh: "I fell asleep a bit during that last episode, so..."


MJ: "Oh did you!?  Oh dear!"

Mark: *Laughs, then sarcastically adds* "Because it's too late for you!?"

Leigh: *Laughing* "Because I was quite comfy and warm!  I've been busy all day!"

Mark : "Oh fair enough."

Shaun: "I suppose it's nice to not be in an airport!"

*Leigh chuckles*

MJ: "That's what I think, every time we watch Doctor Who."

Mark: *Laughs* "It's nice not being in an airport?"

Jason: *To Leigh* "Do you want coffee or tea?"

Leigh: "Oh caffeinated coffee!  I need it to keep me awake!"

MJ: "And there's four more of these!"

Shaun: "Let's have a lovely nap!"

MJ: *Back to the story* "I like how they seemed to wrap up quite a lot there, so...."

Jason: "What have they wrapped up?  There's an evil pod being taken to civilisation!  It's the beginning!"

Mark: "They've killed off one pod.  They've killed off ALL the Beards and Non-Beards."

Jason: "ALL the Beards?"

Mark: "Yeah."

Jason: "In the WHOLE world?!"

Mark: "Yeah.  Well, in the Antarctic anyway."

Jason: "They don't know The Master's not got a beard at the moment."

Mark: "What you don't realise is that The Master has disguised himself as a grandfather clock - which is what you can hear in the background all the time!"

Jason: "I am also convinced that THAT time-bomb noise was just a modulated version of the clock!"

*Mark laughs*

MJ: "Anyway - Part Three will be next!"

Photo 3: At Jason's house. 
Panic stations!  MJ, Jason (with the DVD case)
Mark (with the sign) and Leigh.


MJ: "End of Part Three.  Scorbie-Scorbie-Doo.  And Sarah Jane's probably going to be attacked by the Krynoid pod as it's opening slowly - like a green, gunky, vagina-thing."

Shaun: *Smiling* "But, far more importantly, I, and I'm sure Leigh agrees, have gone from thinking: 'The main bad guy is sh*t'.  To him putting on his own experimental dance music concert and now loving him completely!!"


MJ: "And what was the music played on?  Wasn't it on plants?  Something weird."

Jason: "No it was FOR plants."

Mark: "On dials."

MJ: "Oh, FOR plants - yeah.  It was weird."

Shaun: "It was to help them grow."

Mark: *Smiling* "He's the best bad guy for AGES!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "He is a VERY good bad guy because of that whole thing!  That, and the three hour tour around his house!"

Mark: "I liked it."

*Jason says something garbled*

Shaun: "Jason has just said, for the transcript, that the last couple of bad guys were good.  Because we had Frankenstein and before that an Egyptian God!"

Mark: "But not THAT guy!" *Laughs*

Shaun: "But, yeah, they didn't put on their own concerts!!" *Laughs*
Mark: "No!"

*Leigh chuckles*

MJ: "And also he (the main villain Harrison Chase) still hasn't taken off his gloves, which makes me think he's got...."

Leigh: "A hand!"

Shaun: "Leigh, what's he got under there?!"

Leigh: "Green fingers!"

*Episode Four has started and is playing in the background*

MJ: "Oh The Doctor's jumped through the roof!  Fantastic.  And he's punched, err -"

Shaun: "- Boycie!"

MJ: "Part Four..."

Photo 4: At Jason's house. 
Shaun, Jason (with the DVD case)
A blurry Mark (with the sign) & Leigh.


MJ: "Gripping stuff!!  Sarah Jane is menaced by a massive, erm - "

Leigh: "- Blancmange!" *He and Mark laugh*

MJ: "Green blancmange going 'Blub-blub-blub-blub-blub' at them!  Which reminded me of Camille from the comedy show Red Dwarf.  So.... yeah that was good.  There was an old woman there, pretending she was batty!  She probably was."

*Mark laughs*

Jason: "No, she was good.  She played her part well."

MJ: "I keep thinking they are going to bring UNIT in - they keep mentioning it!"

Jason: "- What are THEY going to do!??"

MJ: "Die?!"

Jason: "That guy had a gun pointed right at the thing and it didn't do anything!"

Leigh: *Laughing* "UNIT would bring out a bigger gun!"

Shaun: "Yeah!"

Leigh: "We know they've got one!"

Jason: *Smiling* "They'd miss completely - shoot each other!" *Leigh laughs*

Shaun: "And they've got a mortar (gun)!  They could bring the mortar!"

Mark: "They need more plant fodder.  So they'd be fine and they'd just get away."

Jason: "What kills plants?"

Shaun: "Weed killer."

Leigh: "Mortars."


Shaun: "Acids."

Jason: "Yeah they've already used the time bomb."

Mark: "Me.  I've killed LOTS of plants.  I'm not good at keeping them."

Jason: "Is that the cliff-hanger?!  They just DON'T water them!?"


Mark: *Laughing* "Yeah they just don't water it!"

Shaun: "Just one UNIT soldier at the end with a small watering can going 'NO, don't chance it - no!!'"

Jason: "Part Five is him not watering it."

Mark: "And he drowns himself as well." *Laughs*

Shaun: *Laughing* "Yeah, course he does!"

MJ: "The butler got a bit too animated for me.  I wanted him to go:" *Puts on posh butler voice* "Sir, the plant appears to be killing people now, Sir.  Shall I get your larger smoking jacket?"

Leigh: *Laughing*  "Ahhh you found something!" (I guess I had tried the joke before and floundered with words!)


ark: "Well done!"

MJ: *Laughing*  "I did!  I couldn't think of anything before."

Shaun: "Ahhh a good run up to that, MJ!"

*Big laughter*

MJ: "And even then I'm not entirely happy....  I reckon the visual effects designer, Richard Conway, did a fine job!....  It's on the screen!" *Leigh laughs* "I went to Conway - there's a Castle there."

Jason: "Castle Conway?"

MJ: "Conway Castle we call it." *Leigh laughs* "It's in Wales."

Jason: "Never been there."

MJ: "What, to Wales?  At all??!  Wow!"

Jason: *Laughing* "I'm sorry!"

MJ: "I'm pretending excitement."

Jason: "There's lots of places I've not been!  I've not been to, err, Aberystwyth."

MJ & Leigh: "That's in Wales?!"

Jason: *Smiling* "I know!  But I'm going to name lots of Welsh places now!"

Leigh *Laughing* "Erm, Cardiff?  You ever been to Cardiff?"

Jason: "No!"

Leigh: "Swansea?!"

Jason: *Laughing* "Never been to Swansea - never been to Llandudno."

MJ: "Have you ever been to me?!" *Singing* "'I've been to Paradise' - is it? - 'But I've never been to me!' - as the old song goes."

Jason: "What does that mean!?"

MJ: "I dunno!  Stupid!  That's why I never bought it!  I wanted to spite it"

Jason: "Okay Google: What does this song mean?!" *Sneering* "I've never been to ME!  Oh, apparently 'Me' is in Cardiff!"

Leigh *Laughing* "Oh, you've never been there!"

MJ: *To recording device* "I think I'll be cutting out all this." (But I didn't!  What comedy gold this is....!)

Jason: "No, never been to Wales - never been to Ireland either!"

Leigh: "I'm going to wee!"

MJ & Jason: *Singing* "But I've never been to wee!"

MJ: "Okay that's that..."

Photo 5: At Jason's house. 
Shaun, Jason (closed-eyed with the DVD case)
Mark (with the sign) & Leigh.


MJ: "End of Part Five and a massive plant is over the mansion, going to terrorise them!  Plants are taking over!  And we've had UNIT - well, one UNIT - A UNIT person!" *MJ and Mark laugh*

Shaun: "We've had two UNITs!  We've had the UNIT in charge and then the UNIT soldier!"

Jason: "Major Beresford!"

Mark: "Yes."

Jason: "And Sergeant Henderson!" (either he is great at remembering the names....or he is reading the end credits!)

*Leigh laughs*

Mark: There you go."

MJ: "Which I've NEVER heard of before!"

Leigh: *Laughing* "Did you see Hargreaves real name??!"

MJ: "No?"

Leigh: "It was Seymour Green!!" (See more green)

*Huge laughter*

MJ: "Fantastic!  And he was a bit ineffective - he was like:" *Puts on flat voice* "Should I do this then, Doctor? Alright..." *Laughter* "I wonder if he was a stunt man that they said 'Right, we've only got a couple of lines, we're going to let you say it'!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "Yeah he got time enough to basically say 'This is a new special weed destroyer.... We've run out of it now!'." *Mark laughs* "'I'll just plod off to my death then'!"

MJ: *Laughing and puts on Dick Van Dyke 'Cockney' accent* "Mary Poppins!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "Mary Poppins!"

MJ: "So there we go!  Onto the last part!  Let's see Spiny Norman -"

Shaun: "- PLANTY Norman!"

MJ: "Planty Norman!" *Laughs*

Shaun: *Deep voice* "DINSDALE!!"

MJ: "Dinsdale!  Part Six!"

Photo 6: At Jason's house. 
MJ points to Jason (with the DVD case).


MJ: "And that was the end of Seeds Of Doooooooom!  And they (The Doctor and Sarah Jane) ended up back in Antarctica thinking it was a holiday destination! And had a weird, erm..."

Shaun: "- A weird kind of laughy ending!"

MJ: "Yeah!"

Mark: "I thought it was going to pan around a be like a giant tentacle!"

Shaun: "Yeah!!  And then have 'The End - question mark'!"

Mark: "Yeah, yeah."

*Leigh laughs*

MJ: "So UNIT appeared - with nobody we recognised!  And destroyed it (the massive mutated plant) with stock footage of planes - hooray!" *Mark laughs* "And destroyed the house - another old house destroyed.  But this time by missiles!"

Mark: "It's only a model."

MJ: "Shhh!"


Jason: "Err - I think it had an interesting bad guy."

Mark: "I really liked the bad guy, he was really good."

MJ: "So yes, was that okay for you Jay?" *Laughs* "Oh you've seen it before haven't you!?"

Jason: "I've seen it before but I'd forgotten a lot of it.  Erm, it was alright.  I've seen better."

Shaun: "But you've definitely seen worse!"

Mark: "I really liked that one."

MJ: "Yeah!"

Mark: "It was good."

Jason: *High voiced* "It was alright - yes."

Mark: "It was enjoyable nonsense."

Shaun: *To Leigh* "Are you making some kind of toy?!"

MJ: "Leigh's playing with crisps."

Leigh: "You can slot them all together and make something vaguely phallic."

*Shaun and Mark laugh

ason: "I liked 'Boycie' (Scorbie!) he had good character development!"

Shaun: "He was very good!"

MJ: "Yes."

Jason: "A horrible henchman man - killing everyone!  And then he turned into a bad man that wanted to kill everyone, but with -"

Shaun: *Husky London accent* "- A heart of gold!"

Jason: "- but he did have a hard childhood and he's always struggled.  So, you know."

*Leigh sniggers*

Shaun: "And he's been in war zones!"

Jason: "He what?"

Shaun: "He's been in war zones - that was mentioned."

Jason: "Oh yeah but he was created in war - he BRINGS the war!"

Shaun: "No, he's a soldier of fortune!"

Mark: *Laughs* "He 'brings' the war!?"

MJ: "'Bringer of war'?"

Shaun: "He's not 'The Bringer Of War'!"

MJ: "That's Mars!  Everyone knows that!" *Leigh laughs

Shaun: "The Bringer Of War and Chocolate!"

MJ: "And everybody knows: Badger loves mashed potato!"

Jason: *Laughing* "That's true!  How many times does THAT get into conversation!?"

MJ: "Oh sh*t that's true we have!"

Jason: "What else was good about the story?  Err, I liked the tentacle action!  I liked Beardy Bloke!  I liked the fact that people wouldn't do things because it wasn't their speciality!  'I can't do that!  I'm a Zoologist!  Not a Botonist - are you crazy!!?'"

MJ: "Never the twain shall meet!"

Jason: "He wasn't in it."

MJ: "Sindon?  Or Windsor?" (Donald Sindon & Windsor Davies were regulars in the nineteen eighties sitcom Never The Twain)

Shaun: "Peter Bowles!" (Shaun has sitcom actor tourettes! Peter Bowles was not in Never The Twain!)

Jason: "He had henchman - in Never The Twain."

MJ: "Oh yes he did!"

Jason: "He had Ringo!"

Shaun: *Laughing* "Slowwwwly drifting from the topic in hand!"

Jason: "I remember he was called Ringo as it was like the crisps!"

Shaun: "Who's going to give this a score - and an overall summary!?"

Jason: "It's not bad.  I'm going to give that a seven point nine!"

Shaun: "Out of?!" *MJ laughs* "Just to be clear!" *MJ and Mark laugh*

Jason: "How many Rells do we want?" *Shaun laughs*

MJ: "So seven point nine?"

Jason: "Yeah, 'cos I don't know what I gave the Bronson/Egyptian one, but -"

Shaun: "- That's irrelevant!!"

Jason: "Well, no!  'Cos if I randomly did it every week and they don't compare...  they have to compare!" (Oops!  I think mine are random!  I always forget what I have scored things!)

MJ: "So people liked villain?  With the big collar?"

Mark: "Yeah."

Jason: "He was definitely a villain."

Shaun: "Once he started playing his own music - YES!" *Laughter*  "I enjoyed him very much!"

Jason: "I did hope they were going to turn that against him at the end and they would play a DIFFERENT music to kill him with."
Shaun: "That's what I was expecting!"

MJ: "Ahhh!"

Jason: "Don't introduce a music organ without -"

Mark: "- Just do that for NO reason!  That's even better!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "Yeah!  It needed a musical interlude.  The episode was running short!"

Jason: "'Cos there was a moment where they brought in an old woman - it was weird to use her once and then not use her again!  But they used the house."

MJ: "The old woman."

Jason: "The old woman was good!  New companion, I say!"

*Mark laughs*

MJ: "Yes she should have been - she was under-used."

Jason: "And she smoked a lot."

MJ: "She DID!"

Jason: "You don't see that on TV anymore."

MJ: "Have we seen people smoking in Doctor Who before?!"

Shaun: "Yeah."

MJ: "I suppose we must have."

Jason: "Only bad guys, I imagine."

Shaun: "Mostly bad guys."

MJ: "Not old women!"

Jason: "You don't see that many old women!"

MJ: *Laughs* "Course we have!"

Mark: "We may have seen some stressed-out scientists smoking."

Jason: "We have seen old women - mind you we haven't seen that many WOMEN to be fair!"

*Leigh chuckles*

MJ: "We saw Sarah Jane - which Leigh was happy about!  As always..."

Shaun: "Mark, Leigh - scores and thoughts!"

Leigh: "I thought that was very good!  I'm going to give it an eight."

Mark: "Erm, yeah I'm going to give it a nine - I enjoyed that.  It was fun."

MJ: "Oh wow!  That is good!  I'm going to also go eight as well."

Jason: "My mark is affected by coming home from work and having to put up with this!"


Shaun: "And I'm going to give it, errr, I'm going to give it an eight!"

MJ: "Yes it seemed to be a good one!  I think I will happily watch that again."

Shaun: "It could have cut an episode, as usual, but there you go!"

Mark: "It didn't seem too bad for a six parter?!"

Shaun: "Not a WHOLE episode.  But, of the whole thing, half and hour could have been cut."

Mark: "Yeah, mostly."

Shaun: "As a whole piece."

Mark: *Laughing* "That could be said of ANY Doctor Who!"

MJ: "I thought the bad guys were good.  I enjoyed the main one with his music -"

Shaun: "-Chase!"

MJ: "- I liked 'Boycie' he was good as well."

Jason: "I did LIKE it, I dunno.  I kind of phased out by the end of it!"

MJ: "Well, you've had a long day."

Shaun: "The Book!!"

Jason: "I'm finding the page!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "Find the page faster!!"

MJ: "I wonder if it's the last time we see UNIT - until, of course, The Five Doctors?" (well it's 'Of course' to me as the others probably don't know the ins and outs as much as me!)

Shaun: "Well I'm sure The Book will tell us The Book knows all!" *Whispers* "Worship The Book!"

Jason: "Do you want to know what The Book says then?"

Leigh: "Yeah!!"

MJ: "I'm trying to look up the writer Robert Banks Stewart as I think he wrote Bergerac!" *Laughs*

Jason: "Robert Banks Stewart also wrote.... Never The Twain!"

MJ: *Laughs* "No he never!"

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'An insane botanist steals a flesh eating Krynoid pod in a bid to wipe out animal kind...  Chase's stately home was Athelhampton House in Dorset, while the icy wastes of Antarctica were filmed in a quarry in Buckland, Surrey.  BBC Television Centre stood in for the World Ecology Bureau- '"

Leigh: *Smiling* "- We didn't spot that!!"

Shaun: "Yeah we definitely didn't spot that!!"

Mark: "We didn't spot that at all...."

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'The Krynoid in its early stages was a reused Axon costume from The Claws Of Axos painted green.'"

*Leigh chuckles*

MJ: Ahhhh yeah!  They are similar!  I can totally see that now!"

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'Verdict: Remorselessly violent, this is one of the series' most accomplished dramas.  Tony Beckley is wonderful, while his sidekick Scorby undergoes genuine character development.  Keeler's Krynoid transformation is almost unwatchable and the final gigantic monster is remarkably effective.'" *Slams The Book shut* "- out of ten!!"


Shaun: "Very good!"

Jason: "Ten out of ten!"

MJ: "Ten??"

Shaun: "Really?!"

MJ: "Wow!  I feel we should have upped our scores!"

Jason: "Join us next time for Masque Of The Mandragora!"

MJ: "Oh I've got to buy that!  I've never seen that one either!  We're getting to some I've never seen!  Okay well join us next time, which could be next year they way we are going about it!  It's good as I've got lots to write up!"

Shaun: "You've only got one behind haven't you?!"

MJ: "Bye!"

Jason: "Bye!!"

MJ: "Bye!" *Laughs*

Photo 7: At Jason's house. 
Mark's a happy camper (with the sign)!


Well Shaun says I am only one behind - but that was AGES ago!  As of late 
March 2018 I am three behind!  All this seed stuff seems a distant memory!!  Shere, again, are the scores:

Shaun: 8
MJ: 8
Jason: 7.9
Leigh: 8
Mark: 9

Which gave us an average 8.18 
of out of 10. So quite a high score for this.
I think having Boycie from Only Fools And Horses helped.  Doesn't it always? 

Well, unless the show is The Green Green Grass!

Okay next time join us for a story that is also a new story to me!

Until then I shall return, yes, I shall return...

MJ - 28/03/2018

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