Tuesday 1 August 2017


Friday 30th June 2017

Once more our group were too busy for a Sunday so we gathered around Jason's on a Friday night for Terror Of The Zygons!  A story I hadn't seen!  Plus I had only just gotten hold of the DVD a little while before!  AnyhowI was running late, so started the recording as soon as I entered Jason's house....


Jason: *Opening his front door* "Hello!"

MJ: "So here we are at Jason's!" *Laughs* "Here we are at Jason's - I'm late tonight so... straight away with the recording!"

Leigh: "You forgot to get dressed!" (a reference to me wearing shorts!)

Mark: "Have you been recording all the way here?"

MJ: "Yeah, all the way!  I've hit three people - but two of them were old, so it's fine... "
Jason: "I can't wait for the typing up of this!"

Shaun: "That's right, as long as it's not, like, twenty minutes of recording that he has to type up already!"

MJ: "I'm going to stop this - I was only joking."

Shaun: "No, NO!  MJ, I have IMPORTANT Doctor Who things to say!!"

MJ: *Laughing* "You ALWAYS say that!  No.....!"

Shaun: "And it's ALWAYS important!"

MJ: "Impotent.  So how are we all?"

Mark: "I'm okay."

Leigh: "Fine."

Shaun: "Alright."

MJ: *Bringing out DVD* "This time no download!  Look!" *Brings out new DVD still sealed in it's cellophane* "Ooo virginity!" *Laughs*

*Jason does a strange laugh*

MJ: "I didn't know Nien Numb (from Star Wars Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi) had walked in the room." *MJ hands Mark an envelope containing a specially made (by MJ) birthday card* "Here we go Marky!"

Mark: "Oh thank you!"

MJ: *Laughs* "Sorry it's late but... I'm not, because it's awesome!" *Mark giggles at the card* "For those Planet Of The Apes fans, MJ has made a card themed around the Statue of Liberty ending to that film."

*Mark turns the card around to see a BIG photo of Jon Pertwee pulling a face - Jason laughs*

Mark: *Laughing* "On my FAVOURITE Doctor...." (As you know, that was FAR from the truth!)

MJ: *Laughing* "That's what I thought!  And, as we were on about him the other week - 'cos he died, I have put a photo of Bodger & Badger on there as a tribute!  Okay, so we are around Jason's - it's Friday night.  Doctor Who Nights!  Jason likes hosting Doctor Who Nights - it makes him feel sexier!" *Jason growls*

Shaun: "That's just because I have sex him when you guys go home!"

MJ: "And.... we're going to watch Terror Of The Zygons - which I've never seen before.  And Jason's just taken it's virginity.  So there you go and he's putting it in now."

Jason: "Two discs - are you going to narrate everything I do?! 'Jason's BENDING over'!"

MJ: "He's putting it in now.  Jason's not getting me a drink...  Pause."

*Recording gets paused then resumed*

MJ: "Sorry, we're just talking about NEW Doctor Who.  Thing is, in our group, we have watched ALL of Alpha Centuri's appearances in order!" *He/She had appeared in a recent episode called Empress Of Mars - voiced by the same actress!*  So that's very nice!" *Laughter* "I imagine if we hadn't have started this, and he/she came up on screen, you'd have thought: 'What the Hell is that great big penis with an eye doing?!'" *Laughs* "But now you know!!  AND it's the same woman voicing it!" *Puts on high pitched voice* "Oh hello there Doctor!!" *Laughing*

Shaun: "Kismet Something?"

MJ: "No, no.  Ysanne Churchman.  And as soon as it appeared at the end I thought 'I've GOT to go on Facebook and see if Leigh say that... and there was his comment 'It's only f**king Alpha Centuri!!'" *Laughs*

Jason: "I'm glad I watched it before I went on Facebook!  I like not knowing stuff."

MJ: "Yes, when the voice came over, and the screen was like fuzzy and you couldn't see it, I was like: 'Hang about...  I'm SURE I know THAT!'" *Laughs*  "I thought 'Leigh!!!  Oh no, it's not Leigh - it's Alpha Centuri'!!!" *Laughter*

Shaun: "I was delighted that this week's Master had a rubber mask. (in the episode World Enough And Time) That was the BEST thing!"

MJ: "Ohhh, that was excellent!  Such an old-school thing!"

Mark: *To Shaun* "I knew you'd love that."

Shaun: *Grinning* "I was overjoyed!" *Mark chuckles*

MJ: "I mean how long into the episode did you realise that THAT was John Simm?"

Mark: "Within seconds."

Shaun: "I didn't!"

Mark: "Did you not?"

Shaun: "No."

Mark: "Oh I recognised him quite early on."

Jason: "Quite early, for me, because I knew he was in it!  No but he did something quite early on and I thought 'That's like John Simm would do that joke or act'!"

Shaun: "No, right to the reveal - and I was delighted!"

MJ: "I knew all the way along but then I did in a lot of the old ones!"

Shaun: "I thought he was going to be the blue guy!"

MJ: "Ohh okay."

Mark: "No, it threw me for ages because he played that character the same as a character in Babylon 5.  Took me ages to work out what that was!" *Shaun laughs*

*Some Babylon 5 chat follows in which Leigh agrees with Mark*

MJ: "Anyway I'll pause whilst we watch Part One..."


Photo 1: At Jason's house. 
Jason, Mark (with the DVD case),
(with the sign) & Leigh.

MJ: "There we go - we just had Part One and Sarah being attacked by a Zygon.  So we assume... but we know."

Shaun: "Yeah but we KNOW it's a Zygon."

MJ: *Reading end credits* "The Caber?

rk: "He was The Caber?"

MJ: "Yeah!"

Jason: *Reading end credits* "Oh it was a Zygon - his name was Keith!"

*Leigh laughs*

Shaun: "Keith The Zygon!"

Leigh: "I think you'll find it was Keith Ashley - two first names!"


MJ: "Well that's because the writer, Robert Stewart Banks, has got two - well sometimes THREE - surnames!  Yeah it's often 'Roberts' but sometimes it's 'Robert' - anyway that's boring!"

Shaun: "Banks isn't a first name!"

Leigh: "No!"

MJ: "No, SURNAMES!  He's got three surnames I'm saying!"

Jason: "What about Banksy?!"

Leigh: "That's just a mononym!"

MJ: "A nom de plume!"

Jason: "Anyway, Part Two everybody!!"

MJ: "Yes Part Two - we didn't say too much about that but never mind!"



Photo 2: At Jason's house. 
Jason, Mark (with the DVD case),
Leigh (pulling a great face) & MJ
(with the sign).

MJ: *Singing* "DOCTOR WHOOOOO!!" *Normal voice* "End of Part Two and The Doctor is being menaced by the Skarasen!  Which is a giant, like, dinosaur thing."

Mark: "It's the Loch Ness Monster!"

Shaun: "How do you know it's called the Skarasen?!"

MJ: "Skarasen."

Shaun: "The Scouser?"

Jason: *Scouser impression* "Eh-eh-eh!" 

*Leigh chuckles*

MJ: "Because they said it on there.  They said 'Send the Skarasen out' - or something."

Shaun: "Was that in the whispers (of the Zygons)?"

MJ: "Yaah."

Shaun: "Oh I'm not listening to those!  Whispering annoys me!"

Leigh: "So what, the monster's Mr. Garrison from South Park?"


MJ: *Does Cartman impression from South Park* "Yes Mr. Garrison - screw you monster!"

Shaun: "This one's quite good so far."

MJ: "Yes, even though it's got your most hated thing: the whispering!"

Shaun: "I DO dislike the whispering."

Jason: "And Elisabeth Sladen."

Leigh: *Grumpily* "Oh yeah.  There's no getting away with that for YEARS!"

Mark: "It's been enjoyably absent from my most hated things."

Shaun: "Jon Pertwee!"

Mark: "Yes!"

MJ: "Is it good to see the Brig back again?"

Leigh: "Yeah."

Shaun: "Me and Jason both think that some of the Zygons look like f**ked-up Dr. Seuss characters!" *Laughs*

Mark: "Yes.  I can agree with that."

MJ: "Yeah..."

Leigh: "I can see where you are going with the nose and the chin - yeah."

Jason: "I don't know about 'F**ked up'...  Just Dr. Seuss characters."

Shaun: *Smiling* "They don't look like normal ones!!"

Leigh: "It was going to be called 'Doctor Who & The Whos'."

*Shaun laughs*

Mark: "The entire Zygon plan is to steal Christmas..."

*Shaun & MJ laugh*

Shaun: "I'm really pleased that that big monster is as crap as it is!  Because the Zygons look pretty good."

MJ: "They DO actually."

Shaun: *Smiling* "So I'd be disappointed if there wasn't something really crap in it as well!  It kind of balances it out nicely!"

MJ: "Well that's good so far.  And Harry was taken over - no he wasn't - he was duplicated."

Shaun: "Zygon replicated."

MJ: "And you could tell he was, because he was evil with a pitchfork and wanted to kill Sarah but then -"

Shaun: *To Jason* "- Have you murdered your gerbils??!"

Jason: "They died!"

Shaun: "They died 'cos you murdered them!"

Jason: "They died six months apart!"

MJ: "By the way, Readers at home, 'murdered your gerbils' is slang!" *Laughter* "But I'm not going to tell you what for!  So anyway I was just thinking, the first Zygons I ever saw have been in the new series."

Shaun: "Yes."

MJ: "So I have no knowledge of them - well I'd seen the photos."

Shaun: "To be fair they actually looked WORSE in the new ones.  They looked more like jam-monsters in the new one!" *Laughs* "With a couple of hula-hoops kind of dropped in there." *Leigh chuckles* "These ones: they look pretty good!"

MJ: "Mmmm, jam-monsters!  That's good." *Sniggers* "I don't know if I like UNIT in camouflage gear.  It makes them look like regular army guys.  I mean it looks GOOD but I don't know if I like them."
Shaun: "They've worn camo before haven't they?"

Mark: "I don't think so."

Jason: "Yes they have!"

Shaun: "Oh you need to get a screen-shot of Leigh's awesome joke of a UNIT soldier dying from putting up a tent!" *Laughter* "'Cos that was really, really funny!"

MJ: *Smiling* "Putting up a tent.... I can't remember that now!"

Leigh: *Laughs* "No, it happened MINUTES ago now...."

Shaun: "The one that died on the moors, that was killed by the big monster, they laid tarpaulin over him so it looked like he died from just putting up a tent!!" *Laughs*

MJ: *Laughs* "Ahhh - we never actually so how the monster killed him."

Shaun: "I'm assuming it stood on him."

MJ: "I hope, when it did, it went:" *Makes raspberry noise* "'It's...' - actually we had a bit of that at the beginning, with the guy running and panting through the moors.  That was a bit of an 'It's' moment.!"

Jason: "He was just there.  Being a caber." *MJ laughs*

Shaun: "Yes! 'The Caber'!"

Jason: "Why do they call him 'The Caber'!"

MJ: *To the tune of Electric Six's song Gay Bar* "YOU!  I want to take you to a CA-BER!" *MJ and Jason laugh*

Shaun: "WHAT!!??"
Jason: "Wow!  I haven't heard that in a long while..."

*Leigh chuckles*

Mark: "It's because he's always tossing.  So they just called him 'Caber'..."

MJ: "Ahhh yes!  That's very good, Mark!  That'll go in!" (And it did!)


Shaun: *Laughing* "Yes his slightly bad, wanking-related pun goes in - but the long twenty minute, Zyonist rant gets cut-out as always!!"


Leigh: *Puts on deep-voice - I assume it is me!* "That's very funny!  And when I write it up that will be ME that said that!"


MJ: *Laughing* "Said MJ!"


Jason: *Bringing us back to Doctor Who* "It's alright isn't it?"

MJ: "Yeah, yeah.  We was just saying we're quite enjoying it and Shaun was quite happy that there was some bad monsters."

Shaun: "Yeah!  There are some GOOD monsters and a BAD monster!  I'm really happy with that."

Jason: "What do you mean by good monsters?"

Shaun: "Monsters that look good."

Jason: "Oh, LOOK good?"

Shaun: "Yeah - I'd take one out for a date!" *Laughter* "That's my thing!  Don't judge me!"

MJ: "But that was the thing about the Zygons - there's no POINT in replicating humans and THEN acting creepily sinister and out of character!"

Shaun: "Yeah, they don't replicate their mind-templates!  Just their form and voice!"

MJ: "'Shall we be this nice nurse?' 'Yeah, but let's make her creepy and sinister'!" *Laughs*

Mark: "Nobody will notice - she is Scottish!" *Laughs*

Jason: "But that's the mood they're in when they're in the booth thing!"

Shaun: "They're an invading force!  Not a group of interplanetary actors!  You're being WAY too harsh on them!" *Leigh & Mark laughs*

Jason: *Looking at my recording device which is on the time of "12.45"* "Ohh, I've missed one two three four!  I'm upset."

MJ: "Awww."

Shaun: *Singing the old Sesame Street pinball counting song* "Five, six, seven eight nine ten - eleven twelve!"

*We all join in with the 'Do-do-do-dooo' part!*

Jason: *To MJ* "Put THAT in!"

MJ: "And with that... we're on to Part Three!"

*Mark chuckles*


Photo 3: At Jason's house. 
Jason, Mark (with the DVD case),
(with the sign) & Leigh.

MJ: "Oh so the Zygons have taken-off (in their space-ship) out of Loch Ness on really rubbish blue-screen - which is like Wordy from Look & Read." (An old 1980's Childrens' TV show to help kids with reading and writing!)

Mark: "That was alright!!?"

MJ: "And I thought 'That was a strange cliff-hanger' but then as the boys pointed out: The Zygons have The Doctor!  So he's in the space-ship" *Reading end credits* "Edwina Craze" *To Jason* "Do you remember that Edwina Craze?  Oh, you didn't see her name!  Sorry."

Jason: "I saw her name - in the previous episode." (Funnily enough Production Assistant Edwina Craze was also married to Michael Craze - aka Second Doctor companion Ben!)

MJ: "That's all I've got to say about that!  Part Four!"


Photo 4: At Jason's house. 
Jason, Mark, Leigh
& MJ
(with the sign).

MJ: *Grand announcing voice* "That WAS Terror Of The Zygons!  Nineteen seventy-five, where they had a female Prime Minister!  We were discussing that and we reckon, Maggie (Margaret Thatcher) had just become leader of The Conservatives - so in a couple of years time she would be ACTUAL Prime Minister!  So, they were very prescient!  And they also knew that there was a real Loch Ness Monster!" *Laughs* "And real sucker-aliens!" *Leigh chuckles* "So that was good.  Yes, the Skarasen was under control by the Zygons!  So it had always been there?..."

Shaun: "It was unclear."

Jason: "I didn't really pick up on that."

Shaun: "It presumably wasn't mechanised originally."

MJ: "No."

Shaun: "But they did say it was kind of cyborg."

MJ: "Right, right.  So there you go.  What did you think of Terror Of The Zygons?"

*Jason laughs*

Shaun: "Pretty good!"

MJ: "Yes!"

Jason: *Slowly* "I-thought-it-was-ok-ay-frank-ly.  It-was-good!"

*Leigh laughs*

MJ: "Thank-you-Ja-son!"

Jason: "Errr yeah.  S'alright!"

Leigh: "I thought it good.  I liked the Zygons.  The Zygons were good - "

Shaun: "-Yeah."

Leigh: "- the costumes were very good."

Shaun: "Yep!"

Jason: "I liked the whispering!"

MJ: "Oh yes, Shaun wouldn't like the whispering!"

Shaun: "I'm cool with the whispering."

Jason: "I liked the fondling of the controls - that was good."

Shaun: "Yes, yes that was weird!"

MJ: "It was like they were groping meat!"

Shaun: "Vaguely sexual!"

Leigh: "But at least the controls were DIFFERENT!  Rather than when, like, the Daleks have human controls.  And you think, like, 'Well how do they use any of them'?!"

Shaun: "Yeah."

MJ: "Well, they usually have things on balls - which they put their sucker over.  But, yeah, you are right at least it was different.  There was a lot of thought that went into that Zygon spaceship as well -"

Shaun: "- Except the door!  As Leigh pointed out!" *Laughs*

Jason: "That was a good shape for a door!"

Shaun: "But the weird thing is, that the outside didn't match the inside.  Which I would have preferred."

MJ: "No, it didn't?  It was quite organic on the inside and on the outside it was metallic and blocky."

Shaun: "It was like when we had that deflated whoopie cushion," *Jason laughs* "with the golden aliens in it."

MJ: "Oh yeah-yeah! I was thinking of the Axons!"

Shaun: "That all looked quite organic."

MJ: "It did, yes.  And THAT had quite nice interiors as well.  You had it looking all weird, like that Zygon ship did.  That was good."

Leigh: "But that had Pigbin Josh so I think everything was overshadowed by that!"


Shaun: "Right... yeah..."

MJ: "It did.  This one - well the only thing it had was a VERY Scottish man, with a ginger beard and a fierce look!"

Shaun: *Smiling* "I enjoyed him looking INTENSELY shifty! THAT was really funny!"

MJ: "He was very, very, erm..."

Shaun: "That's how I want to enter and exit every room now!"
Jason: "And I bet you will!" *Jason then leaves room and comes back in a Caber did in the show - we all laugh*

MJ: "For the readers at home, Jason went out the door -"

Jason: "- Like a Caber!"

MJ: "- Looking evil!  Yes, his name was 'Caber' - but it wasn't!  It was his nickname!"

Mark: "Yeah."

MJ: "Because he was solid wood.  Giggerty."

Mark: "And you couldn't pronounce his actual name."

Jason: "Which was:" *Makes phlegmy noises*

MJ: *Laughing* "He's not Welsh!"

Mark: "Because he was a Klingon - apparently!"

Jason: "Now I can't pronounce it either." *Leigh & Mark laugh* "Yes. We never established his hertitage!"

MJ: "We didn't!"

Mark: "He WAS a bit Klingon-y, to be fair.  Stick a pasty on his head."

*Shaun laughs*

MJ: "Of course, the Skarensen was very dodgy looking but I think we were all cool with that. "
Shaun: "I am one hundred percent cool with that."

Jason: "I thought it was reasonable!  I could believe that exists."

MJ: "Yeah."

Shaun: "I could not!  It looked really crap - especially when it kept varying in sizes as they often do at the end.  I loved that!  That was great!"

Jason: "I've seen dodgier looking things than that on the programme."

MJ: "And on blue-screen, it was." 

Mark: "I thought it was as convincing as all the pictures of Nessie, so..."


 Jason: "I thought it was as convincing as Sarah Jane in THAT corridor."


 Mark: "That was a REAL cave!"

MJ: "Do you know what I like?  It's completely not on Doctor who, but I like that video footage of Big Foot - or whatever - from America, and it's just a man in a cotume walking through a hill like normal.  Totally unconvincing!"

Shaun: "Err Jeff, we can see your watch!"


MJ: "I know it's got nothing to do with this but it just came into my head!"

Shaun: "Yeah, and I was referencing The Simpsons - which is another show."

MJ: "Yayyy!"

Jason: "You mean there are other shows??!"

Shaun: "Yes!"

Jason: "You've been watching something else?!"

MJ: "Yeah we're going to have an off-shoot group where we watch The Simpsons from the beginning!" *Leigh chuckles* "AND it's going to be from the Tracy Ullman days!!"

*MJ & Mark laugh*

Jason: "By the way, RSM - Regimental Sergeant Major - "

Shaun: "Yayyy!"

MJ: "That's what Sergeant Benton now is."

Jason: "- Is the highest rank you can be as a soldier."

MJ: "Oh wow.  Well done Benton!"

Shaun: "So they called him 'Mister'?"

Jason: "Yes, you become Mister again."

Shaun: "Oh okay."

Jason: "All Commonwealth nations have them.  FACT."

MJ: "I think we're going to have UNIT again - well I KNOW we definitely are -"

Jason: *Smiling* "- No!  They're never seen again!"

MJ: "But I mean, I think, Tom Baker has another story."

Jason: "They had a big camping incident and couldn't get away."


MJ: "Which is good - but Harry left at the end!  He said he was staying and wasn't going with The Doctor and Sarah?  What do you feel about that?  Are you sorry to see Harry go?"

Mark: "I kind of forget, each time we go to watch these, that Harry was in it!"


Shaun: "Harry, Harry is absolutely fine but he's not memorable."

MJ: "No.  He's got some good lines.  He's quite amusing and he's got witty one-liners and things."

Mark: "Yeah."

Jason: "What, like 'I can't help THAT guy'?" *Which Harry says after finding a dead body*

*MJ laughs*

Shaun: "Yeah! 'Nothing I can do for him!  Anyone for chips'??!'"

MJ: "That's right!  I forgot that!  Right at the end after the Zygon had killed some people he was like 'Well I can't help him'."

Shaun: *Laughing* "He killed a UNIT guy and that is the best thing!  'Cos The Doctor was getting the Zygon to stand-still and then one UNIT guy comes from behind some boxes - where he COULDN'T have been because the boxes were against the wall and they came in the door on the other side of the room - but a UNIT soldier HAD TO DIE IN THE FINALE!!  There, that's CRAP!!" *Smiling*

*Mark chuckles*

Jason: "Was that the guy called: 'Soldier'?"


Shaun: "I think so, yeah."

MJ: "It could have been?  And also we saw the destruction of some boxes which is always good to see that - since The War Machines were the experts at it." 

Shaun: "I like that The Doctor finally offered The Brigadier to come with him in the TARDIS."

MJ: "Yes he did!  Yeah at the end."

Shaun: "And the pimp!  We all enjoyed the pimp!"

MJ: *Laughing* "That was the Scottish Lord man - Laird."

Jason: "What did The Brigadier say at the end?  Did he say 'I'd rather go to the pub' or something?"

MJ: "I don't think he did - I don't know what he said I missed that bit."

Shaun: "Basically he said: 'No.  That's far too silly.  TOO SILLY!  TOO SILLY, move it along!"


MJ: "So hopefully - well I don't know if we'll see Harry again or not?" *To Jason* "I don't want to know - so don't read it!"

Jason: "Well, I don't know."

Shaun: "Well, if it says it in The Book that THAT is the end of Harry, then read it!  'Cos I want to know!"

MJ: "Oh okay!"

Jason: "I'll read what The Book says."

MJ: "Okay scores!"

Jason: "Scores, on the doors!  Miss Dawes.... George Dawes...  Seven!"

Mark: "I'm going to go seven as well."

MJ: "Yeah me too.  I was thinking eight but then I was like 'Hmm I don't know'."

Jason: "It wasn't great but it was pretty alright."

Shaun: *Smiling* "No!  We have discussed this on many occasions!  You don't get to say 'It wasn't great - it was alright' and THEN give it a seven!"

Mark: "That should be a five for that."

Shaun: "It should be a rock solid five if that's your thoughts on it."

Jason: "No, but it was BETTER than an average - which is five."

Mark: "I'm going to give it a seven - I liked it."

Jason: "I HATED IT!  TWELVE!!"

Shaun: *Laughing* "I was going to give it a fair and equitable seven."

MJ: "Seven as well?"

Leigh: "I'm not!  I'm going to break the mold and give it an eight point five!"

MJ: "Wow!!"

Leigh: "I liked it!"

Shaun: "You've destroyed the curve!!"

MJ: "That's because it tugged at his Scottish heritage!" *Leigh laughs* "The Clan Morris!  I think, with repeat viewing, I would enjoy the story even more!"

Shaun: *Laughing* "I would like to mention Harry had a completely unnecessary diva-change between being in Scotland and wearing his sailor outfit again when showing up at the Zygon ship site!"

Mark: "Yes."

MJ: "Yeah!  That's right, yeah."

Shaun: *Laughing* "Which was completely pointless!  I don't know why they did it!"

Jason: "It was so you wondered if he was evil!"

MJ: "So what does The Book say, Jason?!"

Jason: "The Book says: Pyramids Of Mars!  No:" *Reading from The Book* "Terror Of The Zygons - four parts'. Oh hang on?  Broton was the bad buy wasn't he?"

Shaun: "Yeah he was the main one.  The one that turned into the Lord."

Jason: "Okay.  So did John Woodnutt play him when he was in the cosutume as well?"

Shaun: "Errrrrrrr......"

Jason: "'Cos it says 'Duke/Broton, so that would make sense.  Anyway.."

Mark: "Does he NATURALLY look like a Dr. Seuss character?..."


MJ: *Singing to Doctor Who theme* "Doctor Seuss..."

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'The Doctor discovers the Loch Ness Monster is no myth...' He was myth-taken!"

J: "Haharrrrrrr!  That's very good!"

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'Charlton and Climping Beach, West Sussex were chosen to represent the Scottish Highlands.' You didn't know that, did you?"

MJ: *Surprised* "No!"

Jason: "You thought it was in Scotland!" 

MJ: "I did think that - yeah."

Shaun: "Wait, wait, wait!  Hang on?  Just going back to it - why was it destroying the oil platforms at the beginning?"

Mark: "Because it was in the way!"

Jason: "Because it was a Doctor Who story and you always get someone whose business is being affected and -"

Mark: "BUSINESS!  BUSINESS!!" *Laughs*

Shaun: "'Cos there was that energy thing at the end, which I thought was all going to tie-in, and that was going to take over the world?"

Jason: "Yeah, no.  You're expecting plot, aren't you!?" *Laughs*

Shaun: "I've just realised NONE of that made any sense!"

Leigh: "No, no it did.  Right, the oil platforms were being destroyed a) as a test of the Skarasen's power and b) because they were in the way of him getting out from Loch Ness - from The Devils' Punchbowl (another Loch connected to Loch Ness via an underground river)."

Mark: "Yeah."

Jason: "You REALLY paid attention to this episode!"

MJ: "Right."

Shaun: "Were they?"

Mark: "Yeah, that was the who thing - they were in the way of it."

Jason: "This is the MOST you've ever paid attention to an episode!!"

MJ: "I know!  I wasn't even paying THAT much attention!!"

Shaun: "Right okay!  Well I retract my confusion and re-instate my full seven!"

*Leigh chuckles*

Jason: "Anyway back to the book!" *Reading from The Book* "'Some shots of the Skaresen were achieved with stop-motion animation'."

Mark & Leigh: "Yes!"

MJ: "Yes, I saw that!"

Shaun: "I mean some of it is a puppet."

Jason: "Nope.  Some of it was real!" *Reading from The Book* "'The three Zygon costumes -' *Shaun cheers* '- made by James Acheson and John Friedlander -'"

MJ: "- Oh yeah, him again!"

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'- were based on human embyos.' - which I almost read as 'eyebrows'!"

MJ: "Oh?"

Shaun: "Again, with hula-hoops for...." (can't make out what he says!)

Mark: "So they were based on human embryos, which they had NEVER SEEN!" *Laughs*

MJ: "Clearly!!"

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'Verdict: Creepy, dark and Scottish'" *Laughter* "'- this is a terrific tale that sadly falls to bits when it goes south of the border.' Ahh - very clever that. 'Eight out of ten'." *Slams book closed*

Leigh: "I was closest!"

Shaun: "I really enjoyed the closing of The Book when you said the score!  Can you do that every time now?"

Jason: "I will do it deliberatley so MJ can't hear the scores!  Eight -"
Slams book closed* "out of ten!"

MJ: "Noooo!  So anyway, join us next time for......?"

Jason: "Oh, I've taken the boomark out!  I know it's two serials away from the other one I said."

Leigh: "Pyramids Of Mars." 

Jason: "Yeah that's two serials away.  This is between this and that."

Shaun: "Is this the one with The Master in it!??"

MJ: "No."

Shaun: "Is The Master in the Mars one!??"

Jason: "No!!!  But it does have Bronson!"

MJ: "Yes!"

Jason: "Charles Bronson!" *Laughs*

MJ: "Mr. Bronson from Grange Hill." (The old kids TV drama set in a school!)

Jason: "Yes."

Shaun: "I care much less."

Jason: "And a mummy!"

Shaun: "Oh, I quite like a mummy."

Jason: "Not this mummy - it's a sh*t mummy!" *Leigh laughs* "It's a very square mummy!"

Leigh: *Laughing* "A square mummy!?  What?!"

MJ: "They are quite blocky."

Jason: "You know like in Tomb Raider? (The computer game - not the film)  The FIRST Tomb Raider type mummy, where it's all like pixels - "

MJ: *High voice* "- What's the next story, Jason!?" 
Jason: *High voice* "I'll tell you what the next story is!  It's the -" *Gruff voice* "Planet Of Evil!"

MJ: "Oh Planet Of Evil - yep!"

Jason: "Or Scottish.  We're not sure."

MJ: "Yep, that story I've got.  And there's definitely no Harry in it, so..."

Jason: "Don't say that!  There MIGHT be Harry!"

Leigh: "And the bad guys in this one are 'The Evils'!  Erm,
'The Evils' were developed to replace the Daleks..."


Jason: "I'll give you the opening line (about the story from The Book) -"

Mark: "- You CAN'T read out the next description!"

Shaun: "What is WRONG with you, Jason!!??"

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'On Zeta Minor...' and that's all I'm saying!"

Shaun: "I didn't even hear that."

"'On Zeta Minor...' 

MJ: "I think they were on Eurovision in 1982..." *Laughs*

Mark: *Laughing* "Zeta Minor!"

Jason: *Reading from The Book* "'On Zeta Minor, a Morestran expedition is menaced by an energy force from a black pit.  Dot, dot, dot...'"

Leigh: "Brad Pitt?!"

MJ: "Brad Pitt?!"

Mark: "Yes, it's from Brad Pitt."

Jason: "Sorry, 'Brad Pitt'." *Slams The Book shut*
*Mark chuckles*

MJ: "And with THAT slam... dunk the funk..."

Mark: "Hold on, have we made it half an hour yet?"

MJ: "No."

Shaun: *Smiling* "We have Doctor Who things to say!!!"

Mark: "Yeah we've got more Doctor Who stuff to say!!!"

*Leigh laughs*

Jason: "We've got three and a half minutes to go!"

Shaun: "Quickly we must talk more about Terror of The Zygons!"

MJ: *Smiling* "No!  That's the end of it!  Bye!"

Photo 5: At Jason's house. 
All smiles as we finish another tale!
, Mark
(with the DVD case),
Leigh & MJ
(with the sign).


And that was indeed the end of it.  No more 'Zygons', no more 'Terror'.  Maybe an iota of 'Of'.  And 'The' can go flip itself whilst I show the scores again:

MJ: 7
Jason: 7
Leigh: 8.5
Mark: 7

Which gave us an average 7.3 of out of 10.  

Well I have another story to write up then I will be up to date.
But that won't happen!

So until then I shall return, yes, I shall return...
MJ - 01/08/2017

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