Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Sunday 26th January 2014

So we ploughed on unto our second tale or derring-do!  The first encounter with the Daleks!
This time we met up around Jim's house, this time at the slightly earlier of 1pm seen as we had a seven part serial to get through!

So after the usual greetings, tea AND a guide book (or THE Guide Book as we shall refer to it!) to all Doctor Who stories (barring some of the recent series) that Jason had brought round to show us (which confirmed what we said about the previous serial (it's a bit pants after episode 1!) we sat down to watch the first Doctor's encounter with his oldest enemy....

This time there were no cock-ups with wrong episodes etc, just some heavy duty watching, stopping, cigarettes (for those that like that sort of thing), tea and banter.
I think, although mainly enjoyable, the overall story was probably a couple of episodes too long.  There did seem a lot of padding out when there really didn't need to be.
It would have made an excellent 4 or 5 parter but then again I suppose they weren't originally shown all together.  So any slowness would have been forgotten by the following week.
I think we all agreed that the Daleks were excellent: devious, cunning and very mean indeed!  Plus it's always nice to have a cliff hanger of someone being menaced by a plunger!
The Doctor was also fun!  Mischievous, grumpy and rather petulant - the other TARDIS travellers didn't want to stay in such a horrid place and wanted to make the Doctor take them away.
The Doctor seems to love danger and wanted to stay - but rather than over-ruling them he sneakily broke a TARDIS part, on purpose, just so he could have his own way and explore the planet!

Photo 1: Jim, Leigh
 (kneeling), Mark and Jason
posing around Jim's house with the DVD cover and obligatory sign.

Photo 2: Jim, Leigh (kneeling), Mark and Michael
posing around Jim's house with the DVD cover and obligatory sign.

Anyway, some lovely characters in this - lots of fine stage acTORs - you could just tell by the over-the-top-edness!
Is that a word?  Well it is now....

....and with that I'm signing-off.  We can't meet in 2 weeks time and did talk about next week but that's still up in the air!
So, watch this (time and) space!

I shall return, yes, I shall return....

MJ - 28-01-14

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