Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Sunday 2nd February 2014

So this time the gang met around my house as 1pm but unfortunately we lost a Leigh.  Only the third serial in and we're a man down!

After saying a couple of prayers for our fallen comrade we started with the excellent two parter "The Edge Of Destruction".

Photo 1: Jim, Jason, Michael (holding replacement Leigh) and Mark posing
around Michael's house with The Edge Of Destruction DVD cover and obligatory sign.

Not much to say except that we actually all seemed to enjoy it - it was quite creepy and there was some real paranoid and creepy acting!

Photo 2: Jim, Jason, Michael (holding replacement Leigh) and Mark posing
around Michael's house with The Edge Of Destruction DVD cover and obligatory sign
I added this second photo to show our dog, Yana, trying to get some Mark-loving!

Jim said of it:
" Very surprised they did a one-set story with just the four of them.  At first I thought "lack of budget" but I like to think it was a brave move by the writers.
Susan's overacting reached crescendo-point though!  Put the scissors down!!"

Good points there though I do actually believe they made this episode DUE to lack of budget!

Then the real challenge came for us as we came face to face with the first serial with missing episodes - in fact "Marco Polo" has NONE of it's 7 episodes left!
Still some bright sparks have put together the originally soundtrack (taped off the TV onto audio tape back in the 1960s!) with still photographs (taken off-screen).

Photo 3: Jim, Jason, Michael (holding replacement Leigh) and Mark
posing around Michael's house with Marco Polo mock-up DVD cover and obligatory sign
- it's a bit blurry but hey-ho!

So we watched the first four episodes and everyone seemed to find them watchable enough - which pleased me as there are a lot of cracking stories that don't exist any more!
So this is an excellent way to see them all.  I think the only episode that was hard to watch was the one where Susan gets caught in the sandstorm - it's hard to hear what's going on!

So that was that.  Oh and Leigh missed some yummy cheesecake!

Anyhow we'll be back again in 2 weeks!  Until then I shall return, yes, I shall return....

MJ - 04-20-14
Extra.... Monday 5th May 2014 - Leigh's Catch Up!

So I'd stayed over the nights at Leigh's (separate beds of course!) after a heavy night's drinking and suggested it might be a nice time to watch this two-part story that Leigh had missed before!

Photo 4: MJ and Leigh around Leigh's house for the Edge Of Destruction Catch-up!

Photo 5: MJ and Leigh around Leigh's house for the Edge Of Destruction Catch-up!
Not a too bad shot for a selfie!

Photo 6: Mr. Leigh around his house for the Edge Of Destruction Catch-up!
Note the sign - I'd made it for another meet-up (which hadn't happened)
so had to biro in the new date!

I enjoyed watching it again (such an odd serial) and I think Leigh liked it as well!  Also I felt that Leigh might be missing Susan (seen as she'd left in the serial we had watched the day before...!)

I ask you, what better way is there to spend a hungover morning!?!

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