Thursday, 9 January 2014

I have no idea how to write a blog but I'm writing a test now!

I have been a fan of the sci-fi show Doctor Who ever since I was a little chap.
I started watching the show at the back end of Tom Baker's tenure and back then I only ever watched the current stuff.  So when it ended in 1989 I pretty much forgot about it (barring the Children in Need special "Dimensions In Time" in 1993 & the Paul McGann TV Movie in 1996).

That was until a few years ago when I'd just started going out with my then girlfriend (now wife) Siobhan who cautiously told me that Doctor Who was back on that Saturday, if I wanted to watch it.  I leapt at the chance as it was the first I'd heard of it coming back!

It was brilliant, funny, fast-paced, exciting and I loved the new series.  After a while I started to think back fondly about the old series and thought it would be nice to dip my toe into the old series.  So I started by getting the first Doctor Who DVD - "The Five Doctors Special Edition" (Special features included "Chapter Selection" & "Music Only Option"!).

I enjoyed it more than I should have and decided to start buying more DVDs - including the earlier Doctors stuff that I'd never seen as a child...

This brings me to 2014 - the year after the 50th anniversary - and I get to finally start to achieve a long-held ambition.  To watch every POSSIBLE episode of Doctor Who from the start until now.  This will take years and I don't want to do this alone.

I didn't want it to be a massive group (as there would be more chance of clashes of availability etc) just a core gang of four.  I mused the idea to my friend Mark Bullock and he thought it a good idea and we thought it's be nice to have with us my best friend (Jason Smith) along with another fine friend Leigh Morris.

Also four members meant I could have the great group name of:

"The Four Whores-men of the Apologetic-nature's Doctor Who Marathon Group!"

And then my friend Jim Willisher mentioned that he would like to join us - I did invite him ages ago but thought he said no!  Anyway, as I liked the pun I decided to change the name to:

"The Four Whores-men of the Apologetic-nature's Doctor Who Marathon Group -

& Jim!"

Above: Us as the first TARDIS TEAM!Leigh (Ian Chesterton), Me (The First Doctor),
Mark (Barbara Wright) & Jason (Susan "Foreman")!

So here we go - Sunday 12th January 2014 will be the start date around Jason's.  I shall try and keep this up to date and add photos as and when.  I'll also post about what we're doing about the missing episodes - we might have separate meet-ups to watch recons of these.

Anyhow that's it for now - I shall post more after our first meet-up.

All my best
MJ FOULDES - 09-01-2014

UPDATE (7th August 2015): Jim bowed out of the group after watching ALL the First Doctor stories with us.  It was a shame to drop the "AND JIM" part of the name so we did keep it a while, hoping he would re-join us.  Sadly as we approach the 2nd Doctor's final season this hasn't happened.

However all is not sad - our friend Shaun Clark joined us on our quest, on 20th July 2014, to watch the story "The Crusade".  Since then he has stuck with us - and has watched ALL the previous stories that he didn't watch with the group (including re-cons).  He's a trooper!


  1. Awesome! I can't remember if Jim said he'd start from the beginning with you or if he'd join later on?

  2. Jim Willisher apparently will join us as well, which will be very awesome!

    Now I've had to change the name to: "The Four Whores-men of the Apologetic-nature's Dr Who Marathon Group - & Jim." I like the "& Jim" addition!

  3. Love the new picture, lol!!!

  4. Thanks Shanabanana! Me too! :D
