Saturday, 9 July 2016


Saturday 30th April 2016

Hello there!  Well for the latest meet-up we were struggling to find a Sunday when we could all meet and so we met up on a Saturday - minus a Mark who was at the sea side!  Oh that pesky boy!  Anyhow meeting up at Shaun's we decided to try and get through this six parter (which I'd never seen before and it was a recent purchase) quite quickly as our local pub was hosting a beer festival and we were desperate to get along to THAT!!  Here's what happened before the drinking....


MJ: *Half-heartedly* "Yayyyyy.....errr....." *Laugh* "Here we are at Shaun's - we have no Mark because he's rubbish!"
Shaun: "I have attempted to make Leigh a perfect cup of tea!"
Leigh: *Laughing* "Oh it does look a better colour than usual!"
MJ: "It does!"

Shaun: "I deliberately did Leigh's first so I have time to make ANOTHER one if it doesn't pass his high standards!!"
*Leigh laughs*
MJ: "Ooo we're getting decent tea!"
Shaun: "Which I think is fair enough as I don't drink tea!  Coffee - now I could KILL you with coffee!  Mostly because I put four MASSIVE spoonfuls in!"
Leigh: "It's good tea."
Shaun: "I can do coffee."
MJ: "I don't WANT to be killed by coffee!  So, yes, we're at Shaun's, obviously.  We have a Jason, we have a Leigh, we have a cat and a me and Shaun!  That's it!  And we're going to watch this 'Colonoscopy in Space', which I've never seen.  In fact I let Shaun take my DVD's viriginity by taking off the cellophane wrapper!"
Shaun: "I do REALLY like unwrapping things!  It gives you a weird kind of joy!"
MJ: "Chick-a-bow-wow!  As I believe they say in Italy...  And if they don't, why not!!?  So we've got a beer festival to go to after this and we really want to get through them and, erm, helpfully enough there's SIX episodes!"
*Leigh makes a moany 'Nurr' cow-like noise and MJ joins in* 
Jason: "We could just read what happens!"
Leigh: "Yeah do you just wanna read what happens and then go to the pub??!"
Jason: "Aww cat."
Leigh: "I watched, erm, 'Galaxy Quest' this morning and it's got my favourite line."
Jason: "What's that then?"
Leigh: "It's just after some battle or something, Alan Rickman wanders off and someone says 'Where are you going?' and he replies 'To see if there's a pub!'"

MJ: " 'By Grabthors hammer!!'  Hah - awww!  Don't make me sad again by reminding me of Alan Rickman's death!"
Shaun: *As if reading from 'The Book'* "Alan Rickman was in seven episodes of Doctor Who - "*Laughter*Leigh: *As if reading from 'The Book'* "Only two Alan Rickman were made!"
*BIG Laughter*
MJ: "He played Second Codpiece along with Baldrick."
Shaun: *Pouring out snacks* "Cheesy puffs!  I've been paying attention.  I've noticed that people seem to like the cheesy snack - therefore I got cheesy snacks."
Jason: "I'm not a big fan myself, but I'll eat them."
MJ: "You don't like a cheesy puff?!"

Shaun: "But that's why I also got Pringles!!  For the non-cheesy-puff-loving-friend!"
Jason: "So you got CHEESY Pringles!"
Leigh: "Or as I like to call them: 'Chingles'!"

Shaun: "I had - and MJ will probably appreciate this more than anyone - I had ten minutes of fun earlier because my Grandmother needed a new knife and I asked her what she did with it.  And she said 'Cut the cheese'.  So I just got ten minutes of her saying 'Cut the cheese' in various hilarious situations!  She didn't know that was a euphemism for 'farting'!"
Leigh: "I didn't know that!"
MJ: "I didn't now that was a euphemism for farting either!!"

Jason: "I DID know that from (90's US Sitcom) 'Roseanne' because they said it on there."
Shaun: "Oh really?"
Jason: "And they never said 'Farting' once and I had to work out what it meant!"
*Shaun Laughs* "So, as a kid, I learnt 'Cut the cheese' from 'Roseanne'!"
Leigh: "I didn't know 'Netflix and chilling' means sex?"
MJ: "Mmm."

Shaun: "Netflix and CHILL."
Leigh: "I didn't KNOW that!"
Shaun: "Come on Leigh!  Get down with the kids!  It's 'Netflix and Chill', Man!"

MJ: "I used it in a poem I wrote a little while ago because I'd heard that.  'Cos me and Jason were talking about it and I said 'Have you heard of this?'"
Jason: "I invited you around!"

MJ: "Hah!  I found out the hard way!!"
Leigh: "Quite literally the hard way!  Right, press 'Play'!  This isn't getting us to the pub quicker, talking about 'Netflix and Chill'!"

MJ: "So, Episode One..."

Photo 1: At Shaun's house - Leigh (holding the sign),
Shaun (holding the list of beers from our local beer festival!)
& Jason (with the DVD case).


MJ: "So that was the end of Episode Two and The Doctor's being menaced by a giant...claw...handed..."
Leigh: "Robot."
MJ: "Robot."

Shaun: "With unnecessary claws added to it!!"
MJ: "It did."
Shaun: "It already HAD claws - the giant puppet hands!"

MJ: "Well it's very good - they (The Doctor and Jo) are on a planet that they want to mine.  They've found some other people on there who also want to mine - but they're evil!"
Shaun: "But the weird thing is that they're not just on a planet!  The Time Lords took control of The Doctor's ship, for an urgent duty involving The Master, and dumped him here on a planet with no hint of the rest of it yet!"

Jason: "Yeah."
Leigh: "Plus how can anything be urgent if you're a Time Lord??!"
Shaun: "That's a good point!"
MJ: "Mmm."
Jason: "Because, oh because it is."
: " 'Because, oh because it is'??!" *Laughs*
Jason: "If you don't like it join the Doctor Who forums!"
*Leigh laughs*

Jason: "There are rules you know!"
MJ: " 'There's somebody on the planet in the 21st Century - you've got to be there now!'

'Why?  Can't I do it NOW next week?'' 
*Leigh laughs*
Shaun: "To be fair, even in the newer series, they have a false sense of urgency when he can just f**k off back in time to just five minutes before all the problems started and go 'Oh I've just fixed it!'!"
Leigh: "You see this is why I don't like things about time travel!  They hurt my head."
Shaun: "That's why it's nice when they say they can't cross their own time-stream so it still doesn't negate the fact that unless he was there five minutes earlier he could have solved all the problems!"
Jason: "Right.  In the new series - " *Leigh laughs* "- they have the mobile phone and people in, say - well Rose's Mum can phone Rose.  Even though she's in a completely different time zone."
Shaun: "Yes."
Jason: "So there is some continuity between the two people wherever they are.  So we're working on the same basis as that - and that is why."

Shaun: "Is that canon?"
Jason: "I dunno, I just made it up!"

Shaun: "I was going to say it's quite clever!  Well today we got one of my favourite lines from Doctor Who, ever:
'What are you, some kind of Scientist?'
Doctor: 'I'm ALL kind of Scientists!!' "

Shaun: "I like that very much!"
MJ: "I do to!  Excellent, well I've not much to say about it so far, so I shall - "
Jason: "- I like the fact that Jo was hesitant to go to another planet and she didn't believe it, she thought The Doctor was just some weird man who talked about his travels in space and time....and then it was true!"
MJ: "And it WAS true!  He IS a time traveller.  And, erm, it's nice to see that they're doing a story without The Master in it.  So that's good..."
Leigh: "I KNOW The Master is going to be in it and the Lumpy-Face Man."
MJ: "Ah yes they are on the cover of the DVD!"
Jason: "Oh I didn't know that!  You've ruined it for me now!"
MJ: "Jason didn't know."
Leigh: Well he didn't look at the front of the DVD box then did he?!"

Jason: "No!  And, when MJ posts the picture of the DVD cover in the group, I don't look at THAT!"
Shaun: "So have we got on your recording yet the amazing thing that was:
a) The Bigunana -"
MJ: "- Oh yes!  There was a Big Iguana that attacked them!  Or didn't."

Shaun: "And b) 'Oh we've scanned the planet for signs of life and there are only bees and insects.  Oh, here's my friend - this weird alien!' "
MJ: "Oh yeah!  Yeah just randomly there's this green alien that turns up and we're like 'Oh, okay!'.  Yeah 'Birds and insects...oh and him!'  Hah!  'And all his friends!  And the colony of them - AND the giant iguana!' Stock footage of a giant iguana....on a plane!"
Shaun: "Well so far this has been pretty dodgy."
MJ: "Well I'm quite enjoying it!  I don't know what it's all about - although it is stopping me going to a beer festival!  To test out the finest beers known to humanity!"
Shaun: "I did enjoy the unnecessary big plastic claws on the, already, dangerous killer robot!"

Jason: "They ARE necessary, 'cos you can destroy those and then the evidence would be gone.  'Cos they'll go 'No!  My machine's claws don't match up with the claw marks!' "
MJ: "Yeah 'cos they are, like, metal underneath, but these claws are joke-shop Halloween costume ones - like massive gloves!"

Shaun: "Like Mickey Mouse glves or something."
Jason: "If I break into someone's house, I will wear clown shoes so they go 'Well this man's feet are 2 feet long!"
Shaun: "You've got that on record - if there are ANY clown-related robberies, it's Jason!"

Leigh: "He was always going to be my first suspect."
Jason: "And the BEST thing about clown-related robberies is that you can fit loads in the car!"
MJ: "You can!"
Leigh: "A car that falls apart every time you drive off!"
Shaun: *Laughing* "I was just going to say 'You've been fingered', but I think that might come across wrong!" 
Shaun: "So in this story we've got Gail from 'Coranation Street'."
MJ: "We have."
Shaun: "And, who was the character?  Roy?"
MJ: "Yup, Roy from
'Eastenders' is in it.  Roy Evans - Barry's dad."

Leigh: "A distinct lack of U.N.I.T. which can only be a good thing!"
MJ: "Yeah the Brigadier was in the first episode - briefly.  Oh yeah and the Time Lords have given the Doctor power back so he can use the TARDIS to sort out some...did they say WHY - The Time Lords - why they needed The Doctor's help?"
Shaun: "Yes they needed him to go and stop The Master."
MJ: "Oh right."
Leigh: "And they needed to make use of Doctor Who 'cos he was on Earth."
Shaun: "Oh yeah!  There's an interesting thing.  There's a big image of The Doctor with something written on the bottom - which is presumably his Gallifreyan name."
MJ: "Ahhh!"
Shaun: "
His name in Gallifreyan - is Gallifreyan the language?"
MJ: "Yes."
Leigh: "Yeah."
Jason: "Yiddish."
MJ: "Hah!" 
Shaun: "See I'm good!  It always annoys me in Superman that it's Kryptonese - it should be Kryptonian!"
Jason: "So the man who goes around killing
Leigh: "Why does the planet have one language?"
Shaun: " 'Cos ALL alien planets have one bloody language in ALL sci-fi!"
*Leigh Laughs* "That's always the thing!" 
Leigh: "Like there's only ever one country!"
Shaun: "Yeah." *Laughs* "Yeah exactly!"
Jason: "So..."
MJ: "A needle pulling thread!"
Jason: "...the guy who goes around killing people - with spanners - presumably he's The Master?  Which is why he went 'WHAT Doctor?'  'Cos he was acting weird to the Doctor's name."

MJ: "Ohh yeah!  He did, didn't he?!"
Jason: "'Cos I noticed him going 'What Doctor?' and I was like 'No it's Doctor WHO not WHAT Doctor!' "
MJ: "Yeah."
Leigh: "What Doctor, is that a spin-off?"
MJ: "So Jason's theory is that the guy who - what's his name?  Spanners?"
Jason: "Spanners McGraw."

MJ: "Spanners McGraw."
Jason: "The weird guy."
MJ: "Jason thinks he could be The Master because he went 'What Doctor?!'  So he wonders if it's HIM in disguise!"
Leigh: "Ohhhhh!"
Shaun: "Which one?"
Leigh: "The one that kills lizards."
Shaun: "Oh right!  The crazy guy from the other camp!"

Jason: "There probably isn't another camp!"
Shaun: "The Master DOES like a fake rubber mask!  We know THAT of him."
MJ: "Yeah."
Shaun: "And it always overjoys me when it happens!  It's like a 'Scooby-Doo' villain!"
Jason: " 'I take my mask off - and my entire body changes!!' "
Shaun: "The best thing is all he needs to do is shoot himself in the head and he would have a different face!!"
MJ: "It's like the first episode (Terror Of The Autons) they shot The Master and they went over and - oh!  It was a rubber mask on him!"
Shaun: "Yep!"

MJ: "Rubber Master Mask."
Leigh: "Available in all good toy shops!"
MJ: "He's got a suitcase with all different masks there.  Some of his own face...  Some of different people's faces..."
*Shaun Laughs*
Leigh: "What's the point of having a mask of your own face!?"
Shaun: *Laughing* "That would be the best, in his last episode they pull off a Rubber Master Mask and it just is HIM underneath it!"
*Leigh Laughs*
MJ: "It's the Doctor!  And then the Doctor pulls it and off and..."
Leigh: "...It was Old Man Smithers!"
MJ: "Hah!  'It was Old Man Smithers'!  No, it was a War Machine!"
Shaun: "As they've now put into canon that The Doctor can, to a degree, choose his face.  And The Master has more control over this...why doesn't The Master look just like The Doctor and f**k his s**t up!"
Leigh: "Well 'cos he never knows what he's going to look like!"
Shaun: "Well he would if he just went 'Oh he looks like that!' *REGENERATING NOISE* 'Ahh I look like HIM now!  Now to go back half an hour and screw up his fun!' "
MJ: "But usually they don't plan a regeneration!  I mean Tom Baker didn't - well, I won't go into that, but -"
Leigh: "- No spoilers!"
MJ: "But William Hartnell didn't plan to go into the Tenth Planet and get sickened by radiation and then fall over - old."
Shaun: "No but there's nothing to say they can't."

MJ: "No."
Jason: "Well we know they can 'cos doo-dah does it-"
MJ: "- 'Doo-dah does it'?"
Jason: "Doo-Dah does it in the future - but we haven't seen it."
MJ: "Camp Town Races?"
Jason: "What's her name?  Rom?  Ro?  What's the other Time Lady called?"
Shaun: "Oh!  The Rani!"
Jason: "No the other one!"
Shaun: "Then I'm lost!"
Jason: "I keep on wanting to say 'Romulus' but it's not 'Romulus'!"

MJ: "Romana!"
Jason: "That's the one!"
MJ: "Ahh yes but I think that might have been a joke thing.  It was written by Douglas Adams, so..."
Jason: "I don't care!  You can't just have it in there and say 'Oh it doesn't matter!' "
Shaun: "The TARDIS is a beautiful woman as per Neil Gaiman and that's still in canon!  It was a very good episode!"
MJ: "Mmm.  That was.  I shall pause it there, before we go into Episode Three."

Photo 2: At Shaun's house -
MJ (holding the list of beers from our local beer festival!),Shaun (holding the sign) & Jason (with the DVD case).


MJ: "So, just watched Episode Three.  It's good!"
Leigh: *Laughing* "Was that worth recording!!?"
MJ: "So the green primitive aliens on the planet have opened up a stone...not much else to say!"


MJ: "End of Episode Four and yayyyyy!  The Master's back!  He played Judy Cator - or something that her name was!"
Shaun: "The Adjudicator!"
MJ: "Yes, Judy Alligator it was!"
Leigh: "Judy The Alligator?"
MJ: "Yes!  And The Master seemed to be quite good and just and stuff.  But then at the end, oh no!  He's changed back into his normal outfit and now he's going to kill The Doctor."

Leigh: "Again."
MJ: "Again.  That was the cliffhanger."

Leigh: "I'll bet he doesn't."
MJ: "I'll bet doesn't."
Shaun: "Yeah he wants something from that old (alien) race."
Leigh: "He wants to enter into an unwise alliance with them!"

Shaun: "Of course!  He had originally planned to enter into an unwise alliance with that giant iguana!"
Leigh: "But it turned out to be fake!"
Shaun: "Now he's just making do!"
MJ: "Making do-do!  Yep.  So that was it, we've seen the little race.  There's a little alien man...primitive...thing - I don't know what it is!  A baby?  From that film that I said earlier - I've forgotten."
Jason: " 'Total Recall'."
Shaun: "All we know is it's kept in a closet to be slowly moved in and out as it's needed.  Seen as it's the only speaky-one!" *Leigh Laughs* "Living above a furnace - there's almost a children's story in that!" *MJ Laughs* "A man who lived in a cupboard, above a furnace."
MJ: "He didn't know what to do..."
Shaun: "Slowly burning to death..."
MJ: "I'm going to the loo..."

Photo 3: At Shaun's house -
Shaun (holding the sign) & a cheeky Jason (with the DVD case).
Both getting photobombed by a tube of Pringles.


MJ: *In an Announcer-type voice* "Miss Grant is trapped in a capsule with gas about to go into it!"
Shaun: "Lethal gas!"
MJ: "Lethal gas which The Master could release at the touch of a button!  Which he was about to do....VERY SLOW-LY!"
Shaun: "Dramatic tension!"
Jason: "Oh I didn't realise that Gail (from 'Coronation Street') was married to Ash!"
Leigh: "No I thought she was the daughter?"
Jason: "I didn't know she was related to him."
Shaun: "She's like twelve in this!"
Jason: "Nooo!"
MJ: "No!  She's older than that!  She's gotta be twenty."
Jason: "I thought you were going to say 'She's old enough!'"
Leigh: "She is old enough for clown porn!"
Jason: "Anyway!  She's going to get gunged."
MJ: "When you say 'going to get gunged' and we're on about clown-porn....!"
MJ: "Ewww.  Haha!  Anyway, the last part!"
Leigh: "What year was this made?"
Shaun: "1971."
Jason: "'72!"
Leigh: "I just wanted to see how old Helen Worth (Gail from 'Coronation Street') was and then work out if she was his daughter or not!"
MJ: "Oh dear!  Is it really WORTH it!!"
Shaun: *Missing the pun* "I think it is!"
MJ: "I just wanted to say that."
Shaun: "Yep, totally missed that!  Sorry!"
Leigh: "Right,she was born in '51."
Shaun: "So she was at least twenty-something then."
MJ: "Yeah she's about twenty-one then."
Leigh: "She's been in 'Coronation Street' since '74."
MJ: "Mmm.  So how old is she now?"
Jason: "Eighty-six."
Leigh: "Born in '51."
Jason: "In 2001 she was fifty."
MJ: "So she's sixty-four-ish?"
Leigh: "Five."
MJ: "Sixty-five- blimey.  Well there you go!  Anyway last episode!"
Shaun: "Are you STILL recording?!"


MJ: "Okay, that was the end - that was good!"
MJ: "Sorry, so they, urm, The Doctor got back with his time travel but I thought the Time Lords said they were only going to give him the power to remember how to use his TARDIS just this once.  Wasn't it?  It was just a one-off thing."
Jason: "Yeah but they'll forget next time."
Shaun: "It's back!  Let's be happy it's back!"
MJ: "Yeah but I know for a fact that it's NOT back!  I know he gets it back on another occasion - fully."
Shaun: "Yeah but they did it for The Master.  And if it's still going to be The Master, it's just going to be on Earth again next week.  The next time The Master's away they'll just shoot him somewhere else."
MJ: "Yay!  So - oh are you all going out for a fag?"
Shaun: "Just going for a quick cigarette, yeah."
MJ: "Well I'll come out and grill people there."
Shaun: "Don't grill people!  that's cannibalism!"
MJ: "Oh yes!  You're right!"
Shaun: "Unless you're going to eat them afterwards!"
MJ: "I'm not going to EAT them!  I'm just going to grill them!"
Shaun: "Well that's a waste."
Jason: "No, THAT'S a waist!" *Points to a waist*
MJ: "Hey!  How do you cook a female monkey?  You Grill-her!"
Leigh: "The robot on the DVD cover looks LOADS scarier than it did in the story!"
MJ: "Oh yeah the thing with the big claws!  Which we didn't really see much of!"
Jason: "Well it did serve it's purpose."
Leigh: *Laughing* "What, as a shit plot device?!  Yes, it did!"
MJ: "How did you feel about that in the end?"
Shaun: "Erm, not great!"
MJ: "Not great?"
Shaun: "To be honest.  I always enjoy - well The Master and The Doctor have such great chemistry and such great banter that it really picked up after that.  Yeah, the aliens looked particularly awful this week.  Erm, they got the silly out the way quite early.  Which was fine - with the Biguana!"
*Leigh chuckles*
MJ: "'The Biguana' yes!  I think I enjoyed it overall, I don't have any qualms."
Shaun: "But the green men were just really, really terrible."
MJ: "Well they weren't in it that much were they?"
Shaun: "They were quite central."
MJ: "The main protagonists were the other humans -"
Leigh: "- The Mining Company."
MJ: "The Mining Company seem to be the real villains - the aliens were just..."
Leigh: "Superfluous."
MJ: "Yeah."
Jason: "No, they were needed!"
Leigh: "They needed to be there to have a super weapon."
MJ: "Yes."
Jason: "Yeah."
Leigh: "Well, then, no they didn't!  There could have just been NO alien race and the super weapon just left behind."
MJ: "Yeah, just left behind!"
Jason: "And birds."
Leigh: "Birds and insects!"
Jason: "It was alright.  I quite liked s**t going on.  Lot's of different people going 'Err!' "
Leigh: "It could have been two episodes though."
Jason: "I liked the filing cabinets."
Shaun: "Caldwell was good."
MJ: "Yes."
Shaun: "I liked Caldwell."
Leigh: "You see if there wasn't the mining company, there wasn't the colonists and there wasn't the aliens... it could have been just The Master going to a planet to find a super-weapon."
Shaun: "Well, to be fair, it could have still had the aliens.  It could have just been a moral debate between The Doctor and The Master."
MJ: "I did like The Master coming along - you know, they teased us!  I mean we knew he was going to be in it 'cos he's on the DVD menu and on the cover!"
Jason: *whispering* "I didn't know!"
MJ: "But I mean they teased as it went along 'When is he going to appear!?'  Then suddenly this Adjudicator from Earth comes and there he is - dressed up to the nines!"

Leigh: "Like Ming The Merciless."
MJ: *Laughing* "Ming The Merciless - and he was very good!  AND he was a jackanapes!"
Jason: "He was good but he still does stupid stuff."
MJ: "Oh yeah of course he does!  That's the glory of The Master!"

Shaun: "He wasn't betrayed by his allies this time!"
Jason: "He didn't make any allies did he?"
Shaun: "No.  He didn't have a chance.  He tried!"

Leigh: *Laughing* "He shot the only alien he met!  That's how he normally makes alliances - no wonder they all go pear-shaped!"
Leigh: *Putting on voice* " 'Hello' *BANG* 'I'd like to make an alliance with you!  No?' *BANG*"
MJ: "Yes he tries to shoot the little 'Total Recall' alien guy!"
Shaun: "And the gun disappears."
Leigh: "For NO reason that was explained!"
Shaun: "He had telepathic powers!"
MJ: "Yes."
Shaun: "So let's just say he made them THINK the gun had disappeared."
*Leigh laughs incredulously* "It's the only thing that makes sense!!"
Leigh: *Still laughing* "That does NOT make sense!"
MJ: "And the little aliens were like 'Oh now you've come and told us the bomb's bad we've realised the bomb IS bad so we'll just get rid of it then!' "
Shaun: " 'AND destroy our own race!'"
Jason: "I think the disappearing gun was just them saying 'Look, we can do magic tricks too'." *The Doctor had amazed the aliens with a disappearing coin trick*
MJ: "Yeah."
Jason: " 'Coming here with your coin.' "
MJ: "Piff-Paff-poof!"
Leigh: "Well in that case why was the green primitive alien so amazed with a magic trick?"
Jason: "'Cos he thought 'That's really crap.' "
Shaun: "Yeah, he's like 'This passes for entertainment on your world!!?   What is WRONG with you people!!?' "
Jason: "He'd never seen a coin before!"
Shaun: "I hope, when we next see the TARDIS do it's 'Appeary/disappeary' thing, it doesn't just POMP!  Gone.  It didn't do the fade-in!"
MJ: "It did fade slightly but then it just went 'POMP'!  Even though it was making the usual TARDIS noise."

Shaun: "The light at the top still flashed."
MJ: "Yeah, yeah.  So marks out of ten for 'Colony In Space'?"
Shaun: "Ohhhh....four point three one nine two one two seven."
MJ: Oh dear you're not very happy with that at all."
Jason: "I didn't think it was a bad story - I thought it was alright."
Shaun: "I didn't think it was particularly bad.  It was a bit below average."
Jason: "I dunno, I feel that about them all."
MJ: "I'll give it a six from me, I think."
Shaun: "That is low for you."

Leigh: "I'd also give it a six.  I think it was silly and fun but the plot made no sense!"
MJ: "Yeah.  Jason?"
Jason: "I'll go six point five."
MJ: "Okay."
Jason: "Nine two!"
Shaun: "Yayyyyy!!"
MJ: "Okay, that's what WE thought - "
Jason: "- What do YOU think Mark!?"
MJ: *Puts on sort of Mark confused-type voice* "Urm, yeah?"
Shaun: *Put on strange non-Mark voice* " 'I'm on the beach with my wife!!  We're having a proper day!' Not going to a beer festival, are you?  You prick!  Yeah, we win!"
MJ: "I SHOULD put the audio of this up!"
MJ: "Where's The Book then?"
Jason: "Oh."
Shaun: "Yeah come on Jason, whip it out!"
MJ: "And The Book!  F-narr, F-noodle."
Jason: "And a receipt."
Shaun: "You buy a new copy of the book for every time?!  THAT is dedication!"
Jason: "A receipt for pizza, chicken strips, samosa, bagels - New York bagels!"
MJ: "READ!!  I want go and drink beer!"
*Leigh laughs*
Jason: "Alright!  I'm getting there!  Have we read 'Terror of the Autons'?"
Shaun: "Yes, we discussed it at length earlier!"
Jason: "Have we done 'Claws Of Axos'?"
Leigh: "That was last time!"
Jason: "Ooo!  Next week we get a fancy letter!"
MJ: "Have we done 'An Unearthly Child'!?" *Laughter*
*Jason flicks through the book - finds the page and makes a raspberry noise*
Leigh: "Jason's just remembered he can't read!"
Shaun: "No, no.  They've just written *raspberry noise*!"
*Leigh laughs*
Shaun: "It's really weird."
Jason: *Reading* " '1971.  Colonists fight against a ruthless mining company on a barren planet.' "
Leigh: "Filmed in a quarry, in Surrey..."
Jason: *Reading* " ' A china CLAY quarry near St. Austell, Cornwall supplied the locations' - I've been there.  Not to the quarry." *Reading* " 'The story marked the first interplanetary TARDIS voyage since 'The War Games' and the last use of the photographic blow-up interior wall.'" *Leigh laughs* " 'As seen in the very first story.'"
MJ: "Awww."
Jason: "They pointed out ''We're in colour now - we've got better resolution!' "
*Leigh laughs*
Jason: *Reading* " 'An intelligent morality play, saddled with dreary sets and locations.  If you persevere there are many fine moments.' - such as that background - 'six out of ten.' "
MJ: *Surprised* "Oh!  It agreed with me then!  Thank you Book.  Thook."
Shaun: "And Leigh!  And Jason - within a point five nine two seven margin."
MJ: "Well there we go pop-pickers!  Join us next time!" *Starts singing old BBC Radio 1 top forty chart countdown music* "where the next episode will be....I don't know!  Probably 'The Dæmons'?"
Leigh: "The what?"
MJ: " 'The Dæmons'?"
Leigh: "'The Demons'?"
MJ: "Maybe it's that next?"
Jason: "Yeah 'The Dæmons' - it's got that weird 'a-e' thing in it."
Shaun: "mons...Albarn?"
MJ: "Which I like as a story - five-parter.  Think Hammer Horror, cult Devil-worshiping sort of thing."
Leigh: "Right."
MJ: "Set in a village."
Shaun: "Led by The Master who is in league with The Devil this week!"
Jason: "He needs God to come in and help him!"
Shaun: "Then he needs the Doctor to stop Satan!"
Leigh: "Who'd have thought making an alliance with Satan would be a bad idea!?"

MJ: "Yayyyy!  Right I'm going to go and have beer!"

Photo 4: At Shaun's house -
MJ (holding the list of beers from our local beer festival!),& Shaun (holding the sign).


Well that was fun wasn't it!?  Well behind on these write-ups now!  We've already SEEN the next story AND (as I write this) we'll be watching the following one tomorrow!

Anyhow the scores went like this:

Leigh: 6
Shaun: 4.3192127
MJ: 6
Jason: 6.592

Which means average scores for this one were 5.72780318 out of 10!  So average all in all.  I wonder what Mark would make of it!  He needs a catch up!

Anyhow that's it - better scoot!  So until next time I shall return, yes i shall return... 

MJ - 09/07/2016

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