Hey hang the gang was all here! Today we gathered around my house to watch the four-part "Claws Of Axos". It was just the original line-up of chaps, which was nice, and we ploughed through this gold-shiny-alien-filled-four-parter quite quickly!
I was also happy as we finally had the appearance of Pigbin Josh - of whom I had mentioned to the other guys but they had mocked me thinking I had made up such a person!! Well mock no more! Here's what went down in Groove Town....
MJ: "Yayyyyyyyyy! Here we are at MJ's house. It's the full compliment here of men - Grrr!"
*Laughter* "(and our dog) and we're going to watch 'The Claws Of Axos' and I just wondered IF The Master is going to be in it....and then we've just seen that (on the DVD menu) - "
Mark: "- We already know that The Master's in it."
MJ: "- that he is!"
*Jason and Shaun are looking at a photo of Shaun's phone*
Jason: "That's actually better than I imagined!"
Shaun: "It's pretty awesome, right?!"
MJ: "What is that? I have to see the awesomeness!"
Shaun: "Are you ready?"
MJ: "Yep!"
Shaun: "Are you SURE you're ready??!"
MJ: "I'm even recording me being ready!"
*Shaun slowly turns phone to reveal a photo of our friend Pete Richmond in a Viking outfit!*
MJ: "WOW! Wow, I wish you could see this at home? Perhaps I should put it on the write-up and then more people would read! It's Pete in some sort of Viking/Wrestling costume - I don't know what it is but it's errr... but there's a errr.... well there's certainly wood in this room now!" *Laughter* "Anyway! 'Claws Of Axos'!"
Mark: "Are they big claws?"
MJ: "Errrr, it could be Santa Claws."
Shaun: "No, no it's a Legal Claws!"
Mark: "Oh, okay."
Leigh: "It's not the Axos of Evil!?"
MJ: "Hah! 'Axos of Evil'."
Shaun: *Laughing* "They've started off in an insurance company and The Doctor's basically crashed his TARDIS and he's trying to get a pay-out. But no, then it's all about this one clause!"
Mark: "It's all about bureaucracy and middle-management! So I'm looking forward to this one!"
MJ: "Oh and erm, you may be happy in this one because FINALLY a character, which I told you was in other stories - but then wasn't, is FINALLY in this episode! Think tramps...."
Leigh: *Laughing* "Oh right!"
Shaun: *Laughing* "Oh God! Pigbin Josh!!"
MJ: "Yayyyyyy!!!!"
MJ: "Pigbin Josh finally will be in this one! Sorry for the spoiler but there something to - "
Shaun: "- Glorious appearance!"
MJ: *Laughing* "So Episode One - let's get Pigbinned out of our noggins!!"
Shaun: "Is he an ACTUAL character name?"
MJ: "I'll let you guess!"
Leigh: *Laughing* "Did you REALLY think there was an actor called Pigbin Josh!!?"
Shaun: "It's 70s Doctor Who!! ANYTHING could happen! As long as The Master is the bad guy!"
Mark: "It's the 70s - why would there be a character called that?!"
Shaun: "It's ridiculous!"
Mark: "Anything was possible!"
MJ: "Well his real name was probably Alan Josh or something and then, once, he fell into a pig-bin - whatever THAT is!"
Mark: "It's a bin for pigs!"
MJ: "A bin for pigs. And you know like, erm, people get nicknames for something stupid - you know..."
Leigh: "I did have a claim once, at work for a - well it was on an Oyster Farm - off Mersea - and that had a guy that worked there called 'Stinky Pete'." *Laughter* "He was referred to as 'Stinky Pete' on the website!" *Laughter*
MJ: "It could be one of those ironic names where, you know, where they call short people 'Lofty' and things like that."
Jason: "Not if he's working with oysters though."
MJ: "No, no."
Leigh: "Yeah it was the oysters that gave him the name - and they're not very funny..."
Shaun: *High pitched impression of an oyster (!)* " 'Ha-ha, you're stinky! Ha-ha, you're stinky!' "
*Leigh Laughs*
Leigh: "Ahh no - that's a clam."
Shaun: "Ahh, no you're right."
MJ: "Anyway let's CLAM-up and watch the first episode -"
Shaun: *Laughing* "- Oh Christ!"
MJ: "- of 'The CLAMS of Ax-" *Laughing*
Leigh "- of Axa!"
MJ: "Axa Insurance
MJ: "That's the titles Mark."
Mark: "Yes, I can see that."
MJ: "I always think that shape there (in the titles) looks like Darth Vader's helmet."
Photo 1: At MJ's house - MJ, Shaun (with the DVD case),
Leigh & Mark (holding the sign).
Leigh & Mark (holding the sign).
*Mid-way through a chat*
Shaun: "-kind of suggests who that character was."
Mark: "No! Why's he even got the name!?? Why?!"
MJ: "We finally had Pigbin Josh in it!"
Shaun: "For like FIVE minutes and he just died!!"
Mark: "Less exciting than I expected."
Shaun: "Really confused as to why it warrants the name 'Pigbin Josh' as opposed to 'Homeless Man'!"
Mark: "Yeah - or 'Drunk'."
MJ: "It was probably him who said 'Look, this will be my first, urm, job for Equity. It will be BETTER for my card if I actually had a name!' "
Jason: " 'And some lines as well!' "
MJ: "Yeah, and some lines!"
Jason: *Pigbin impression* "What??!"
*We all do Pigbin impressions - Leigh laughs*
MJ: "The forerunner of Father Jack, clearly!"
Mark: "Yeah!"
MJ: "And shockingly The Master was in it. They went inside the Axon ship and there he was! A prisoner."
Leigh: "Of the claws - of Axion - or whatever it is!"
Mark: "Axos."
MJ: "And they (the aliens) look like Greek statues or something like that."
Shaun: "And of course, already, you can see that most of this could have been avoided -"
Photo 2: At MJ's house - Jason, Shaun (with the DVD case),
Leigh (holding the sign) & Mark.
Leigh (holding the sign) & Mark.
*Mid-way through a chat*
Leigh: "...every time a Spaghetti monster turns up, an episode ends!"
MJ: "So the Doctor, Jo and the American guy - "
Leigh: "- Bill."MJ: "Bill, have been menaced by a Spaghetti Monster -"
Shaun: "- And a farmer!"
MJ: "- and a big wobbly, sheet thing - man in a blanket."
Shaun: "The Thing!"
*Leigh chuckles*
MJ: "The Blob!"
Mark: "Is he actually American? Not the actor."
Jason: *Reading credits* "Oh! I was looking for the actor who played Sir George - but he didn't come up at all!"
Shaun: "No we didn't see Sir George."
Jason: "No, he was in it!"
MJ: "Was he?"
Shaun: "No."
Leigh: "Yes - he was the man in the camel coat in the, urm, alien thing."
Jason: "He was there, because I remember thinking 'I missed him the first time - in the first episode' then I went to see THIS episode to make sure he was was definitely in it - but he's not credited!"
Shaun: "Oh I thought Sir George was the one that Mr. Chin was going to see?"
Leigh: "No, Sir George was the one with the scientist man."
Shaun: "Ohhhhh!"
MJ: "So Chin is the one like Captain Mainwairing (from 'Dad's Army')?"
Shuan: "Yup."
MJ: "Okay - I know who Sir George is now! So how's that all so far? Is it alright?"
Mark: "It's happening, isn't it?"
Leigh: "It's got foam."
MJ: "It HAS got foam!"
Leigh: "It's got Spaghetti Monsters."
Shaun: "To be fair it;s a lot more quick paced than the last few we've watched. I'm not necessarily saying that's a good thing but -"
Mark: "- That's true."
Shaun: "- Certainly it's very pacey."
Mark: "Let's skip straight to the inevitable betrayal of The Master!"
Leigh: "Yeah yeah, I mean there could have been two episodes of build-up to the plan and The Master being betrayed!"
Mark: "Being betrayed, yeah."
Shaun: "There could have been two episodes of Pig-Bin Josh!"
*Leigh Laughs*
MJ: "Now how important WAS Pigbin Josh to what we've seen so far?!"
Shaun: "Not REMOTELY!"
Mark: "I think he was integral, actually."
Leigh: "Yeah! He's more important than the Doctor!"MJ: "I think he's there to add some colour to that world - it's not all about the important things, you know."
Leigh: "I see a spin-off series covering his background."
Shaun: "He's there to pad out the episode."
Leigh: "I mean how did he BECOME Pigbin Josh?!"
Mark: "What was he doing on that beach at the start?"
Leigh: "Yeah."
Mark: "Why wasn't he concerned about sudden snow?"
Leigh: "I know!"
Mark: "Why was he so angry at a bike?"Leigh: "For not working!"
Shaun: "Despite, he already having, a working bike!!?"
MJ: "Yeah." *Does Pigbin Josh impression* "Arrgghh- arrrgh-argggh..BIKE!"
Leigh: "These and other questions NEED to be answered!"
Mark: "I know."
*MJ sings "Piggy-Piggy-Piggy-Piggy" to the Batman TV Theme Tune!*
MJ: "That will be brilliant reading THAT!"
Shaun: "I mean 'Pigbin Josh' has the same syllables as Doctor Who - so you could have just done THAT!"
MJ: *Sings 'Pig-Bin Josh' to 'Doctor Who music'* "You're right actually!"
Leigh: "More importantly Pigbin Josh has got more mentions than The Doctor, so far, in our review of these episodes!"
Mark: "Errr, it's true."
Shaun: "That's because MJ mentioned him, like, two seasons ago, or something -"
MJ: "- I did."
Shaun: *Laughing* "- and we've been impatiently awaiting him ever since!"MJ: "I have - ever since I mistakenly thought he was in 'Spearhead From Space'."
Shaun: "And now we've seen it and *Laughing* he's largely pointless, just with a ridiculously memorable name!"
Jason: "I'm still hoping he'll be back!"
Shaun: "I'm thinking 'Homeless Man' would have sufficed!"
MJ: "Well I shall pause it there whilst we go for a break. BYE"
Photo 3: At MJ's house - Shaun (with the DVD case)
& Leigh (holding the sign).
& Leigh (holding the sign).
MJ: *With frog in throat* "End of Part Three and I'm a bit croaky! So The Master, for a change, has swapped sides and is helping The Doctor!" *Laughter* "And he's very good, he's trying to fix the old, errr, (Doctor's) TARDIS. And he was pretty much like *Cockney Accent* 'Uhh you've had some right old cowboys in here, this TARDIS! Come on!' And they're channelling the TARDIS through the Nuclear Power Plant."
Jason: "No! They're channelling the Nuclear Power Plant through the TARDIS!"
MJ: "Ahhh yeah! Sorry"
Shaun: "And then The Master's beaming ALL of that stored power in one massive go - directly into the Axos -"
MJ: "- Axon ship."
Shaun: "To overload it and cause it to explode or something. Probably explode."
MJ: "Will that happen?..."
Shaun: "Speaking of which, why did the tentacle that knocked-out someone earlier, just suddenly explode a dude? Like ENTIRELY obliterate him!? And then he touched another two and it just caused small explosions on their chest."
MJ: "Oh yeah!"
Jason: "Different power strength."
Mark: "'Cos that other guy was allergic."
Jason: "One was like the equivalent of poking and the other was like 'Ugh'."
MJ: "The tentacle comes out the Spaghetti Creatures and one just exploded, quite dramatically! It seemed a bit over the top! Maybe it's like Star Trek (phasers) with the Stun & Kill. You know, there's slightly different intensities of Kill!"
Shaun: "I think they could only afford one explosion!"
Mark: "Yeah. Maybe that's the only time he uses his Exploding Tentacle - it was an accident."
Jason: "Maybe they only had the HAVOC Stunt Team for that episode so they could have more dramatic stunts!"
MJ: "Yup - good old Charlie from Eastenders and his mates! Anyway Part Four - the last part!" *Towards MJ's Dog, Yana* "Are you into it, Dog? Yeah! Master again!"
*Guys Laugh and Yana gives MJ a fed up look*
Leigh: "Yeah that look says it all!"
MJ: *Yana voice* "'It's the Master EVERY week!' Alright then Yana."
Shaun: "The episode in which The Master is finally captured once and for all, and won't escape after the incompetence of UNIT!"
Jason: "I'm assuming there will be an episode where The Doctor will have a working TARDIS and he'll remember everything."
MJ: "Well, we'll see!"
Shaun: "Yeah 'cos the Axons said that they had removed the mental blocks imposed by The Time Lords."
Jason: "So now he can go wherever he wants - I'm hoping."
Mark: "I didn't realise he had mental blocks until this episode."
MJ: "Yeah, yeah The Time Lords imposed the mental blocks so he couldn't remember how to -"
Shaun: "- fix the TARDIS."
Mark: "Oh yeah. I thought he was just tinkering with it because he didn't have the bit he needed."
Shaun: "Yeah there was only one bit that was broken - it's a bit inconsistent. Which, I know, is hard to believe in classic Who!"
MJ: "Well we'll see what happens when he gets his Time Lord powers back to fly it - etc. When the budget extends and they think 'We can't just have aliens EVERY week invading the planet!' Anyway there we go - next episode!"
Photo 4: At MJ's house - Jason, Shaun (with the DVD case),
Leigh (holding the sign) & Mark.
Leigh (holding the sign) & Mark.
MJ: " 'It seems I'm some sort of Galactic Yo-yo!' and that was how Sean Pertwee's Dad finished the last episode of 'The Claws Of Axos'!" *Laughter*
Shaun: *Sean Pertwee voice* "Master Bruce!"
MJ: *Sean Pertwee voice* "Master Bruce!" *Normal voice* "So did you enjoy 'The Claws Of Axoooooooooooos'?"
Shaun: "It was alright!"
Jason: "It was alright..."
Mark: "Bit short!"
Leigh: "I liked the Spaghetti Monsters!" *Leigh makes wibbly-wobbly noises*
Shaun: "I want one where The Master is the only bad guy! He is excellent! I really, REALLY like The Master and the guy playing him!!"
MJ: "Yes, they are both excellent! He always seem to have to team up with somebody else, doesn't he?"
Shaun: "Yeah but this time they flipped it on its head! He was a captive of the Axons - it was that Doctor Who needed HIS help! I mean The Doctor normally does, but it's usually The Master's literally about to be betrayed and has no other option!"
MJ: "That's right!"
Shaun: "This time it was like 'No, no I REALLY need your help!' So The Master decided to come back!"
Mark: "So HE could escape."
Shaun: "Yeah."
Mark: "Well at least he wasn't betrayed by his own plan this time."
Shaun: "No, no."
MJ: "And how did you find the Axons as an enemy?"
Mark: "I liked the golden Axons - they were good."
Jason: "I wish they'd lowered the make up on the golden guys neck as it kept bothering me!"
MJ: "Oh dear."
Shaun: "I liked the concept, I didn't like.... I liked the concept and I liked the ship! What you saw in the ship, THAT was fine."
MJ: "Mmmm - organic."
Shaun: "The gold people were pretty crap and the Spaghetti Monsters just were BEYOND redemption!"
MJ: "I LIKED the gold ones!"
Mark: "Yeah I liked the gold ones!
Leigh: "No! The Spaghetti Monsters - it was all about them!"
Shaun: "I mean the Spaghetti Monsters were my preference but only 'cos they were terrible! They kept generating random powers as they went along!"
MJ: "I liked the bumbling Minister - well, the Chin guy."
Jason: "I liked the fact that he had an over boss - which justified why Chin was being an arse."
MJ: "Yes he had someone who was bullying him so he took it out on everyone else!"
Shaun: "I thought he was terrible."
Mark: "I liked the fact he was called Chin!"
Shaun: "We all enjoyed that!"Leigh: "That was endlessly amusing!"
Mark: *Laughing* "It was!"
MJ: "That was where Eastenders got the idea for Doctor Legg!"
Jason: "I thought Jo was pretty superfluous to this entire story - she didn't do anything."
Shaun: "Yep."
Leigh: "As she has been in most of them!"
MJ: "She had a nice short skirt?!"
Jason: "Well yeah, that worked as well, but she was just lying there with tentacles on her for a bit - she hadn't realised they'd stopped holding her down! And then she went 'Oh come on, let's go.'!
MJ: "Was that the first time we'd seen the inside of the TARDIS since Trout-Man?"
*Laughter*Jason: "I thought Jo was pretty superfluous to this entire story - she didn't do anything."
Shaun: "Yep."
Leigh: "As she has been in most of them!"
MJ: "She had a nice short skirt?!"
Jason: "Well yeah, that worked as well, but she was just lying there with tentacles on her for a bit - she hadn't realised they'd stopped holding her down! And then she went 'Oh come on, let's go.'!
Shaun: "Really could do one of two things with that whole thing - you could have either cut the -"
Photo 5: At MJ's house - MJ, Shaun (with the DVD case),
Leigh & Mark (holding the sign).
Leigh & Mark (holding the sign).
Shaun: "- Yep! You could have had a four week holiday!"
Mark: "Yeah!"
MJ: "Was that the first time we'd seen the inside of the TARDIS since Trout-Man?"
Shaun: "Yeah."
Mark: "Yeah, since we've started with Pertwee."
MJ: "So there you go that's, erm, interesting."
Jason: "The American was good."
Leigh: "Yeah!"
Jason: "Well, BOTH the Americans were good."
Mark: "There were two?"
Jason: "Yeah - well the clone of the same guy!!"
Mark: "There were two?"
Jason: "Yeah - well the clone of the same guy!!"
Shaun: "Oh right yeah."
MJ: "Oh yes he - "
Shaun: "- You see, completely pointless! His clone was completely pointless!"
Leigh: "The clone got The Doctor!"
Shaun: "What?"
Leigh: "The clone got The Doctor!"
Shaun: "What?"
MJ: "Got the Doctor doing what?"
Shaun: "The clone came into the room with The Doctor and then the actual American showed up and killed it!"
Mark: "Yeah."
Mark: "Yeah."
Leigh: "But if he hadn't of been killed then the clone was supposed to take The Doctor back to the Axons ship."
Shaun: "Yeah but why couldn't that have been done with the Spaghetti Monsters as later happened!?" *Leigh laughs* "It's that serious - like literally in the next episode in fact!"
Jason: "If this was modern day the internet would be wild with people speculating that THAT clone was going to come back!"
Shaun: "Yeah, that actually the clone wasn't destroyed!"
MJ: "Whereas back then that was like 'Yeah we've done that - that's it. Next story!' "
Jason: "There were two people - pen-pals - furiously sending things back and forward!"
*Laughter*MJ: " 'If only we had a quicker way!!?' "
Shaun: "Jason liked the design, and appearance, of the outside of the Axons ship."
Jason: "I did! It looked a bit like a Dust-Buster."
MJ: "Yes it did!!"
Leigh: "A Dust-Buster, crossed with a slug!"
Jason: "I thought it looked quite organic. I also liked the fact that they laid in quite early that these are organic - they are all connected. Destroy one thing - it all dies. Rather than at the end where they just go 'Oh it's all dead for some reason'!"
Mark: "Yeah."
Shaun: "I think it's more a case of, erm, the main ship itself was the actual hub. But if they destroyed one of the Spaghetti Monsters, which they actually didn't in the end, it would have caused great pain."
MJ: "Ahhh, right right, right."
Shaun: "Which is what they showed, because when they were experimenting on the Axonite in the chamber it caused great pain within the ship."
MJ: "Awww."
Mark: "Yep - it did. 'Cos it was all linked."
Shaun: "Yep."
Leigh: "The foam could have had a bigger role!"
Mark: "There should have been more foam."
MJ: "Yes. It was nice to see the return of the foam!"
*Leigh chuckles*
Mark: "And more Pigbin!"
Leigh: *Laughing* "Yeah!!"
Shaun: "I like the fact that the Scientists were casually making a time machine!"
Mark: "Yep!" *Shaun laughs* "How else do you make one??"
Leigh: "I like that Pigbin appears credited whereas the Minister is just called 'The Minister' - I'm sure he must have had a name!"
Jason: "And Sir George isn't credited at all!"
MJ: "Ahh right so Jason is reading from the book!"
Jason: "No, no that's not from the book! Sir George isn't credited at all!"
MJ: "Ahh okay then!"
Jason: "In the credits it does say 'Pigbin Josh by Derek Ware'!"
*Leigh Laughs*
Mark: "BY Derek Ware?"
MJ: "Oh he was I think he's a writer wasn't he? Or Producer or something like that?" (He was actually the Fight Arranger and a Stunt Man in the in-house stunt group HAVOC)
Jason: "Axon Girl is credited but no....no Sir George!"
Mark: "No Sir George."
MJ: "Oh dear."
Shaun: " 'Sir George was played by no-one!' "
Jason: "But he's not because he's VERY famous!"
Mark: "He's played by a guy that we don't know what he's from!"
Jason: "No I swear I've seen him in another thing going 'WHAT!!??' like he did there!"
Mark: "I recognise his voice!"
Photo 6: At MJ's house - MJ (holding "The Book"), Shaun (with the DVD case),
Leigh & part of Mark (holding the sign).
Leigh & part of Mark (holding the sign).
MJ: "So, WHAT did we all think of 'The Claws of Axos'? Marks time? Mark - it's YOUR time!"
Mark: "Is it my time? Okay. I can't remember... what did I rate the other ones?"
Shaun: "I don't know - but that's unrelated, what did you think of THIS one on it's own merits!?"
MJ: "I think a solid seven from me, I think."
Mark: "Six point two."
Jason: "I'll go... six because I think I've already done sixes, sevens and fives this time - so it's not the best but it's not the worst."
MJ: "Leigh?"
Leigh: "I'm going to go eight!"
MJ: "Eight?! Ooo!"
Shaun: "Wow!"
Mark: "You really liked this one!"
Jason: "I might have gone Eight if I'd gone higher previously!"
MJ: "He liked that it was a four-parter!"
Leigh: "I liked that it was a four-parter. I liked that it had RIDICULOUS aliens and was REALLY badly done!"
Jason: "I'll go with seven. He's convinced me!"
MJ: "Change to seven! Mr. Shaun?"
Shaun: "I am going to give it five point eight nine two recurring."
MJ: "So an average one for you?"
Shaun: "Yeah. There was enough - well, like I say either The Doctor or The Master was superfluous to the entire thing! But I enjoyed it overall - the Spaghetti Monsters looked ridiculous and terrible."
Leigh: *Laughing* "That's what you want though!"
Shaun: "No, it was half a very good one, half just - either nonsense or crap!"
MJ: "And of course, Charlie from Eastenders! Well that's all very good - but what does The Book think now!? Now we've gave it sort of average-y marking?"
Shaun: "Yes, what do we REALLY think!?"
Jason: "It says" *Reading* 'Beautiful aliens offer the British Government a miraculous substance called Axonite.' Errr... I'm bored of it! *Reading* 'Dungeness Power Station in Kent were chosen locations. Odd weather conditions - snow, rain, sunshine and fog - were explained away by The Axons arrival.' "
MJ: "Yeah, that was clever."
Shaun: "Yep. That was funny."
Jason: *Reading* " 'Kenneth Sharpe re-designed the TARDIS interior - last seen in 'The War Games'. Captions with the original title 'The Vampire From Space' were re-shot shortly before transmission.' "
MJ: "Yeah it was originally going to be called 'The Vampire From Space' - I'd forgotten that."
Shaun: "That's a better title!"
Mark: "Yeah."
Jason: *Reading* " 'Verdict: Crass - but immensely likeable.' "
MJ: "HAH! Thank you, I am!"
Jason: *Reading* " 'A surfeit of under-developed ideas jostling for attention against wildly variable effects and psychedelic direction.' "
Shaun: "Basically the things I said!"
Jason: *Reading* " 'Pigbin Josh -' "
*The group cheers and laughs!*
Jason: *Reading* " '- deserves to have a story all to himself!' "
Jason: *Reading* " 'Nine out of ten!' "
Shaun: "Wow!"
MJ: "NINE out of ten??"
Jason: "For Pigbin Josh no doubt!"
MJ: "Clearly!"
Mark: "Everybody loves Pigbin."
MJ: "The lead-up suggested that they were probably going to go for a LOW score - so that came out of the blue!"
Shaun: "Yeah."
Jason: "Well they said it was immensely enjoyable which can over-rule all the shit bits in the world!"
Shaun: "There was a bit, and admittedly I'm hungover, but there was a bit when The Doctor, erm, and the girl... erm..."
MJ: "Jo!"
Shaun: "Jo! Thank you! They were trying to escape from the ship when it was getting the overload and they kept overlying lots of things. That was genuinely making start to feel a bit sick!"
MJ: "Yeah it was a bit GROOVY, Man!"
Shaun: "There was a lot of VERY high sounds and LOTS of over-layering -"
Mark: "- It's probably BEST to have a hangover whilst watching that."
*Many murmurs of agreement!*
MJ: "It was quite trippy wasn't it? That's good - well done Jo."
Shaun: "Yeah, well done Jo for being in this one... kind of... a bit..!"
MJ: "She didn't even get to make the tea!"
Shaun: "By the way what was with the 'Making her old and then young again' thing?? Were they literally doing that or was that just supposed to be - "
Jason: "A threat."
MJ: "It was a threat to the Doctor saying 'Look if you don't help us, we'll do this to Jo!' "Mark: "Yeah."
MJ: " 'We'll make her old!' "
Shaun: "Well why not just get one of the Spaghetti Guys to put his tentacle on her face and she'll explode inexplicably! Which is a thing that now happens!"
MJ: "Because you can only do that once! You can only kill someone once. Whereas they can age someone back and forth - you know."
Jason: "Maybe the contract was up and they thought 'Well, we CAN write her out if we want.' " *Shaun laughs* " 'Or we can just re-cast her as someone younger - and that's what she'll look like if she's younger!' "
MJ: "Who knows?"
Mark: "What, four?"
Jason: "No they make her older then they go back again too far! 'Oh she's a baby!!' "
*Laughter* "The next episode is 'Two Time Lords and a Baby'!"
Shaun: "I would watch the f**k out of that!"
MJ: "Then 'Two Time Lords and a Little Lady'!"
Mark: *Laughing* "Yeah."
Shaun: "I would NOT watch that!"
MJ: *Singing* "Danson, danson, DANSON!"
Shaun: "You'd definitely get Steve Guttenburg! They don't make 'Police Academy' any more, so you know..."
Mark: "He has no career."
Jason: "Or Johnny Five."
MJ: "Yeah, or 'Cocoon' - oh, was he in 'Cocoon'?"
Jason: "Yeah."
Mark: "He was in 'Cocoon'?"
Jason: "He was the young one in 'Cocoon'."
Leigh: "And 'High Spirits'."
MJ: "'High Spirits'! Oh yeah I'd forgotten about that!"
Leigh: "Recently come on 'Netflix'! I re-watched it, it's brilliant!"
Mark: "Is it ACTUALLY brilliant?"
Leigh: "Oh it's fantastic! Peter O'Toole as the owner of a castle in Ireland."
MJ: "I don't know if I need to record this..."
Shaun: "Yes! Keep recording this!!"
Leigh: "Steve Guttenburg is an American who comes to visit the castle because it's haunted - or it's NOT haunted but that's how they're going to get money out of the American. But it turns out it really IS haunted, and it's got Daryl Hannah, I think, as the romantic lead and Liam Neeson as a - "
Shaun: "- Man with a very specific set of skills!?!"
Leigh: "No! A psychotic Irish ghost!"
Shaun: "Yeah."
MJ: "Oh he's the one that kills her (Daryl Hannah)!"
Leigh: "Yeah."
MJ: "And it goes round and round. Then Daryl Hannah comes alive and Steve Guttenburg's wife dies - and they swap places!!"
Shaun: "And that Liam Neeson ghost, right, is seen in the background of the visions when Zoe and The Doctor are trying to escape -"
All: "Jo!"
Shaun: "Sorry, Jo, when they're trying to escape, because Steven Moffatt wrote 'High Spirits' " *Laughter* "So when Peter Capaldi's next, and Steven Moffat's final, season comes in it ALL comes into a big loop! The Axos are the big bad guys and there we go! That's how that was related to Doctor Who!"
MJ: "Axons."
Shaun: "What?"
MJ: "Axons!" *Laughter* "You called them 'Axos' - Axos was the, what was it? Was that the stuff?"
Leigh: "Claws of Axos!"
Mark: "It was 'Claws of Axos'!"
MJ: "No but they're called 'Axons'."
Shaun: "Well no it's Axos! Axos is one thing. It's not Axon it's Axos."
MJ: "No, no, no! The creatures are called 'Axons'."
Shaun: "No they call them 'Axons' but they're not 'Axons' - they're all Axos - 'cos everything is the same thing."
MJ: "Oh, I see."
Jason: "Axos is the thing with the claws anyway."
Leigh: "Yeah, 'cos otherwise it wouldn't be 'The Claws of Axos'."
Jason: "Axonite."
MJ: "Axonite is the stuff."
Shaun: "Everything is Axos - and Axos is all. Oh my God I sound like I'm at some sort of rally!"
MJ: "You do!"
Mark: "I don't want to join your cult!"
Shaun: "Join my Cult of Axos!! With all our powers!"
Mark: "It's confusing!"
Leigh: "And Spaghetti!"
Shaun: "All of our walls are made of polystyrene!"
MJ: "It's all a bit confusing! So anyway, I think that went alright! So next time it's 'Colony In Space' which I don't have yet, so I shall get that and that will be fun."
Jason: "Master's in it though, I tell yer that."
MJ: "It's not the last one in the season? It's 'The Dæmons' that's the last one."
Leigh: "What have we got? 'Colonoscopy in Space?' "
MJ: "Yay! So from all of us Colonoscopy fans - 'til next time, bye!
Others: "Bye!"
Photo 7: At MJ's house - Maniacal Shaun (with the DVD case).
So that was that - a later write-up as these things are a right royal PAIN to transcribe! Arrggghhh! :D Anyhow looking at averages this is how we scored:
Leigh: 8
Mark: 6.2
Shaun: 5.892222
MJ: 7
Jason: 7
Which means average scores for this one were 6.8184 out of 10! Quite a high score from Mr. Leigh! Anyhow onto the next and it was a story I hadn't seen - "Colony In Space"! Although we have all met since I've written this so I have see it now!
I need to find an easier way of doing this for all of the two people who read it!
Until next time I shall return, yes i shall return...
MJ - 25/05/2016
P.S. Last time I added a photo of Mark's cat - so this time here is one of my dog, Yana!
I don't know if it would be easier or harder to just transcribe the good bits and then summarize everyone's thoughts during the side conversations - kind of a hybrid between the old style of writeups and the new ones.
ReplyDeleteWell thank you, Unknown, I had no idea anyone else was reading these - apart from me and a couple of the Whoresmen! I may know you, or not (hard to tell, I know SO many Unknowns!). But I reckon you might be right! I do like our meanderings so it's hard to know what to do! I'm two behind at the moment! :O