Thursday, 7 August 2014


Sunday 3rd August 2014

Another Sunday and we were now seeing the end of season 2 waving at us!  So on another lovely sunny day we all gathered around Mark's house to watch the four-part story "The Space Museum"!  This time, as well as new member Shaun (who had been playing catch-up with some previous stories in between) we were also joined by part-time member Gavin, which was all very lovely!

Photo 1: Gavin, Mark (with the sign), Jason, Michael, Leigh (holding the DVD cover) and Jim around Mark's house.

This time we were graced by a full story and, as it was only four parts, nothing too taxing!

Photo 2: Gavin, Mark (with the sign), Jason, Michael, Leigh (holding the DVD cover) and Jim around Mark's house.

The TARDIS lands near a vast Space Museum on the planet Xeros, but it has jumped a time-track.  Basically it meant that they had arrived at the planet before they were meant to (if you can follow that!) and so ended up a bit like ghosts - noone could see or interact with them.  During this time they saw their future - which was to end up as exhibits (contained in glass/perspex tubes) in this Space Museum!

Photo 3: Mark, Jason (with the sign) and Leigh (with the DVD cover)
around Mark's house.

After this first episode we get into a more usual story - the Moroks had a some point invaded the planet Xeros and were ruling over the Xerons.  However the Moroks now seem quite bored with the whole affair - indeed the Administrator of the Museum moans about how all the empires glories were in the past!  So when they bump into the TARDIS crew they seem extra keen to interrogate them and see them as great enemies!

Photo 4:
Gavin, Mark, Jason (with the sign), Leigh (holding the DVD cover),Jim and Shaun around Mark's house.

So the crew gets split up - with the Doctor hiding inside a Dalek shell (and doing quite an amusing impression of one!  Well, it makes him chuckle!).  However the Doctor is the first to be caught and interrogated but seems very amused by the whole thing and chooses to not answer any questions - and so is ripe for being frozen to be used as a museum exhibit.
So the freezing process is started upon the Doctor!

Photo 5: Jason (asleep with the sign!) and Leigh holding the DVD cover)
around Mark's house.
In the meantime Vicki has made contact with the planet's original inhabitants and is rousing them into a rebellion (something they had already started planning before the TARDIS crew arrived).  And so it all ends well and lovely with the good guys winning and the bad guys looking a bit glum about the whole affair (well, the ones that live anyway!)

Anyhow the story ends well and leads nicely into the next story which has the return of the Daleks - promising to chase the Doctor through all of time and space!!
Which will lead nicely into our next story "The Chase"!

So overall it was a good story - with some good Bored-acting from the actors playing the Moroks.  Also I thought the sets looked really good.  Certainly not the best story we've seen, but not the worst.

Until then I shall return, yes, I shall return....

MJ 05-08-14

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