Sunday 20th July 2014
Well, THAT was a long break! What with various people being busy with birthdays, holidays and plays (that was me - and I was excellent in it!) we hadn't met in 6 whole weeks! Well now we were going to get back on track - and this time with an added bonus to our group. Our friend Shaun Clark had decided to pop along and join us! So on a very hot Sunday we all trekked over to Leigh's house - after the usual greetings, drinks and him showing off about seeing Monty Python live (damn him) we settled in to watch the historical tale "The Crusade".
Photo 1: Jason, Shaun (holding the re-con DVD cover), Leigh (with the sign),
Michael and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
Michael and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
Sadly Parts 2 and 4 are missing of this story - so it was down to the "Lost In Time" 3 DVD set (a collection of orphaned episodes) and some damn fine re-cons to fill in the gaps!
Photo 2: Jason, Shaun (holding the re-con DVD cover), Leigh (with the sign),
Jim and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
The Tardis lands somewhere in the Middle East (near Jerusalem) in the 12th century - and right in the Middle of one of the crusades of King Richard (The Lionheart).Jim and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
Immediately they are set upon by nasty Saracens! Ian fights bravely (as per usual) and they are joined by some of King Richard's knights who help get rid of the attackers.
Photo 3: Jason, Shaun (holding the re-con DVD cover), Leigh (with the sign),
Jim and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
Then what happens? Yup Barbara gets kidnapped and so they have to try and get her back..... A familiar plot line but the story does zip along nicely - some good sets and costumes and (as is usual with the historical stories) we have some great character's and a fair bit of comedy as well! Ian also gets made into a Knight! Sir Ian Chesterton - of Coal Hill School!Jim and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
Photo 4: Jason, Shaun (holding the re-con DVD cover),
Leigh (with the sign and eyes closed!), Michael and Mark
(holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
Photo 5: A nice photo of the original gang altogether! Jason, Michael (with the sign), Leigh, Jim (holding the re-con DVD cover) and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
I think the re-con parts seemed to go down well and were followable enough (if that's even a proper phrase!). Our newest team member had this to say of the story:
Shaun: "Solid, if not very sci-fi outing. Decent characters and a nice build, but an odd, rushed ending. It definitely wasn't... moving. Good, OTT acting. Special shout out to the crooked merchant. And Richard the cowardly Lionheart. Looking forward to Seeing a museum in or about space (either outer or measurement variety)".
Photo 6: The original gang again! Jason, Michael (with the sign), Leigh, Jim (holding the re-con DVD cover) and Mark (holding the "Lost In Time" DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
So overall it seemed to go down well. The historicals mainly do though! Anyhow we shall meet again in a few Sunday's time.
Until then I shall return, yes, I shall return....
MJ 21-07-14
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