Friday, 2 June 2017


Sunday 28th May 2017

Another day another Doctor Who meet-up!  We had met extra early today as people were busy in the afternoon!  So at 10am on a Sunday morning we were all gathered around Mark's - yes ALL!  Including a Gavin!

What a fantastic day to meet-up and watch Genesis Of The Daleks - a six part origin story for the Daleks AND an introduction to their creator Davros!

With such an exciting moment in time I can't wait to hear what we thought of it......

..... Which makes it all the more f**king annoying that my phone messed up and recorded ONLY silence!!  Twenty two minutes and thirteen second of tossing silence!!!  I was so bloody jarred off about it!  It will forever be THE LOST RECORDING! *Sniffs - holding back tears*

So anyway what happens next is our thoughts, via messenger, AFTER the event a couple of days later!  This will be shorter than usual but, seen as it was a six part story, that's probably not a bad thing!


MJ: "Okay guys, ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I went to listen to the
Genesis Of The Daleks recording and I have nothing!!!  25.20 minutes of silence!  For some reason it never recorded what we were saying!!  That buggers up the write-up AND more importantly the scores!!!  So I have opened this chat box where we can go through our thoughts and all that (whilst it is still semi fresh!!) otherwise it will be a bit crap!  So annoyed - my phone has never done that before!  Maybe we need back-up recording next time!!  So thoughts - did you enjoy the story?  Was it pacey?  Was the plot nonsense?   Fun?  Too long or just right? What did we think of the clam?!  What about smarmy Nyder?  The Nazi symbolism?  Davros?  The Doctor and Harry and Sarah?"

Jason: "I gave it a seven point eight.  That may have been a bit harsh.   I had some issues with I didn't fully understand as to why Dave Ross (our jokey name for Davros - I thought it made him sound like an East End gangster - or nightclub owner!) was doing what he was doing, but then he's a mad scientist which trumps all logic.  I enjoyed the various different groups of opinion who didn't all agree with his methods (visually depicted in their colour of clothing).  It was quite pacey and their seemed to be some good plot points.  Now I think about it my only real complaints are the logic of mad Davros' plan and the effects on time and space - and they never work in any time travel story when you look at them properly.   Overall - 10am on a sunny Sunday and I was content to spend it doing that.   Seems like a win to me.  Also... Nyder is my favourite and I want him as a companion.  You know he'd be loyal."

MJ: "Yes!  There was no way Nyder was going to betray Davros - I mean he obviously knew that Davros was a bad egg who couldn't be trusted!   Who was going to destroy his own people (if they didn't let him have his own way) and Nyder was okay with that!  I really liked him.  Untrustworthy and with a cool, calm exterior!  He LOOKED like a Nazi!"

Photo 1: At Mark's house.

Leigh, Shaun, Jason (with the sign),
Mark (with DVD case) and Gavin!

Shaun: "Nine point five, really enjoyed it.  Except the clams!"

ark: "The clams were great and should have their own spin off show." *Laughs*

MJ: "Those clams!  I wonder how much the design team had to SHELL out for those...  Ahem!  They were dodgy though!  I guess it was another Terry Nation device to stretch the ploy out a bit more!"

Mark: "When Dave Ross started making giant clams, I think the other elite scientist should have started to question whether he was the best choice to lead them.  They chose to wait until he enabled genocide though.  I think the lesson is: if your top scientist starts making comedy, but deadly, over-sized molluscs you take away his toys before it's too late!"

MJ: "Haha!  That IS the lesson!

Mark: "I gave it a seven.  I really enjoyed it and thought it was a strong story but as with most Doctor Who it was a few episodes to long.  I liked the story and the fact that there were good and bad guys on both sides, including the Kaleds who were obviously just space Nazis.  It was interesting that the costume department thought they might have gone to far giving Nyder an Iron Cross medal in the first episode and so this never appeared again.  The moral dilemma of The Doctor committing genocide was obviously the stand out part of the story.  Sarah Jane was good and wasn't solely there to be the damsel in distress like she was two story's back (sorry can't remember the name of the story)."

MJ: "That would be The Ark In Space."

Photo 2: At Mark's house.

MJ, Shaun, Jason (with the sign),
Mark (with DVD case) and Gavin!

Mark: "I liked Dave Ross and felt that they actually fleshed him out more than the other mad scientist bad guys they've had before as he had clearly gone insane in his lust for power.  Overall it was a fun story." *Smiles*

MJ: "Oh yes!  I don't think I noticed the disappearing Iron Cross!"

Mark: "I also look forward to seeing Jason's detective show: Ginger and Lime (Mark was offering out a ginger and lime drink to people at his house) - sounds like the perfect ITV detective show for Jason."

J: "Haha!  Yes, I like it!"

ark: "Remember also that there were two actors from 'Allo 'Allo in there too, Guy Diner (He means Guy Siner - who played a Nazi in 'Allo 'Allo) and Hilary Minster (he played General Von Kinkerhoffen in 'Allo 'Allo).  I was the one that spotted Hilary.  I feel that was important."

MJ: "Guy Siner you mean!"

Mark: "I did mean Siner, my autocorrect must be hungry!"

MJ: "Haha!  But yes, very important to point out the connection to 'Allo 'Allo!  It was nice having Guy Siner playing a Nazi type character for a change...!  I wonder if this part led to his casting in 'Allo 'Allo - about ten years later!?!"

Photo 3: At Mark's house.

Everyone does their 'Davros hand'
Leigh, Shaun, Jason (with the sign),
Mark (with DVD case) and Gavin!

Gavin: "Eight out of ten was my score.  Seems that all the main points have been covered already."

MJ: "Do you think it was a good origin story Gav?  I did!  I guess before then nobody had really thought about where they had come from.  I think the original Dalek story (The Daleks) had said that the Kaleds had retreated into the Dalek machines to protect them from the radiation, before becoming reliant on them.  So this was a good expansion of that!  The Daleks were always a bit Nazi like, with their salutes and hatred of beings different to them, so do you think the guys dressed as (pretty much) ACTUAL Nazi's was too much or about right?

Gavin: "I agree with Shaun that it could have been an episode or two shorter but otherwise very enjoyable and a strong story throughout."

Mark: "I just remembered the evil business man from Howard's Way was a mutant.  Though his only mutation seemed to be male pattern baldness.  He also disappointingly did no BUSINESS!"

MJ: "Oh yes and we all singing the Howard's Way theme tune - and by 'all' I mean 'ME'!" *Singing* "Always there!  You're love is always there!"  

Leigh: "I scored it eight."

Photo 4: At Mark's house.

Jason (with the sign)
and Mark
(with DVD case).

MJ: "Any characters that stood out for you Shaun?  What did you think about Davros?  This was his first appearance."

Shaun: "I have nothing more to say, really.  It was very good."

J: "Oh shame - I know we all had more to say on the day - damn you technology.  I for one really enjoyed Davros - sneaky and cunning.  Sadly the only time it was played by Michael Wisher on TV - he was unavailable for the next time Davros returned - although apparently the use the same mask!!"

Leigh: "
Don't forget 'The Scaffolding of the Daleks'.  That's all I have to add."

MJ: "Oh you mean when they climbed up the rocket and Sarah fell - for a dramatic cliffhanger!  Then the next episode she had only fallen down to a bit further down the scaffolding (of the Daleks)!  By rights though - even THAT should have broken her back - or at the very least REALLY hurt her!  Anyway what does The Book say Jason?"

Jason: *From The Book* "The Time Lords send The Doctor to Skaro to stop the crippled genius Davros creating the Daleks...  Observations: Betchworth Quarry in Surrey represented Skaro."

MJ: "Lots of these planet DO look like southern England quarries!"

ason: *From The Book* "Davros's wheelchair, based on the lower half of a Dalek, was designed by Peter Day, his mask sculpted by John Friedlander -"

MJ: "A name we hear a lot!  He did a superb job with the mask.  Davros is an amazing creation.  Ooo I liked his rant at the end of one episode where he wants The Doctor to tell him about all future Dalek defeats! 'YOU WILL TELL ME!  YOU WILL TELL ME'!!

son: *From The Book* "- and his costume created by Barbara Kidd.  Seven Daleks were used, but only three were equipped with operators.  Verdict: The first half is very strong, the second less so.  Lashings of atmosphere make up for the repetitious nature of the plot, although at times it's all rather talky.  Peter Miles and Michael Wisher give chilling performances, but there is a distinct lack of Dalek action.  Eight out of ten'."

MJ: "So The Book agreed with us pretty much!  I have to say I didn't miss the Daleks when we had such amazingly sneaky villains as Davros and Nyder!  Oh another thing I'd forgotten was that Davros actually gets killed at the end!  I thought it was good when the Daleks turned on him and he said 'Pity!' and they retorted with that 'Pity' wasn't in their vocabulary!  So obviously as he is dead we shall NEVER see him again....  Well that's about it!  Damn my phone for not recording but at least I got this done quicker than normal!  Thanks all and join us next time for Cybermen!  BYE!!"

Photo 5: At Mark's house.

Part of Shaun (with DVD case),
MJ (with the sign) and part of Mark


So, yes, that was an annoying one!  I shall have to double check next time I'm recording!
Such a shame to listen back and find nothing but blankness!  anyhow at least we remembered the scores and here's what we said:

MJ: 8
Jason: 7.8
Shaun: 9.5
Mark: 7
Leigh: 8
Gavin: 8

So Shaun really loved it!  Anyhow that gave us an average score of 8.05 out of 10.  Next time we have Cybermen - last seen in December 1968 - around six and a half years ago!  Of course for us it has been one year and eight months!  But that's still a long-ish time!  Let's hope the recording device actually does ACTUAL recording next time - although this HAS been easier!!!

Anyhow just in time for the end of the season here is our group photoshopped photo!

Enjoy that if you will!

Well I must go - see you next time and until then I shall return, yes, I shall return....

MJ - 02/06/2017

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