Friday, 21 October 2016


Sunday 21st August 2016

Well it had been nearly a month since we had last met - the summer always slows our viewing down!  But here we were to watch the battle The Master and some under water lizard men!  Also with added sailors!  Here's what happened as we gathered at my house....


MJ: "Okay, so I'm well behind on writing up these, but here we are at mine - MJ, hello - "
Jason: "Hello."
MJ: "This is Jason - and we're going to watch 'The SeDevils' - which is a - "
Mark: "'Birdman'."
MJ: *Laughing* "It's not 'Birdman'!  Ingrid Birdman.  That's a little pun there..."
Shaun: "Barely!"
MJ: "So yes, 'The Sea Devils' - six part Pertwee.  His wee's very pert.  I wonder who the villain will be in it?..."
Jason: "Erm, Davros."
Shaun: *Watching DVD menu* "Yayyyyyyy!!!"
MJ: "Haha!  Yes we've just seen, in the top corner of the DVD menu screen, Mr. Master!"
Shaun: "This is going to spoil my running joke of, despite The Master not being in it, me proclaiming that someone is going to be The Master!  I was enjoying that!"
Jason: "Well we might not see who it is for four episodes."
Leigh: "I wonder if he's made some sort of poor deal with the Sea Devils which backfires on him!?"
Mark: "Surely that isn't his plan?"
MJ: "Well I can't imagine THAT sort of thing EVER happens...."
Shaun: *Watching DVD menu* "Well I think we've already seen that we're in for some GOOD special effects!  Terrible looking squid-headed things!"
Leigh: "I've just seen the UNIT Citroën 2CV there!"
MJ: "One word, hyphonatedDamn-right!"
Mark: "Have you noticed as they come out of the sea
Jason: "The Sea Devils are wearing some sort of mesh-thing as they looked too phallic I think!" *A reference to last time's story where a creature, Alpha Centuri, looked quite phallic*
*Shaun laughs*
MJ: "And I don't think they're actually real devils."
Jason: " No, they're SEA Devils!"
Shaun: "They're actually like sea horses only bigger and more English."
Leigh: "And the male give birth to the young!"
MJ: "Yep!  That's the ONE thing I know about the Sea Devils.  So here we go - Episode One, play.  We're already two minutes into my recording!"
Mark: "We're trying to stretch this out long enough, so you spend all your life typing it up."
MJ: "Right pause..."


Photo 1: At MJ's house.
Leigh (holding the sign),
Jason (with the DVD case) Mark & Shaun.

MJ: "End of Episode One - stuff happened!  That was good!"
Shaun: "The Master is back.  I'm delighted."
MJ: "Shaun is DE-LIGHT-ED."
Shaun: "I am!  He's awesome!  I love the actor who plays him - fantastic."
MJ: "And he was watching the erm - "
Shaun: "- 'The Clangers'!"
MJ: "'The Clangers', yes!"Shaun: "Which he thought was an ACTUAL alien species!"
MJ: "He was quite amused by it."
Shaun: *Laughing"He probably wanted to get into an ill-conceived alliance with!"
*MJ laughs*
MJ: "And now onto Episode Two by Malcolm Hulke-Smash!"
*MJ sniggers*


Photo 2: At MJ's house.
MJ, Jason (with the DVD case),
Mark (holding the sign) & Shaun.

MJ: "So that cliff-hanger was The Master and The Doctor had sword fight - a fencing fight, with foils."
Shaun: "It's still a sword fight!"
MJ: "And The Doctor won and walked away and The Master withdraw a little dagger and threw it at The Doctor and he's dead!!  Or maybe not..."
Shaun: "No."
MJ: "It went to black."
Shaun: "You skipped over the sword fight - that was awesome!"
MJ: "It was!"
Shaun: "Despite the fact that, you know, it was telegraphed in the first episode by stupidly  having swords by his cell.  AND by the cell of one of the most dangerous men on the planet!  That was awesome.  I thoroughly enjoyed that.  You got a bit of banter in there."
MJ: "Yeah."
Jason: "Sandwiches."
Shaun: "He tried to murder a curtain halfway through!"
MJ: "Oh yeah sandwich halfway through - The Doctor eating - and The Master in just a white polo-neck!"
Jason: "I was disappointed they didn't try and use puns like 'Curtains for you'."
*Leigh laughs*
MJ: "Oh yes, yes!"
Leigh: "'That's sandwiches.'"
Mark: "That does't work?"
Shaun: "I was trying to formulate a similar kind of one there."
MJ: "I'm going to FOIL you this time."
Jason: "Oh that's good."
MJ: " Yeah I know!  Damn right it's good!  Hah!"
Leigh: "You know how quality that pun is?  It's on Tesco baking-foil.  It says 'Foiled again'."
MJ: "Haha!  Good."
Shaun: "I was just watching 'Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle' earlier.  He had a pun about a '60s jazz musician.  think that's about the level we're hitting here as well!"
MJ: "YesStewart Lee got all his best material for 'Comedy Vehicle' from me!  I said 'If you repeat the same thing over and over again...' - I mean that's what I've been doing for years - Jason will testify to that!  I don't think there's much to say at the moment - The Master's been dressing up as Naval officers.  Been very good.  We've seen thCitroën with no doors!"
Jason: "It's not gripping me - the music is annoying me."
MJ: "The music's annoying?"
Jason: "It's playing ALL the time!" 
Shaun: "The music IS slightly annoying but it is improved by the fact that the direction is very good in this one.
Jason: "The camera is askew quite a lot."
Mark: "There is a lot of askew camerawork."
Shaun: "Oh no I think this one's VERY well directed.  Always in the right place."
MJ: "Hah!  Yeah."
Mark: "You can see what's going on."
Shaun: "There's not too much space."
MJ: *Tim Curry impression* "SPA-AAACE!"


Photo 3: At MJ's house.
Leigh (holding the sign), Jason (with the DVD case)
& a bit of Mark & Shaun.

MJ: "End of the next episode and it's the attack of the single Sea Devil rising out of the sea!"
*Leigh laughs* "With his big turtle-weird-face-thing."
Mark: "When did Jo become the most effective agent that UNIT has?" 
*Shaun chuckles* "She managed to evade capture -"
Shaun: "- Yeah."
Mark: "- Break into a place.  Lock pick.  Abseil..."
MJ: "Yep."
Mark: "None of the rest can do that!  They'd shoot themselves in the foot!"
Shaun: "Yep!"
MJ: "It's because she's wearing her little trouser-suit thing and, you know, it means she's all Action-Jo!"
Jason: "Yeah it limither ladder-climbing abilities."
Shaun: "Yeah." *Mark and MJ chuckle* "She did ladder-climb like a complete idiot."
Mark: "That's true."


Photo 4: At MJ's house.
MJ, Jason (with the DVD case),
Mark (holding the sign) & Shaun.

Jason: "I wonder how much re-cap we'll get this time?"
Leigh: "To the start of the the sword fight (from the end of Episode One!)!"
MJ: "So they were locked-up.  Then they got released and now they're by the sea with a Sea Devil."
Jason: "And a minefield."
MJ: "There we go - Jo and The Doctor running - and a Citroën."
Shaun: "There are only six mines in that minefield - they've got a pretty good chance!"
Mark: "Yeah I'pretty sure they can run through that."
MJ: "The Sea Devil's a bit unsteady!  'I can't see a bloomin' thing!' "
Jason: "He's not used to being on land!"
Shaun: "Yeah, how would YOU walk!?"
Leigh: "He's a SEA Devil!"
Jason: "Not a LAND Devil."
Mark: "Yeah."
MJ: "THAT is how you get through it - you fall on barbed wire with your cloak!  Pause it there - The Doctor will spoil his cloak doing that!"


Leigh: *Partway through chat* "- No, in a traditional Doctor Who cliff-hanger style he'll be in there and he'll say 'Hello Jo!' "
MJ: "Yes so The Doctor went down to the surface in a big tin can."
Shaun: "He didn't go down to the surface!"
Jason: "He went down to the sea bed."
MJ: "Yeah and the tin can came back and the Doctor may not be in there!  We don't know - Jo just looked in"
Shaun: "I'd like to know, as The Doctor's not going to be in there - presumably he's talking to the Sea Devils or whatever, how that tank is not full of water!"
MJ: "Yes I was wondering that as well - there should be another chamber or something."
Mark: "It's the same way they got into the submarine."
Shaun: "Hah!  Yeah!"
MJ: "It probably goes down onto a hatch and then opens beneath -"
Shaun: "- It doesn't!  'Cos we've seen the entirety of the inside of it!  It doesn't do that at all."
Mark: "There might be a hatch on the sea bed."
MJ: "That's what I meant - yeah."
Leigh: "In Sea Devil Land."
Shaun: "Oh I see what you mean!"
Jason: "It docked."
MJ: "Haha!  'Sea Devil Land'!"
Leigh: "Welcome to 'Sea Devil Land'!!"
Shaun: "Is that anything like 'Whale World'?"
Leigh: "'Whale World'?"
Shaun: "From 'BoJack'."
Leigh: "Oh the undersea sea thing - yeah it's probably exactly like that!"
Shaun: "Nono the theme park for children..." 
MJ: "I don't think any of this is relevant so I'll pause it there..."


MJ: "So we just had a full on attack on the Sea Devils base underwater, just as The Doctor was saying 'We'll be nice to you'.  And then bloody the sailors - "
Shaun: "Give peace a chance - BOOM!  My roof!" 
MJ: "And the Parliamentary Secretary whose name was...?"
Jason: "Walker."
MJ: "Walker!  He said 'No, no!'  I liked that he wanted his breakfast!"
Shaun: "Yeah yeah he was far more concerned with his various meals, than the fact that he was committing genocide!"
MJ: "Yep!  Mind you I think that would be me!" *Laughing* "I'd be more worried about when my food was coming!"
Jason: "I hope you don't get put in charge of a nuclear submarine."
Shaun: "No, of ANYTHING!" *Jason laughs* "Quite frankly I'm getting a bit worried about your dog, Yana!"
MJ: "Haha!  Yes, where is she?...." *Chuckles* "So that's that and errr."
Mark: "You just thinking about food again?"
MJ: "And now The Doctor's going back to the Sea Devils who are going to obviously turn against The Master or ging to betray The Master - he's still there convincing them that -"
Shaun: "- Yeah he's there convincing them to go to war."
Jason: "He's not really though - he's just there saying 'Ooo you should do this thing that you're already thinking of doing!'"
Shaun: "No 'cos he's going to waken all the other ones that are in hibernation."
Jason: "Ahh alright."
Mark: "He's not encting his real plan."
Jason: "Well he is.  He's just saying 'Oh we can't fix the hibernation machine until we get this stuff'."
Mark: "He's just manipulating them into starting a war."
Shaun: "'Cos remember in that earlier episode he made that device that actually controlled one of them.  Presumably he's going to make a grand-scale one and then have his own army."
MJ: "Ahhh.  And so we carry on..."


Shaun: "Oh yeah and, as we like to mention, the last one ended with The Doctor clearly being shot in the face by a laser."
MJ: "Yes."
Shaun: "He's definitely dead now."
MJ: "How does he get out of it?!...


Photo 5: At MJ's house.
Leigh (holding the sign) &
Jason (with the DVD case).

MJ: "Well that was the end of 'The Sea Devils' and The Master did his usual, err -"
Leigh: "- In a hovercraft full of eels."
MJ: "Yeah, in a hovercraft full of eels.  But they thought they'd got The Master's body but he was wearing a mask - it was a rubber mask!  Which of course, as some of us pointed out here, you'd always carry spare rubber masks of yourself in your pocket."
Mark: "Yeah."
MJ: "Well The Master does."
Mark: "Maybe they were concealed up his own anus?"
Jason: "An' he was in a waterproof outfit as well!"
*Laughing* "Annie was in it as well?!  I didn't see Annie in it!  Annie Sugden from 'Emmerdale' from the eighties!?"
Shaun: "What??!"
Jason: "Yeah that's the first Annie I'd go for..."
MJ: *Laughing* "Not little ginger Annie?"
Shaun: "What are you talking about??!"
Jason: "I said 'An' he did that'."
Mark & Shaun: "Ohhh."
Jason: "It's a reference to a video we made twenty-one years ago!"
Shaun: "See the link in the description!"
Jason: "I said 'An he rolled through a bloody thorn bush' and you've since watched that clip eighty-four million times!" *Laughter* "So therefore: I've said it a lot!"
MJ: "You did!"
Mark: "It gets funnier each time..."
Jason: "It's my catchphrase."
MJ: "It is, as Jason says, his catchphrase.  So that was 'The Sea Devils'."
*Does half-hearted cheer - which everyone joins in with*
Shaun: *Referring to DVD menu which is now playing out snippets of scenes* "Ahh you'll get to see the thing me and Mark were talking about!  Erm.."
Jason: *Referring to DVD menu which is still playing* "Okay, this is the best bit..."
Leigh: *Referring to DVD menu which is still playing* "Sea Devils..."
Jason: *Referring to DVD menu which is still playing* "More Sea Devils.  Shooting."
Shaun: *Referring to DVD menu which is still playing* "Shooting..."
Jason: *Referring to DVD menu which is still playing* "Shooting.  He's not actually shooting the Sea Devils.  But that's better edited!  That's amazing!"
Shaun: *Referring to DVD menu which is still playing* "You see him in the corridor... and there he is - dead in the corridor behind them."
Mark: "Yeah."
MJ: "Well that's a BIG spoiler!"
Shaun: "So me and Mark knew what was coming!"
Jason: "That's why I refuse to watch these things."
MJ: "That's was ridiculous!  What was his name?  He was quite good."
Jason: "Fat Bloke."
Leigh: "'Trenchfoot' or something!"
MJ: "Haha!  'Trenchfoot'!"
Shaun: "Yes, he was very good."
MJ: "I did like the Parliamentary Private Secretary who was there ordering food!"
Jason: "He's going to up my points on this story - definitely!"
MJ: "Oh is he?!"
*Leigh chuckles*
Shaun: "He's actually going to slightly lower mine!"
Jason: "Is he?  Awww, well there you go!"
Mark: "Aww I liked Captain Patronising."
Shaun: "I found him less interesting.  They could have done the same thing with the Admiral guy, without the weird obsession for food."
Mark: "No, I liked that guy.  He was good."
MJ: "Yeah.  I did like him.  He was annoying, but I liked what they did with him."
Mark: "I LIKED he was annoying!"
Jason: "I liked his character - he obviously liked his food."
MJ: "Didn't he look ILL though!?  I thought that the actor probably didn't live much longer after that - don't cry Jason!"
Jason: "I've concerned myself now."
Mark: "His eyes were bloodshot."
MJ: "They were!"
Shaun: "Yeah his eyes were REALLY bloodshot." REALLY bloodshot!" (Checking the actor Martin Boddy, who played Walker, died on 24th November 1975 - his episodes of this were in March 1972.  So he was around just over three years moreover three years more)

Jason: "It was all the food he had to eat for all those takes!"
MJ: "I think he must have had gout or something!  Haha!  Or some other old-fashioned disease!  Who knows.  So, yeah, err, that was 'The Sea Devils'.  Again I did notice padding - obviously it's six episodes but -"
Jason: "- Not as much as last time."
Shaun: "There was a BIT, but it wasn't as obvious as usual."
Jason: "No."
MJ: "But then again people would be watching it over six weeks."
Jason: "Getting captured - escaping.  Getting captured - escaping.  For a change."
Shaun: "But it did all seem to  - I mean you had to have The Doctor and Jo out of the way a bit.  But the plot was advancing around them being captured and re-captured."
Jason: "I agree - I was just being a grumpy bastard."  Shaun: "It wasn't JUST them being captured - getting out again.  Which just halts everything.  Then they have to capture them again and so on and so forth."
Mark: "Yeah, it wasn't like the Hartnell days."
Shaun: "And of course what a MASSIVE surprise at the end where the Sea Devils turned on The Master!" *Laughing* "Because his alliance was ill-advised!  Forcing The Master and The Doctor to work together to survive."
Mark: "Curse their inevitable betrayal!"
Shaun: "Yes, curse their sudden, but inevitable, betrayal!"
MJ: "So I wonder where he goes?  'Cos I thought he was re-captured - The Master - but clearly not so I dunno where -"
Shaun: "- He's going to the Isle Of Wight to build his new power base!!"
MJ: "That, err, you know The Silurians being THAT close to the coast of England -"
Shaun: "- Sea Devils."
MJ: "- Sea Devils.  Sorry.  The guy wanted to launch a nuclear attack just a couple of miles off the coast of England!!  Just seemed..." *Laughs*
Shaun: "Yeah.  This entire thing - and everything based around it - had absolutely NO sense of geographical space!*MJ laughs* "Like anyone could get anywhere in two minutes.  Well, as I first mentioned, when they were first riding towards the two islands - the two great big islands on which all of this was supposed to be set - and they pull up in the harbour - "
Leigh: "- There was only one island!"
Mark: "It was one island."
Jason: "NO there was two because one of them was a secret place that no one's ever heard of!"
Leigh: "No it was the same island!"
Shaun: "When it first showed them going to the location -"
Jason*Whispering* "Secret."
Shaun: "- the locations they showed were two separate islands - "
Leigh: "- No it wasn't!"
Shaun: "- And then as soon as they got there it was like 'Well that's clearly not the same place!'  And the entire thing was like that.  You could get anywhere in about two seconds or as fast as the scene needed."
MJ: "As long as you had a Citroën car with no doors!"
Jason: "Imagine if, to get anywhere, they actually had to do everything in real time - there would be more episodes."
Leigh: "Yeah."
Mark: "Yeah - there would be twenty four of them!"
Jason: "I loved it - it was great..."
Shaun: "My point being, that the distance travelled - and the time it took between scenes to do it - was all over the place.  Sometimes it would take quite a while.  Sometimes it would be instantaneous!"
Mark: I think what you're saying is that they should have done it all in real time."
Shaun: "No!"
Mark: "Like '24' (The TV show)."
Shaun: "Not at all."
Leigh: "Yeah, and no one went to the toilet in that at all!"
*Mark chuckles*
Jason: "You're going to LOVE the later seasons of 'Game Of Thrones'..."
MJ: "And I liked the, erm, return of The Master again.  It's always fun to have him back!  Watching 'The Clangers' and all that."
Shaun: "He is, by far, my favourite thing about the entire Pertwee era!"
Mark: "Yeah."
Jason: "I could have done with more Clangers."
Leigh: "But he did the same thing that he does every time!  There's only so many times you can do exactly the same thing."
Jason: "The Daleks do the same thing every time!"
Shaun: "ALL of the Doctors enemies do exactly the same thing every time!!" *Leigh chuckles* "The thing with The Master is he a ridiculously charismatic man, who's playing it REALLY straight, despite CLEARLY knowing how silly it is!  I love him for that!"
Jason: "And he didn't do the same thing this time - he did it with the Sea Devils!"
*Leigh laughs*
Shaun: *Laughing* "Yeah!  That's completely different to when he did it with the Daleks!"
Leigh: "And Cybermen..."
MJ: "Erm, no he's not done it with the Daleks at all, yet..."
Mark: "That's in the future..."
MJ: "He wasn't in Pertwee's Dalek story 'Day Of The Daleks'."
Shaun: "Oh in my brain I've just shoved him in there!"
Mark: "That's because every episode we see you say 'Oh that's The Master'!"
Shaun: "Yeah."
MJ: "He was with the giant goat thing in 'The Dæmons'!"
Leigh: "Oh yeah!"
Jason: "Now I liked that one!"
MJ: "So yes what would we give that out of ten?  I think I'd probably give it a six."
Jason: "I'm struggling to."
Leigh: "I think I'd go with a six as well."
Jason: "I'm thinking four or five."
MJ: "Oh okay.  Go four point five."
Jason: "I know I've given one a five before and that was better than this."
MJ: "Oh okay."
Jason: Five - I'll go with five."
Mark: "I was going to go eight point one.  I really enjoyed that one!"
Shaun: "And I've got to be honest, with the exception of the terrible, terrible music - "
Jason: "- Four and a half!  I'm taking off half for the music!  Really grated on me!"
Shaun: "- and one of the six Sea Devil creatures, I really liked that so, yeah.  I'm going to give it an eight point one three two four five.  I thoroughly enjoyed that!"
MJ: "Yes the music was quite awful wasn't it!?"
Jason: "You know how you always go on about 'The Web Planet' music?"
MJ: "Yeah."
Jason: "That didn't particularly bother me.  THAT bothered me!"
MJ: "Oh.
Mark: "This didn't particularly bother me - I almost enjoyed it in parts!  Haha!"
Jason: "It might be that I just LET it bother me!"
Shaun: "It quite annoyed me and then it was three bajillion years long!  And NOTHING f**king happened!"
Jason: "You've got to have some things that keep let it annoy you.... like MJ!" *Laughter* "But erm... yeah it was more that it's repeating and that will annoy you if you're already annoyed!  If you don't let it annoy you, it's fine...  It's enjoyable sometimes.  But I let it annoy me quite early on and it carried on."
Shaun: "Ahhhhh!"
MJ: "Ahhhh yes, yes.  I can see how it could be annoying but I kind of put it to the background."
Shaun: "Yeah, yeah.  I was pretty fine with it early in, but it was six parts of it, so....  Yeah it really started to grate around Part Four."
Jason: "It kept getting louder and louder and louder and then we didn't know if we were meant to hear it or not?  Or whether the actors could hear it or not?  Is there an alarm going off?  A ray gun?"
Shaun: "Ooo, also to mention, we were talking about it earlier, the direction in this one was very nice."
MJ: "Yeah."
Shaun: "There was just a bit more going on than the usual static camera."
Jason: "There was stuff going on."
Mark: "There was wonky cameras."
MJ: "Yeah, all sorts of stuff going on.  Jason have you got 'The Book'?"
Jason: "Yeah.  Leigh, can I have 'The Book' please.  It's in the bag near you."
Shaun: "I like the idea of the guys doing the Silurians voices." *He does wobbly voiced impression*
Mark: "That's how you do all fish voices!"
MJ: "For the readers, Shaun is wobbling his fingers over his lips."
Jason: "Oh!  I did like the voices - I though the voices suited the characters."
MJ: "Yeah."
Jason: "They were so much better than last time."
Shaun: "I'll agree.  It grated on me a little - but I HATE whispering on film!  For some reason."
Mark: "You're not going to enjoy a lot of old Doctor Who..." *Laughs*
Jason: "There was the right balance of alien versus understandable."
MJ: "Yeah.  I couldn't have them all the time but they were fine this time."
Jason: *Flicking through 'The Book'* "Jesus!  We've got loads to go!"
*Leigh chuckles*
Shaun: "Really!??"
Jason: "No I thought we were getting to the end of Jo - but obviously not."
MJ: "No!"
Jason: "Sea Devils!  Stuff happened!" *Reading from 'The Book'* " 'Aquatic cousins of the Silurians threaten to wipe out humanity.  Extensive location filming took place at various naval sites including Portsmouth, Hants - as well as Nothcliffe Castle and Whitecliffe Bay on the Isle Of Wight and a no-man's land sea fort in the Solent.' "
Shaun: "Which you identified as Fort Boyard (an old TV show)."
Jason: *Reading from 'The Book'* " 'Sequences were also taken from a Royal Navy training films'."
MJ: "Ahhh right!"
Leigh: "Stock footage."
Shaun: "That was our stock footage."
Jason: *Reading from 'The Book'* " 'Six Sea Devil costumes' -" *Everyone cheers* "- were made from latex by Maggie Fletcher - with turtle-like heads sculpted by John Friedlander.  Peter Days nuclear submarine model coincidentally resembled a top secret prototype developed by naval intelligence.  Verdict: This gaudy re-hash of 'Doctor Who and The Silurians' is on par with 'The Green Death' as the Pertwee story everybody remembers.  Disorientating direction -' "
Shaun: "- What!!?"
Jason: *Reading from 'The Book'* " '- and music create plenty of chills, but ultimately this is no more than a glorified Naval recruitment film!  Delgado, however, is sublime.  Seven out of ten.' "
MJ: "Ahh so one more than me.  Delgado is always sublime."
Shaun: "Yep!  He is."
MJ: "Well not much to say about that, as I know I have to type this damn thing up!  Hah!  So.."
Shaun: "Keep it going!"
Mark: "How many hours have we got so far?"
MJ: "Ten hours..."
Mark: "Ten?  That's not enough..."
MJ: "So that was 'The Sea Devils' - what's the next story Jason?"
Jason: " 'The Mutants'."
MJ: " 'The Mutants' - oooo I've never seen that one!  So that will be -"
Shaun: "- Does it have The Master in it?"
MJ: "Don't know."
Jason: "Don't know." *Reading from 'The Book'* " 'On Solos the sadistic Marshall exterminates the native mutant population...'  Da-da-dahhhh!"
MJ: "Ahh, well there you go!"
Shaun: "I hope The Master has his hovercraft in space!"
Jason: "It's directed by Christopher Barry."
MJ: "Oh right!  He's alright."
Leigh: "Two first names."
MJ: "One World Cup."
Shaun: "And also the guy from 'Red Dwarf'!"
Jason: "And written by Bob Baker!"
MJ: "Yeah.  Bob Baker and Dave Martin invented K-9.  So there you go."
Shaun: "Oh well, f**k them then!"
MJ: "AND on THAT note..."
Shaun: "K-9 can f**k off!"
MJ: "Until next time, bye-bye..."

Photo 6: At MJ's house.
A close up of lovely
Jason (with the DVD case).

Wow - That took an AGE to type up!  Still way behind AND this blog kept messing up so I kept loosing bits but here we are!  At the end.  Here's the scores:

MJ - 6
Shaun - 8.13245
Leigh - 6
Mark - 8.1
Jason - 4.5

So that gives us an average of 6.54649 out of 10.  Right that's it - next time 'The Mutants'.  Until then I shall return, yes I shall return...

MJ - 21/10/2016

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