Sunday 21st February 2016
Howdy all you people! Well it so was written that we all met around
Jason's house on a funky Sunday at funky 1 o' clock! Here's what the
heck happened….
MJ: "Hey! Well here we are at Jason's house and he's got a wonky telly - so he's actually got a mini spirit level out" *Leigh Laughs* "and Leigh and Shaun have been making sure that the telly's straight. I thought this would add a bit more colour to the transcript-"
Shaun: "- BOOM! That is one straight telly! According to gravity and air and... how it works."
Mark: "I think that the ceiling's wonky."
Shaun: "The ceiling is definitely wonky!"
Leigh: "There is nothing we can do about the wonkiness of the ceiling."
Mark: *Giggling* "I think you should fix that."Leigh: "Jason have you got a sledge hammer!?" *Mark Laughs*
MJ: "I mean the video of 'Sledgehammer' will be equally fine."
Leigh: "That's not going to fix the wonkiness of the ceiling!"
MJ: "No but it's always fun to see stop-motion animation from the 80's!"
Leigh: "Of Peter Gabriel."
*MJ does impression of George Formby singing Sledgehammer*
Leigh: "Erm that's a different Peter Gabriel to the one I know!"
MJ: "Oh yes that's the George Formby Peter Gabriel tribute act!" *Jason comes in the room with a SQUARE TARDIS mug* "Oooo look at that one! Wow. That looks awkward to drink out of!"
Jason: "Yeah, I'm sure it will be!"
MJ: "Jason has a TARDIS mug which is square which is going to be..."
Jason: "Look, look at the amount of detail that goes into this mug *spins it 90 degrees* Ooo. *spins it 90 degrees* Ooo. *spins it 90 degrees* Ohhhh!"
MJ: "Three sides they've bothered to sculpt like the TARDIS and the back is just blank! That's just - "
Gavin: "- They could have put the handle on the blank side!"
Mark: "That would have made sense."
Jason: "It's for going on a shelf isn't it..."
MJ: "Sounds like 'Blankerty Blank'!"
*Leigh Laughs*
MJ: " 'They could have put the handle on the BLANK side' " *starts singing 'Blankerty Blank' music*
Jason: *Referencing the DVD* "I think I've seen this one before" *opening the DVD case* "Ooo two!?"
MJ: "Yeah well it's a seven parter like the others - I think they may all be on Disc 1. It may be just the extras on Disc 2 but we shall see!"
MJ: "Hey! Well here we are at Jason's house and he's got a wonky telly - so he's actually got a mini spirit level out" *Leigh Laughs* "and Leigh and Shaun have been making sure that the telly's straight. I thought this would add a bit more colour to the transcript-"
Shaun: "- BOOM! That is one straight telly! According to gravity and air and... how it works."
Mark: "I think that the ceiling's wonky."
Shaun: "The ceiling is definitely wonky!"
Leigh: "There is nothing we can do about the wonkiness of the ceiling."
Mark: *Giggling* "I think you should fix that."Leigh: "Jason have you got a sledge hammer!?" *Mark Laughs*
MJ: "I mean the video of 'Sledgehammer' will be equally fine."
Leigh: "That's not going to fix the wonkiness of the ceiling!"
MJ: "No but it's always fun to see stop-motion animation from the 80's!"
Leigh: "Of Peter Gabriel."
*MJ does impression of George Formby singing Sledgehammer*
Leigh: "Erm that's a different Peter Gabriel to the one I know!"
MJ: "Oh yes that's the George Formby Peter Gabriel tribute act!" *Jason comes in the room with a SQUARE TARDIS mug* "Oooo look at that one! Wow. That looks awkward to drink out of!"
Jason: "Yeah, I'm sure it will be!"
MJ: "Jason has a TARDIS mug which is square which is going to be..."
Jason: "Look, look at the amount of detail that goes into this mug *spins it 90 degrees* Ooo. *spins it 90 degrees* Ooo. *spins it 90 degrees* Ohhhh!"
MJ: "Three sides they've bothered to sculpt like the TARDIS and the back is just blank! That's just - "
Gavin: "- They could have put the handle on the blank side!"
Mark: "That would have made sense."
Jason: "It's for going on a shelf isn't it..."
MJ: "Sounds like 'Blankerty Blank'!"
*Leigh Laughs*
MJ: " 'They could have put the handle on the BLANK side' " *starts singing 'Blankerty Blank' music*
Jason: *Referencing the DVD* "I think I've seen this one before" *opening the DVD case* "Ooo two!?"
MJ: "Yeah well it's a seven parter like the others - I think they may all be on Disc 1. It may be just the extras on Disc 2 but we shall see!"
Leigh: "- Yeah but the TV was wonky!"
Leigh: "- Yeah but the TV was wonky!"
MJ: "Once again Jason's trying to get the DVD player to start by blowing in it!"
Mark: "Are you recording his heavy breathing?"
MJ: "I am getting his heavy breathing, yes. Helps to put a disc IN Jason..."
*Jason singing "Doctor Whoooooooo!" at MJ*
MJ: "I'm not going to sing that today!"
Shaun: "Before coming here today I've found out I've nothing to do other than plot in 'Fallout IV' so I very, VERY much want to get back to that!"
MJ: "Ahh he wants to get back to his computer game. So let's talk more about feelings!"
*Mark Laughs*
Shaun: "That's why I was hoping this was a four (parter), I thought it was a four!"
MJ: "Episode One let's go - This is 'Inferno' - Burn baby burn!"
Mark: "We can always stop it for an hour so you can go home and play."
Shaun: "Yeah! That is LITERALLY what I would do if I could nip off for an hour - right f**k this!"
*Mark Laughs*
Jason: "If it was the old days we could set up another TV on that chair over there so you could play."
Shaun: "Nope I'm here for the Doctor Who! I'm looking forward to watching it."
Mark: "Are you recording his heavy breathing?"
MJ: "I am getting his heavy breathing, yes. Helps to put a disc IN Jason..."
*Jason singing "Doctor Whoooooooo!" at MJ*
MJ: "I'm not going to sing that today!"
Shaun: "Before coming here today I've found out I've nothing to do other than plot in 'Fallout IV' so I very, VERY much want to get back to that!"
MJ: "Ahh he wants to get back to his computer game. So let's talk more about feelings!"
*Mark Laughs*
Shaun: "That's why I was hoping this was a four (parter), I thought it was a four!"
MJ: "Episode One let's go - This is 'Inferno' - Burn baby burn!"
Mark: "We can always stop it for an hour so you can go home and play."
Shaun: "Yeah! That is LITERALLY what I would do if I could nip off for an hour - right f**k this!"
*Mark Laughs*
Jason: "If it was the old days we could set up another TV on that chair over there so you could play."
Shaun: "Nope I'm here for the Doctor Who! I'm looking forward to watching it."
Leigh: "Could you turn it up a bit!"
Leigh: "Could you turn it up a bit!"
MJ: "Yes."
Shaun: "Then could you turn it DOWN a bit! 'Cos it's slightly loud!"
*Jason turns volume up*
Leigh: "That's too LOUD!!!"
MJ: "WHAT!!??"
*MJ Laughs*
Leigh: "I CAN'T HEAR!!"
MJ: "Look different titles - spewing lava!"
Leigh: "Ooooo! Volcano!"
MJ: "Yes. Blowing it's load."
Leigh: "Like some sort of INERNO?!"
Mark: "I still think it's too short a title."
Leigh: "If only it was 'The Inferno of Death'!"
MJ: *Reading off screen* "Doug Houghton, I don't know that name. Probably a new writer." *Noticing the 'Play/Pause' symbols are still on screen* "Does that go away, the 'Play/Pause'?"
Leigh: "Yeah, why's that thing still there?"
MJ: "Ooo the Doctor's in his car singing so...."
MJ: "End of first part! Yay..."
Mark: *Reading titles and in reference to something MJ had said during the episode* "He WAS called Olaf Pooley."
*Leigh chuckles*
MJ: "Well I told you!"
Gavin: "Olaf Pooley?"
MJ: "Yeah. I quite enjoyed that, I don't know what's going on."
Shaun: "Despite ALL of these episodes I've only JUST realised that it's 'Lethbridge-Stewart' not 'Leftbridge-Stewart'."
MJ: "Ahhh. So which bridge do you prefer, the left bridge of the right bridge?!" *MJ and Mark chuckle* "So that was pretty good, we got some 'Primals' - I think they are called..." (They were actually called 'Primords')
Jason: "I'm not convinced by the make-up effects."
*Leigh chuckles*
Jason: "The 'Thriller' guy."
MJ: "Ah yes, the 'Thriller' guy with the moustache - he looked like Richard Pryor I thought."
Shaun: "I think that these first episodes have just become completely interchangeable."
*Mark chuckles*
Jason: "What? Turn up -"
Shaun: "- There's a new big nuclear sciencey place... sometimes they drill... sometimes they're doing something a bit different... the Doctor's there... someone's killed."
*Jason laughs*
Shaun: "You know."
Jason: "Yep."
Mark: "There's a volcano in this one."
Shaun: "However the green werewolf (Primord) looked ridiculous so I thoroughly enjoyed that!"
MJ: "Do you like the new titles? With the volcano spewing?"
Shaun: "Yes 'cos we had, erm, bespoke titles for the last couple as well, didn't we?"
MJ: "Yeah, all of this season have got bespoke titles for the beginning it's err.. quite interesting..."
Shaun: "But, yeah, as Leigh said - well one of the things Leigh said earlier (we'll come back to the other one later) - I did like, in the last one, it was 'Ambassadors.....OF DEATH!!!!!' "
MJ: *Laughs* "Yeah"
Jason: "Oh yes. There's a less jerky ending - there's no 'Oh? We've finished!' "
MJ: "There's no 'In...........FERNO'!!" *Laughs*Shaun: "Yeah!"
MJ: "Which would have been good. Erm, the guy with the moustache, who I said spoke like Terry Jones, he's either Jago or Litefoot if you've heard of them?"
Jason: "I have."
MJ: "Yeah they're later on and he also in the -"
Jason: *Laughs* "- I thought I recognised him - he's in Doctor Who! -"
MJ: "- you know the newer series one with Agatha Christie?"
Jason: "The new one?"
MJ: "Yeah 'The Unicorn And The Wasp' it was called, with David Tennant."
Jason: "Oh NEW Doctor Who."
Shaun: "Yes."
MJ: "Yeah well there was a Professor in a wheelchair who didn't really need a wheelchair, it's revealed at the end. Well that's him as well."
Gavin: "He's a fake?!"
Shaun: "Well one of my recurring favourite, erm, reveals is 'Oh he didn't need the wheelchair after all!!' Like Spike from 'Buffy' did it best and then just since then I always enjoy that little twist."
*Mark chuckles*
MJ: "It's pretty, pretty good. Right I'll pause it there as it's only Part One and I've got to type this up! Oh I do want to say that this is a new name to me - I don't know Don Houghton the writer."
Shaun: "But you know Don Houghton the lover!"
Mark: (Partway through a chat) "- an alternate reality where they wear eyepatches?"
Jason: "Stop guessing it!"
MJ: "We don't know yet! At the end of that the Doctor's just disappeared, with the car, with his TARDIS console."
Jason: "They do have eye patches in THIS reality as well!"
Mark: "No they have NO eye patches in this reality!"
Jason: "Oh okay."
Mark: "Only the OTHER one!"
Shaun: "Mark appears to have stumbled upon where the rest of the plot's going to go!"
*Mark laughs*
MJ: "Our... erm, I forgot what I was going to say now!"
Jason: ""
MJ: "In the middle of our street - oh there's the grumpy man in charge, who's fed up of the Doctor interfering, he's got infected by this virus which turns him into this..."
Shaun: "Green werewolf."
MJ: "Green werewolf thing." *Leigh laughs* "And so somebody else as got that as well - green on their hands - horrible."
Jason: "I kind of hope it's not transmitted by door handles because I watched both he and the Brigadier touch the same door handle!"
MJ: "So enjoying it so far? That's the first question."
Jason: "Yes."
MJ: "Shaun?"
Shaun: "It's fine."
MJ: " 'It's fine!' "
*Leigh laughs*Shaun: "Well no, as I was just saying earlier, there's just a lot of overlap of stuff with the set-ups of the previous couple, so..."
MJ: "Mmmm."
Shaun: "It's fine so far. There's been some bad acting in this one - which I always enjoy."
MJ: "I hadn't really noticed?"
Shaun: "The Scientist and the UNIT Agent - they were both pretty bad, which was quite fun. And I greatly think, once he became a werewolf, certainly in the fight scene, the first guy who got taken over was pretty, pretty dire!"
*Laughter*Shaun: "He'd just been shot and he looked kind of confused."
Mark: "Well you would be if you'd been shot!"
MJ: "Well he got turned into a werewolf and got shot - that would confuse my day as well!"
MJ: "Hello Shana."
Shana: "Hello - sorry, crashing again. Had to escape."
MJ: *Really stagey* "Hey, so Leigh's got something to say before we carry on!"
Leigh: "Nuh-uhh."
MJ: "I can't even remember what the pun was now! Perhaps Mark can regale us."
Mark: "No 'cos that would just be stealing his joke! I wouldn't do that!"
Leigh: "Can we just carry on with Doctor Who?!"
MJ: "Okay we'll carry on with Part Three - Shana's here by the way!"
Shana: "Hi!"
MJ: "She missed the first two but she's here for" *singing* "Doctor Whooooo....Part Threeeeeeeee......"
MJ: "Well that was the end of Part Three and the Doctor's in a parallel universe."
Shaun: "Then could you turn it DOWN a bit! 'Cos it's slightly loud!"
*Jason turns volume up*
Leigh: "That's too LOUD!!!"
MJ: "WHAT!!??"
*MJ Laughs*
Leigh: "I CAN'T HEAR!!"
MJ: "Look different titles - spewing lava!"
Leigh: "Ooooo! Volcano!"
MJ: "Yes. Blowing it's load."
Leigh: "Like some sort of INERNO?!"
Mark: "I still think it's too short a title."
Leigh: "If only it was 'The Inferno of Death'!"
MJ: *Reading off screen* "Doug Houghton, I don't know that name. Probably a new writer." *Noticing the 'Play/Pause' symbols are still on screen* "Does that go away, the 'Play/Pause'?"
Leigh: "Yeah, why's that thing still there?"
MJ: "Ooo the Doctor's in his car singing so...."
MJ: "End of first part! Yay..."
Mark: *Reading titles and in reference to something MJ had said during the episode* "He WAS called Olaf Pooley."
*Leigh chuckles*
MJ: "Well I told you!"
Gavin: "Olaf Pooley?"
MJ: "Yeah. I quite enjoyed that, I don't know what's going on."
Shaun: "Despite ALL of these episodes I've only JUST realised that it's 'Lethbridge-Stewart' not 'Leftbridge-Stewart'."
MJ: "Ahhh. So which bridge do you prefer, the left bridge of the right bridge?!" *MJ and Mark chuckle* "So that was pretty good, we got some 'Primals' - I think they are called..." (They were actually called 'Primords')
Jason: "I'm not convinced by the make-up effects."
*Leigh chuckles*
Jason: "The 'Thriller' guy."
MJ: "Ah yes, the 'Thriller' guy with the moustache - he looked like Richard Pryor I thought."
Shaun: "I think that these first episodes have just become completely interchangeable."
*Mark chuckles*
Jason: "What? Turn up -"
Shaun: "- There's a new big nuclear sciencey place... sometimes they drill... sometimes they're doing something a bit different... the Doctor's there... someone's killed."
*Jason laughs*
Shaun: "You know."
Jason: "Yep."
Mark: "There's a volcano in this one."
Shaun: "However the green werewolf (Primord) looked ridiculous so I thoroughly enjoyed that!"
MJ: "Do you like the new titles? With the volcano spewing?"
Shaun: "Yes 'cos we had, erm, bespoke titles for the last couple as well, didn't we?"
MJ: "Yeah, all of this season have got bespoke titles for the beginning it's err.. quite interesting..."
Shaun: "But, yeah, as Leigh said - well one of the things Leigh said earlier (we'll come back to the other one later) - I did like, in the last one, it was 'Ambassadors.....OF DEATH!!!!!' "
MJ: *Laughs* "Yeah"
Jason: "Oh yes. There's a less jerky ending - there's no 'Oh? We've finished!' "
MJ: "There's no 'In...........FERNO'!!" *Laughs*Shaun: "Yeah!"
MJ: "Which would have been good. Erm, the guy with the moustache, who I said spoke like Terry Jones, he's either Jago or Litefoot if you've heard of them?"
Jason: "I have."
MJ: "Yeah they're later on and he also in the -"
Jason: *Laughs* "- I thought I recognised him - he's in Doctor Who! -"
MJ: "- you know the newer series one with Agatha Christie?"
Jason: "The new one?"
MJ: "Yeah 'The Unicorn And The Wasp' it was called, with David Tennant."
Jason: "Oh NEW Doctor Who."
Shaun: "Yes."
MJ: "Yeah well there was a Professor in a wheelchair who didn't really need a wheelchair, it's revealed at the end. Well that's him as well."
Gavin: "He's a fake?!"
Shaun: "Well one of my recurring favourite, erm, reveals is 'Oh he didn't need the wheelchair after all!!' Like Spike from 'Buffy' did it best and then just since then I always enjoy that little twist."
*Mark chuckles*
MJ: "It's pretty, pretty good. Right I'll pause it there as it's only Part One and I've got to type this up! Oh I do want to say that this is a new name to me - I don't know Don Houghton the writer."
Shaun: "But you know Don Houghton the lover!"
Photo 1:
Gavin, Mark (holding the DVD Cover),
Jason, MJ (holding the sign) Shaun and Leigh
around Jason's house.
Jason, MJ (holding the sign) Shaun and Leigh
around Jason's house.
Mark: (Partway through a chat) "- an alternate reality where they wear eyepatches?"
Jason: "Stop guessing it!"
MJ: "We don't know yet! At the end of that the Doctor's just disappeared, with the car, with his TARDIS console."
Jason: "They do have eye patches in THIS reality as well!"
Mark: "No they have NO eye patches in this reality!"
Jason: "Oh okay."
Mark: "Only the OTHER one!"
Shaun: "Mark appears to have stumbled upon where the rest of the plot's going to go!"
*Mark laughs*
MJ: "Our... erm, I forgot what I was going to say now!"
Jason: ""
MJ: "In the middle of our street - oh there's the grumpy man in charge, who's fed up of the Doctor interfering, he's got infected by this virus which turns him into this..."
Shaun: "Green werewolf."
MJ: "Green werewolf thing." *Leigh laughs* "And so somebody else as got that as well - green on their hands - horrible."
Jason: "I kind of hope it's not transmitted by door handles because I watched both he and the Brigadier touch the same door handle!"
MJ: "So enjoying it so far? That's the first question."
Jason: "Yes."
MJ: "Shaun?"
Shaun: "It's fine."
MJ: " 'It's fine!' "
*Leigh laughs*Shaun: "Well no, as I was just saying earlier, there's just a lot of overlap of stuff with the set-ups of the previous couple, so..."
MJ: "Mmmm."
Shaun: "It's fine so far. There's been some bad acting in this one - which I always enjoy."
MJ: "I hadn't really noticed?"
Shaun: "The Scientist and the UNIT Agent - they were both pretty bad, which was quite fun. And I greatly think, once he became a werewolf, certainly in the fight scene, the first guy who got taken over was pretty, pretty dire!"
*Laughter*Shaun: "He'd just been shot and he looked kind of confused."
Mark: "Well you would be if you'd been shot!"
MJ: "Well he got turned into a werewolf and got shot - that would confuse my day as well!"
MJ: "Hello Shana."
Shana: "Hello - sorry, crashing again. Had to escape."
MJ: *Really stagey* "Hey, so Leigh's got something to say before we carry on!"
Leigh: "Nuh-uhh."
MJ: "I can't even remember what the pun was now! Perhaps Mark can regale us."
Mark: "No 'cos that would just be stealing his joke! I wouldn't do that!"
Leigh: "Can we just carry on with Doctor Who?!"
MJ: "Okay we'll carry on with Part Three - Shana's here by the way!"
Shana: "Hi!"
MJ: "She missed the first two but she's here for" *singing* "Doctor Whooooo....Part Threeeeeeeee......"
MJ: "Well that was the end of Part Three and the Doctor's in a parallel universe."
Jason: "Yes."
MJ: "There's a parallel Liz Shaw which Shaun's not keen on."
MJ: "There's a parallel Liz Shaw which Shaun's not keen on."
Shaun: "No, she has not been great in either universe in this serial!"
Gavin: "I prefer her in this universe."
MJ: "Yeah, you like her in jack-boots and, erm, angry."
MJ: "Yeah, you like her in jack-boots and, erm, angry."
*Leigh laughs*
Gavin: "And darker - oh yeah, yeah, yeah!"
*Mark chuckles*
Jason: He likes the DARKER ladies!"
MJ: "And the Brigadier's got an eye patch! Which is fun - and a scar! An eye patch and a scar. There are a few hours ahead so that might be an important plot thing."
MJ: "And the Brigadier's got an eye patch! Which is fun - and a scar! An eye patch and a scar. There are a few hours ahead so that might be an important plot thing."
Mark: "It might be...."
Shana: "Have I got time to have a wee?"
Jason: "Yes."
Shana: "Excellent!"
MJ: "If we pause it!"
MJ: "If we pause it!"
Jason: "Yeah we can always pause it!"
Shana: "No, no it's fine, you carry on."
Jason: "Pause your wee."
Shana: "Actually, saying that..."
Jason: "Yeah 'cos we're still talking!"
MJ: "Yeah we can pause it then."
Shana: "Have you, like, got an upstairs one, yeah?"
Jason: "We've ONLY got an upstairs one - don't use the downstairs one!"
MJ: "I made that mistake once...."
Jason: "Yeah 'cos we're still talking!"
MJ: "Yeah we can pause it then."
Shana: "Have you, like, got an upstairs one, yeah?"
Jason: "We've ONLY got an upstairs one - don't use the downstairs one!"
MJ: "I made that mistake once...."
*Mark chuckles*
Shaun: "That's the kitchen!"
MJ: *Singing* "Burn, Baby, burn - Pause 'Inferno'!"
MJ: *Singing* "Burn, Baby, burn - Pause 'Inferno'!"
Mark: "There wasn't much of a Disco Inferno."
MJ: "Yes, there has been a distinct lack of Disco."
MJ: "Yes, there has been a distinct lack of Disco."
Mark: "There was, like, three seconds of Disco."
*MJ chuckles*
*MJ chuckles*
MJ: "That would be a rubbish sequel to that film, erm, 'So-many Days of Summer' - or whatever it was!"
Jason: "Five Hundred."
MJ: *Laughing* "Seven Seconds of Disco!"
MJ: *Laughing* "Seven Seconds of Disco!"
*Mark & Leigh chuckle*
Jason: "Yeah, so you're still recording..."
MJ: "Well in case we have any insights - I don't think we do!"
Jason: "They are only MINOR problems!"
MJ: "They're all 'MINOR' problems'! Hooray!"
Mark: "You stole that joke!"
MJ: "Well in case we have any insights - I don't think we do!"
Jason: "They are only MINOR problems!"
MJ: "They're all 'MINOR' problems'! Hooray!"
Mark: "You stole that joke!"
Jason: "No! It was the first on record!"
MJ: "First time recorded! Yep! So it MUST be Jason that came up with that!! What was the joke I made? Oh yeah: 'Bums'!"
MJ: "Pooey bums!"
Jason: "Bin Laden."
Leigh: "Big jobbies!"
Leigh: "Big jobbies!"
MJ: *Scottish Billie Connolly-esque accent* "Big Jobbies!" *Normal voice* "Bin Laden??"
Jason: "Bin Laden!"
Mark: "'Cos the man on Doctor Who was hiding in the bin!"
Mark: "'Cos the man on Doctor Who was hiding in the bin!"
Shaun: "No he wasn't hiding in the bin - he had a dustbin lid on his head and he was crouched by the other bins."
Jason: "Maybe he was pretending to be a China man."
Shaun: "WHAT!!??"
Shaun: "WHAT!!??"
MJ: "You could do that back then."
Mark: "It was aloud back then."
Leigh: "Are we all racist now, Jason!?"
Mark: "It was aloud back then."
Leigh: "Are we all racist now, Jason!?"
MJ: "Mark's been rubbing off on Jason!"
Mark: "That's not the point of this conversation!"
MJ: "Is it pacey enough for you, Mr. Shaun?"
MJ: "Mark's been rubbing off on Jason!"
Mark: "That's not the point of this conversation!"
MJ: "Is it pacey enough for you, Mr. Shaun?"
Shaun: "Erm, well THIS part was fine, yeah, yeah."
Jason: "Car chases."
Shaun: "Yeah."
Jason: "Different reality, we think."
MJ: "Getting shot at!"
Jason: "The drill's not working."
Jason: "Car chases."
Shaun: "Yeah."
Jason: "Different reality, we think."
MJ: "Getting shot at!"
Jason: "The drill's not working."
Shaun: "Once again the Doctor's actually moved and got into the main plot which is somewhat different from previous weeks. You know, it's an alternate reality - we haven't had one of them for a little while."
Jason: " 'What's wrong with the drill?' 'There's pea soup coming out of it.' 'Shall we turn it off?' 'NO!!' "
MJ: "Hold on! You say 'we haven't had one of them for a little while'? Have we EVER had them in Doctor Who? I don't think we have!"
Shaun: "Yeah! The one with the Time Lords, the ten-parter ('The War Games') they had loads of alternate realities smashed together didn't they?"
Jason: " 'What's wrong with the drill?' 'There's pea soup coming out of it.' 'Shall we turn it off?' 'NO!!' "
MJ: "Hold on! You say 'we haven't had one of them for a little while'? Have we EVER had them in Doctor Who? I don't think we have!"
Shaun: "Yeah! The one with the Time Lords, the ten-parter ('The War Games') they had loads of alternate realities smashed together didn't they?"
MJ: "Erm that wasn't really an alternate reality."
Shaun: "It's an alternate reality to have lots of time-lines crashing together!"
Jason: "I think that was one reality."
MJ: "That was one reality where they'd created false, erm, pretend things, like zones - yeah. Like in 'The Crystal Maze' - as we said at the time! I think this is the only time we've seen The Doctor cross into alternate reality - into somewhere different."
Leigh: "It's not an alternate reality! There are no zeppelins!"
Shaun: "It's an alternate reality to have lots of time-lines crashing together!"
Jason: "I think that was one reality."
MJ: "That was one reality where they'd created false, erm, pretend things, like zones - yeah. Like in 'The Crystal Maze' - as we said at the time! I think this is the only time we've seen The Doctor cross into alternate reality - into somewhere different."
Leigh: "It's not an alternate reality! There are no zeppelins!"
MJ: "I wonder what LED him to that conclusion!? Led Zeppelin..."
Jason: "Very good. Well, I say 'Very good'...."
Mark: "Let's move on..."
MJ: "Yes let's move on to *Singing* "Parr-art Fourrrrrr, Parr-art Fourrrrr!" *Not singing* "Ooo look at the my pants!"
*Mark chuckles*
Photo 2:
Gavin, Mark (holding the DVD Cover),
Jason, Shana, Shaun and Leigh (holding the sign)
around Jason's house.
Jason, Shana, Shaun and Leigh (holding the sign)
around Jason's house.
MJ: "Well I don't know what to say - I'm just enjoying the ride. Giggerty! So is this one alright for you, Leigh?"
Leigh: "Yeah it's alright! It's not a proper alternate reality 'cos there are no zeppelins, but you know...!"
Leigh: "Yeah it's alright! It's not a proper alternate reality 'cos there are no zeppelins, but you know...!"
MJ: "You keep BANGING on about zeppelins!"
Shana: "I sense a theme! Do you want zeppelins in this?"
Shana: "I sense a theme! Do you want zeppelins in this?"
Leigh: "ALL alternate realities have hot air balloons type things!"
Shana: "That's true."
MJ: Do they? I know they did in the Doctor Who, 21st Century Cybermen one, but what other examples are there?"
Leigh: "Everything! Look at a thing set in an alternate reality and it's got zeppelins in it!"
MJ: Do they? I know they did in the Doctor Who, 21st Century Cybermen one, but what other examples are there?"
Leigh: "Everything! Look at a thing set in an alternate reality and it's got zeppelins in it!"
MJ: "That episode of 'The Golden Girls' set in an alternate reality!" *Laughs* "That had zeppelins!"
Shaun: "I don't remember them traversing the alternate realities!"
Shana: "In the 1970's you might have had Led Zeppelins - you never know."
Leigh: "No."
MJ: "I'm sure I made that joke earlier - well I mentioned Led Zeppelin."
Shana: *Disbelieving* "Did you?"
Shaun: "I did NOT make that joke! I'd have made a much better and or worst joke!"
Shana: *Disbelieving* "Did you?"
Shaun: "I did NOT make that joke! I'd have made a much better and or worst joke!"
Shana: "I think it would have been a lot worse!"
Shaun: "We're not in the 70's are we? Are we in the 70's yet?"
MJ: "Yeah! This is 1970 this one! In colour. New decade, new Doctor, new colour."
MJ: "Yeah! This is 1970 this one! In colour. New decade, new Doctor, new colour."
Shaun: "I thought we were still '69 - Dude!"
MJ: "Well it may have been filmed in '69. Jason will have to tell us in the book."
Shana: "I thought it was 1970. The one that we watched was 1970. So this must be."
MJ: "Oh it was definitely released in 1970."
Shana: "Oh right."
Shana: "I thought it was 1970. The one that we watched was 1970. So this must be."
MJ: "Oh it was definitely released in 1970."
Shana: "Oh right."
MJ: "Whether it was FILMED then I don't know. I think it was filmed in 1970 - but I don't know. Cuh this is FASCINATING!!"
*Shana laughs*
Shaun: "MJ I have a Doctor Who thing to say, as this is the thing that we are doing!"
MJ: "Cool."
Shaun: "Erm, I do think it's nice that they've pulled out a pretty basic plot into an alternate reality thing."
MJ: "Mmm."
Shaun: "Alternate realities are cool."
MJ: "They are, they are."
Shaun: "And this is quite fun."
MJ: "I don't think they've done it before - someone said it had but I don't think we've had alternate reality in Doctor Who previously."
Shaun: "We've had OUTSIDE of reality."
MJ: "Cool."
Shaun: "Erm, I do think it's nice that they've pulled out a pretty basic plot into an alternate reality thing."
MJ: "Mmm."
Shaun: "Alternate realities are cool."
MJ: "They are, they are."
Shaun: "And this is quite fun."
MJ: "I don't think they've done it before - someone said it had but I don't think we've had alternate reality in Doctor Who previously."
Shaun: "We've had OUTSIDE of reality."
MJ: "We have had outside of reality, yes. I think this one's a damn good story and it's thought of very highly as well. There's lots going on - obviously there's some filler, I guess, but it doesn't FEEL fillery!"
Shaun: "I don't know, I thought the first two episodes we'd seen before several times."
MJ: "Fair enough then!"
Shaun: "But the alternate reality stuff's really fun."
MJ: "Yeah."
MJ: "Fair enough then!"
Shaun: "But the alternate reality stuff's really fun."
MJ: "Yeah."
Shaun: "I like the fact that they've got all the core characters slightly different but largely the same. It's quite good. Where the Doctor was pointing out that alternate Liz Shaw wanted to be a scientist - that was quite a cool little touch."
MJ: "I don't know why they made her dark-haired 'cos the others have their normal hair!"
Shaun: "Well Lethbridge-Stewart's got the scar and the eye-patch."
MJ: "And no moustache!"
Shaun: "For some reason the Lead Scientist, what's his name? The jerk! He doesn't have a moustache but is dressed like a rock star!"
MJ: "Hah yeah!"
MJ: "Hah yeah!"
Shaun: *Laughing* "He's got sunglasses and a white suit."
MJ: "Hah yeah! And he hasn't got a beard in the alternate reality. So that must have been a false one they put on. Erm, Stahlmann, is that his name?"
Shaun: "Yes that's it!"
MJ: "Cuh I'm not very good at remembering names and stuff usually! But this DVD is one the early ones I bought - Pertwee. So it's a long time since I have watched it! But I do enjoy the alternate reality - and the're ahead as well, so I feel they;re ahead of the curve!"
Shaun: "They're not ahead are they?"
MJ: "They are a few hours ahead?"
Shaun: "No they're not ahead of our reality, just they got the machine working and functioning quicker!"
MJ: "Cuh I'm not very good at remembering names and stuff usually! But this DVD is one the early ones I bought - Pertwee. So it's a long time since I have watched it! But I do enjoy the alternate reality - and the're ahead as well, so I feel they;re ahead of the curve!"
Shaun: "They're not ahead are they?"
MJ: "They are a few hours ahead?"
Shaun: "No they're not ahead of our reality, just they got the machine working and functioning quicker!"
MJ: "Oh okay, right!"
Shaun: "Yeah. It's probably 'cos (in the alternate reality) they've got the scientists at gunpoint! 'Cos they're obviously in some sort of interment camp kind of thing."
MJ: "It's like a fascist state instead of a, errr..."
Shaun: "And they've already pointed out that he's killed people - well that people have disappeared and had 'accidents'! People who have impeded progress!"
MJ: "Yeah, when I say I've had an 'accident' and use quotation mark that usually -"
Shaun: "And they've already pointed out that he's killed people - well that people have disappeared and had 'accidents'! People who have impeded progress!"
MJ: "Yeah, when I say I've had an 'accident' and use quotation mark that usually -"
*Shaun laughs*
Shaun: "It means you've shit yourself!"
MJ: *Laughing* "Yes! Let's go in!"
*They go in the house*
Shaun: "Funny how even talking innocently about Doctor Who can turn to shit!"
MJ: "Yes. Talking about poo!"
Mark: "Why are you talking about poo??!"
MJ: "We're talking about people in the serial saying 'Let's hope he doesn't have an ACCIDENT'!"
*We explain out chat and seem to play musical chairs for a while*
MJ: *Reading end credits* "Sheila Dunn."
Leigh: "Sheila Dunn what?"
Leigh: "Sheila Dunn what?"
MJ: "Sheila Dunn NUTTIN'!!"
MJ: *Reading* "That's Petra Williams - who's Petra Williams? Bet she's a dish though!!"
Leigh: "Is that a kind of 'Petri Dish' joke!?"
MJ: "Yeah!"
Leigh: "That's awful!"
MJ: "Yeah!"
Leigh: "That's awful!"
MJ: "Isn't she the scientist in the lab with the blonde hair?"
Shaun: "Yeah."
MJ: *Laughter* "It was awful but you're laughing now!"
Leigh: "Only at the awfulness of it!"
MJ: "I've battered down your intelligence after all these years! You'll laugh at the crappiest thing now! You're conditioned!"
*Leigh snorts*
Mark: "You've dragged us all down to your level."
MJ: "Shampooed AND conditioned? *Sighs* Hurrrr, so that's her. C'mon Jason! Tea! Ahh Shana, are you following it okay, seen as you missed the first two episodes?"
Shana: "Following it!!??"
Shaun: "It's a REALLY complex one!"
Mark: "It's complex."
Shana: "I just like the pretty colours!"
MJ: "The pretty colours, yeah."
Shaun: *Laughing* "Well you are one of those girls!"
Shana: "And the lovely un-perverted company, it's great."
MJ: "Of course."
*after much un-related chat*
Shana: "No more meat parties for us!"
MJ: "Isn't she the scientist in the lab with the blonde hair?"
Shaun: "Yeah."
MJ: *Laughter* "It was awful but you're laughing now!"
Leigh: "Only at the awfulness of it!"
MJ: "I've battered down your intelligence after all these years! You'll laugh at the crappiest thing now! You're conditioned!"
*Leigh snorts*
Mark: "You've dragged us all down to your level."
MJ: "Shampooed AND conditioned? *Sighs* Hurrrr, so that's her. C'mon Jason! Tea! Ahh Shana, are you following it okay, seen as you missed the first two episodes?"
Shana: "Following it!!??"
Shaun: "It's a REALLY complex one!"
Mark: "It's complex."
Shana: "I just like the pretty colours!"
MJ: "The pretty colours, yeah."
Shaun: *Laughing* "Well you are one of those girls!"
Shana: "And the lovely un-perverted company, it's great."
MJ: "Of course."
*after much un-related chat*
Shana: "No more meat parties for us!"
MJ: "That's a good thing to walk back into the room to - isn't it Leigh!??"
Leigh: "It's what I've come to expect from you lot."
MJ: "With that, fair Listener..."
Shaun: "No-one's listening!"
MJ: "No one's listening - 'cos i don't put it up…"
Leigh: "It's what I've come to expect from you lot."
MJ: "With that, fair Listener..."
Shaun: "No-one's listening!"
MJ: "No one's listening - 'cos i don't put it up…"
Leigh: "...The crust of the Earth, can make the Earth explode. Yeah penetrating."
MJ: "This is Leigh not getting the Green Werewolf thing."
MJ: "This is Leigh not getting the Green Werewolf thing."
Leigh:*Laughing* "Where do the Green Werewolves come into it!!?"
Shaun: "The green slime."
Leigh: "Yes but what's the green slime!!??"
Shaun: "We don't know yet."
Shaun: "The green slime."
Leigh: "Yes but what's the green slime!!??"
Shaun: "We don't know yet."
Jason: "It comes from the Earth's crust."
Leigh: "But WHY does it come from the Earth's crust!?? It doesn't make any sense!"
Shaun: "We don't KNOW yet! We've got two more episodes!!"
Leigh: "But WHY does it come from the Earth's crust!?? It doesn't make any sense!"
Shaun: "We don't KNOW yet! We've got two more episodes!!"
Leigh: "Yeah but ONLY two more episodes!!"
Jason: "I don't think they're going to explain it."
Shaun: "Oh they're called Primords!"
MJ: "Primords, yeah. I KNOW they don't explain it - it's just some stuff that's from the Earth from Prehistoric times."
Jason: "I don't think they're going to explain it."
Shaun: "Oh they're called Primords!"
MJ: "Primords, yeah. I KNOW they don't explain it - it's just some stuff that's from the Earth from Prehistoric times."
Jason: "Right, well I'm going to make stuff up."
*Leigh laughs*
Jason: "So, life on Earth was generated from Primordial Soup."
*Leigh laughs*
Jason: "So, life on Earth was generated from Primordial Soup."
Leigh: "Right. Which was green."
Jason: "So now it's doing it again from a different kind of soup. Without Krotons."
Jason: "So now it's doing it again from a different kind of soup. Without Krotons."
MJ: "Oxtail."
*Leigh laughs*
*Leigh laughs*
Mark: "Is it a delicious soup?"
Shaun: "I'm just going to go with it's dinosaur guts, they're squishing dinosaurs with Silurians and that's turning people into Green Werewolves for some reason."
Leigh: "Oh I don't know, I think the Green Werewolves are unnecessary."
Shaun: "I'm just going to go with it's dinosaur guts, they're squishing dinosaurs with Silurians and that's turning people into Green Werewolves for some reason."
Leigh: "Oh I don't know, I think the Green Werewolves are unnecessary."
Shaun: "I agree."
Jason: "Maybe the centre of the Earth is full of Green Werewolves 'cos it's hot and they like that."
Leigh: "That's a well known fact about Werewolves."
Leigh: "That's a well known fact about Werewolves."
Shaun: "It's kind of like, 'cos it started with the Green Werewolf thing - and then they obviously had the better idea of doing the alternate universe thing. But then they STILL needed something in the way to just pad about - so they just left them in. The costumes are quite nice on them."
MJ: "They are."
Shaun: "Better than the last couple of aliens we saw.I liked the broken space-suit thing, but not the Space-Vagina so much."
MJ: "They are."
Shaun: "Better than the last couple of aliens we saw.I liked the broken space-suit thing, but not the Space-Vagina so much."
Shana: "Aww the Space Vagina! There should be more Space Vaginas in everything!"
MJ: "And on that note!"
MJ: "And on that note!"
MJ: "End of Episode Six!!! *Reading* Olaf Pooley! And, err, yes the alternate reality is being destroyed by lava-"
Shaun: "- No, not quite!"
Mark: "Not quite."
Shaun: "It's BEING destroyed."
MJ: "That's what I said! It's BEING destroyed."
Shaun: "Oh I thought you said it has been!"
MJ: "But the Doctor's got power to send his TARDIS back to his reality. Thanks to the help of the others."
Shaun: "Or has he!?"
Shaun: "It's BEING destroyed."
MJ: "That's what I said! It's BEING destroyed."
Shaun: "Oh I thought you said it has been!"
MJ: "But the Doctor's got power to send his TARDIS back to his reality. Thanks to the help of the others."
Shaun: "Or has he!?"
MJ: "Or has he? Yeah we don't know. We assume. But it's been left, the cliffhanger, of lava flowing towards them - stock footage!"
Leigh: "Stock footage!!"
Leigh: "Stock footage!!"
Jason: "Why is there NO Doctor in THIS parallel Universe!!??"
Leigh: "Yeah good point! 'Cos surely that should mess up the Space-Time Continuum!"
Shaun: "Not necessarily."
MJ: "No."
Shaun: "Not necessarily."
MJ: "No."
Shaun: "He's just not been there!"
MJ: "He's not been to that planet!"
Jason: "Everyone else is there!"
Shaun: "A different series of events."
Jason: "Even people who didn't follow the same job roles - have ended up working together in the same building but HE is just - no, I'm off!"
*Shana re-enters the room*
Shana: "What happened?"
Leigh: "Lava."
Leigh: "Lava."
MJ: "Lava's flowing towards them and going to kill them all. You saw the Brigadier getting shot didn't you? Sorry, the Brigade-Leader!"
Jason: "Who shot him? Did he shoot himself?"
Shaun: "Liz Shaw shot him."
MJ: "Yeah Liz Shaw - well the alternate one, yeah."
Shaun: "Liz Shaw shot him."
MJ: "Yeah Liz Shaw - well the alternate one, yeah."
Shaun: "I mean that's probably what would have happened, I mean he did shoot that thing so he probably winged himself and thought 'No I can't show weakness at this point. I'll pretend it didn't happen.' "
*Jason laughs*
MJ: "Yeah."
MJ: "Yeah."
Shana: "You carry on I'm off for a 'Breath of Fresh air' (Cigarette)."
Jason: "With a death-stick? I don't think so."
MJ: "Do you want to carry on or do you need a 'Breath of Thresh air' - I can't even say it! A 'Breath of FRESH air' as well?
MJ: "Do you want to carry on or do you need a 'Breath of Thresh air' - I can't even say it! A 'Breath of FRESH air' as well?
Leigh: "No I'm fine."
Shaun: "Let's power through."
MJ: "Power on!"
Shaun: "I enjoyed that last episode, I want to see the end."
MJ: "Yeah I want to see the end as well so I'll pause it there...."
MJ: "Yeah I want to see the end as well so I'll pause it there...."
MJ: "So we've just watched that infernal 'Inferno' - Mark's had enough!"
Leigh: "He's dead!"
*Shana and Leigh laugh*
*Shana and Leigh laugh*
MJ: "So yes the Doctor got back to THIS universe and stopped the drilling and the Director man, whose name I've forgotten - Stahlmann?"
Jason: "Yeah."
Shaun: "Stahlmann/Stalin!"
MJ: "He turned into a wolfie man and went crazy."
Leigh: "And there was no explanation for it!"
MJ: "No. No explanation for the Wolf Men."
Leigh: "No. There was no explanation as to why Keith Gold came back from the dead!"
MJ: "Well he didn't die!!"
Shaun: "He was injured in his car."
MJ: "He had a sling - he'd hurt his arm."
Leigh: "No, he was dead! Everyone could still talk to him even though he was dead! It didn't make any sense!!"
Shaun: "Look there were several episodes and we've still not had an explanation as to why UNIT are the worlds worst soldiers!"
MJ: "No. No explanation for the Wolf Men."
Leigh: "No. There was no explanation as to why Keith Gold came back from the dead!"
MJ: "Well he didn't die!!"
Shaun: "He was injured in his car."
MJ: "He had a sling - he'd hurt his arm."
Leigh: "No, he was dead! Everyone could still talk to him even though he was dead! It didn't make any sense!!"
Shaun: "Look there were several episodes and we've still not had an explanation as to why UNIT are the worlds worst soldiers!"
MJ: "No. The slime was good though! I don't know if we've had slime before?"
Leigh: "I don't think we have had slime before."
Jason: "Well we haven't had colour before so it's not been worth it!"
Leigh: "That's true."
MJ: "Yes very true. Otherwise it's grey gunk!"
Leigh: "That's true."
MJ: "Yes very true. Otherwise it's grey gunk!"
Gavin: "We've had foam before."
MJ: "We've had LOTS of foam!"
Leigh: "Yeah I'm not sure slime was a step up from foam - as bad guys go!"
Leigh: "Yeah I'm not sure slime was a step up from foam - as bad guys go!"
Shaun: "At least the foam was often explained!"
MJ: "It was bubbling hot-hot-hot, it's bubbling hot!"
Jason: "Ooo on the DVD there's Information Text! That explains why there's werewolves!"
Leigh: "Right let's watch it ALL again with the Information Text!"
Jason: "Ooo on the DVD there's Information Text! That explains why there's werewolves!"
Leigh: "Right let's watch it ALL again with the Information Text!"
MJ: "At the bottom it will say things pretty much like 'The Book' does - you know, 'There were three Werewolf costumes made'... But overall did you enjoy it? Was it a good one?"
Leigh: "No it annoyed me!!"
Jason: "It was alright. I'm worried about my score as I didn't enjoy it as much as the other ones which I've given quite low scores."
Jason: "It was alright. I'm worried about my score as I didn't enjoy it as much as the other ones which I've given quite low scores."
*Leigh laughs*
MJ: "I felt I enjoyed this one more."
Jason: "I thought it was okay - it was better than some of the stories."
Gavin: "Yeah I liked it!"
Jason: "But compared to the last few, I thought it was on a par - if not slightly less."
MJ: "On a par."
Jason: "On a par."
Jason: "But compared to the last few, I thought it was on a par - if not slightly less."
MJ: "On a par."
Jason: "On a par."
MJ: "On-a Blackman."
Shaun: "I didn't enjoy it as much as the last one, but I thought it was better than the first two."
MJ: "So yeah that was his first season - and we have no more seven parters again! So you'll be happy about that!"
Shaun: "Yay!!!!"
Shaun: "I didn't enjoy it as much as the last one, but I thought it was better than the first two."
MJ: "So yeah that was his first season - and we have no more seven parters again! So you'll be happy about that!"
Shaun: "Yay!!!!"
Shana: "That was Seven Parts? What?! That wasn't seven parts?"
Shaun: "Well you weren't here for the first two, remember?"
Shana: "Oh yeah, oh wow."
MJ: "Yes. So, erm..."
Jason: "The first two parts were just a Science Lab drilling."
Shaun: "Yeah there were two parts of set-up, which was the same set-up in many, many others!"
Shana: "Shafting - all of that."
Mark: "All of that - and then mopping up afterwards."
MJ: "Yes. So, erm..."
Jason: "The first two parts were just a Science Lab drilling."
Shaun: "Yeah there were two parts of set-up, which was the same set-up in many, many others!"
Shana: "Shafting - all of that."
Mark: "All of that - and then mopping up afterwards."
MJ: "Oh and we had Charlie from Eastenders."
Shana: "And Charlie from Eastenders."
Mark: "Who?"
Jason: "It's not important but he's Kat's Dad."
Mark: "Kat's Dad? Oh HE was in it!"
Shana: "Ohhh THAT'S Charlie?"
Shana: "Ohhh THAT'S Charlie?"
Mark: "Ahh okay. I know who Charlie was!"
Jason: "I thought it would make things worse if I started talking about Cats!"
MJ: "You thought it was Charlie Chalk! Charlie Chalk - who has a funny way of talking and a funny way of chalking!"
Shana: "I've got that on DVD somewhere."
MJ: "You thought it was Charlie Chalk! Charlie Chalk - who has a funny way of talking and a funny way of chalking!"
Shana: "I've got that on DVD somewhere."
MJ: "So we're positive all round really? Let's see what 'The Book' thinks!"
Shaun: "We haven't done scores yet!"
MJ: "I know we haven't done scores - so what would you like to give that Shaun? He says waiting for the..."
Shaun: "We haven't done scores yet!"
MJ: "I know we haven't done scores - so what would you like to give that Shaun? He says waiting for the..."
Shaun: "I'm going to give it five....point one three seven four!"
MJ: *Laughs* "Five point one three seven four for Shaun! Mr. Leigh?"
Leigh: "Four."
MJ: "Four. Oh you wasn't that keen on it overall?"
Leigh: "Didn't make sense!!"
MJ: "Didn't make sense?"
Jason: "A lot of it was carried along - you didn't worry about that?"
Leigh: "No, I worried about it!"
Jason: "Okay."
MJ: "Didn't make sense?"
Jason: "A lot of it was carried along - you didn't worry about that?"
Leigh: "No, I worried about it!"
Jason: "Okay."
Shaun: "Yeah, the Werewolves were rubbish - absolutely rubbish!"
Leigh: "There was no need for them!"
Jason: "They just weren't part of the plot!"
Leigh: "There was no need for them!"
Jason: "They just weren't part of the plot!"
Leigh: "Yeah!"
Shaun: "Yeah, that's the problem!"
Jason: "They were incidental."
MJ: "I really enjoyed it - I liked the alternate versions."
Jason: "If it weren't for the werewolves we wouldn't have saved the day at the end 'cos we wouldn't have seen the werewolf
therefore they would have carried on drilling and the same thing would have happened (in this universe)."
Mark: "The Werewolf was important at that point."
MJ: "I thought it was fun to have the different versions of themselves."
Gavin: "I liked the alternate reality."
Gavin: "I liked the alternate reality."
Shaun: "I like that all of the computers and all of the heat and everything was saying to stop doing this - but it took a GREEN werewolf to stop them! 'Oh look the guy in charge is probably not in his right mind - even though he's staring off into space and is clearly f**king mad!!' "
MJ: "Yeah - with that I'll give it eight I think!!"
MJ: "You described all the reasons why I liked it! Mr. Mark?"
Mark: "I think six point seven eight!"
Mark: "I think six point seven eight!"
MJ: "How about Gav?"
Gavin: "Seven."
MJ: "Seven?"
Gavin: "Yes, like I said I liked all the alternative reality stuff."
Shaun: "Sure you don't want to add some decimals?!"
Gavin: "Seven point two three eight."
Gavin: "Seven."
MJ: "Seven?"
Gavin: "Yes, like I said I liked all the alternative reality stuff."
Shaun: "Sure you don't want to add some decimals?!"
Gavin: "Seven point two three eight."
Jason: "I think I'll give it six - I think it's worth more than that but compared to the other scores I've voted low."
MJ: "And Shana came in so far through so..."
Shana: "I'll give it a five point three."
MJ: "Good girl."
Shana: "It was very..."
Shana: "I'll give it a five point three."
MJ: "Good girl."
Shana: "It was very..."
MJ: "So you enjoyed it more than the Ambassadors one."
Shana: "Yeah but it was very noisy the whole way through, but I really liked the fire extinguishers."
Shaun: "The sound levels weren't great in this one."
MJ: "That's his TV."
Shana: "But APART from that I enjoyed it - I definitely liked it better than the Space Vagina one."
MJ: "But this one you got a green gunk - slime!"
Shaun: "What's your actual score?"
MJ: "Eight - I just said. So then Jason, The Book! Hates it?"
MJ: "Eight - I just said. So then Jason, The Book! Hates it?"
Jason: "Okay - so does anyone remember what the cliffhanger to Episode Six was?"
Shaun: "Yeah that was the one with the lava coming in the door."
Jason: "Okay" *Jason reads the plot and various bits from his book I won't print it all! Though we find six actors were made up as Primords!! We carry on from here...* " 'The most successful Doctor Who story EVER!' "
Jason: "Okay" *Jason reads the plot and various bits from his book I won't print it all! Though we find six actors were made up as Primords!! We carry on from here...* " 'The most successful Doctor Who story EVER!' "
Shaun: "WHAT!!??"
Jason: *Reading* " 'The gradual build up of tension is magnificently orchestrated, the ever-present noise of the drill means that everyone has to shout to be heard!' "
Jason: *Reading* " 'The gradual build up of tension is magnificently orchestrated, the ever-present noise of the drill means that everyone has to shout to be heard!' "
Jason: *Reading* " 'The cliffhanger to Episode Six is arguably the finest in the show's history! Ten out of Ten!' "
MJ: *Gasps* "Oh! Full marks??!"
Shaun: "Wow!"
Shaun: "Wow!"
Shana: "It is a book of lies!"
Shaun: "It doesn't even get marks knocked off for the first two episodes being exactly the same as the previous two serials!"
Jason: "It made up for Liz Shaw's shaking acting!"
MJ: "Ohh yes! That was the fake shaking acting - that's method! Brilliant."
Shana: "She was smirking throughout the whole thing as well."
Shaun: "She was."
MJ: "Ohh yes! That was the fake shaking acting - that's method! Brilliant."
Shana: "She was smirking throughout the whole thing as well."
Shaun: "She was."
Shana: "And you could even see the guy starting to go as well!"
MJ: "So yes, she does do that smirking thing all the way through - it's like she's got a private joke going on in her head."
Shaun: "Yeah but she was quite clearly cracking up in this one! She probably saw that they didn't shake the camera and thought 'This is going to look so flipping stupid!' "
MJ: "So that's the end of this first season - that's Pertwee all going along quite well. Sadly that's the end of Liz Shaw."
Shaun: "Yeah but she was quite clearly cracking up in this one! She probably saw that they didn't shake the camera and thought 'This is going to look so flipping stupid!' "
MJ: "So that's the end of this first season - that's Pertwee all going along quite well. Sadly that's the end of Liz Shaw."
Shaun: "Is it really!?"
Jason: "You shouldn't have said that really."
Jason: "You shouldn't have said that really."
*Leigh laughs*
MJ: "Well I I..."
Jason: "I mean it doesn't make any difference but it would have been nice to start the next one not knowing!"
Jason: "I mean it doesn't make any difference but it would have been nice to start the next one not knowing!"
Shaun: "That's a pretty damn big spoiler!"
*Leigh laughs*
MJ: "Yeah but it's pretty much told in the first second."Shana: "And she didn't say goodbye!"
Leigh: "Was Liz Shaw dead all along?"
Leigh: "Was Liz Shaw dead all along?"
Mark: "They were ALL dead!"
Shaun: "If I'd have known that earlier on I would have enjoyed her a lot more in that final arc!"MJ: "The Producers behind the scenes didn't think she was working. What they needed was someone who was - "
Leigh: "- A Green Werewolf!"
Shaun: "If I'd have known that earlier on I would have enjoyed her a lot more in that final arc!"MJ: "The Producers behind the scenes didn't think she was working. What they needed was someone who was - "
Leigh: "- A Green Werewolf!"
Jason: "Woahh - you're giving away MORE stuff!!"
Shaun: "Yeah how about we save this chat for the next one!"
MJ: *Sadly* "Okay."
Leigh: "MJ's been told off!"
Shaun: "Yeah how about we save this chat for the next one!"
MJ: *Sadly* "Okay."
Leigh: "MJ's been told off!"
Shaun: "Yeah - Spoilery Jim!"
MJ: "I did say she's only in one season before!"
Leigh: "We weren't listening!"
Shaun: "We clearly wasn't listening to that! I didn't know that."
Leigh: "We weren't listening!"
Shaun: "We clearly wasn't listening to that! I didn't know that."
Mark: "It was a long time ago we forgot!"
Jason: "Git!"
Jason: "Git!"
MJ: "You're all mean!"
Jason: "We still haven't had the bloody Master yet!"
Mark: "Yeah when's the Master coming into it?"
MJ: "OH! Now you asking me! Now you WANT me to tell you!!!??"
Mark: "Yeah when's the Master coming into it?"
MJ: "OH! Now you asking me! Now you WANT me to tell you!!!??"
MJ: "Make up your bloody minds!!!"
Jason: "We haven't seen a sinister guy with a goatee!"
Mark: "There's been a sinister guy with a goatee in almost every episode."
Shaun: "We've all sat there waiting for The Master."
MJ: "You'll be happy to know that the next one for Pertwee is a Four-parter."
*All cheer*
MJ: "Well I'll think we'll leave it there! Cheers!"
MJ: "Make up your bloody minds!!!"
Jason: "We haven't seen a sinister guy with a goatee!"
Mark: "There's been a sinister guy with a goatee in almost every episode."
Shaun: "We've all sat there waiting for The Master."
MJ: "You'll be happy to know that the next one for Pertwee is a Four-parter."
*All cheer*
MJ: "Well I'll think we'll leave it there! Cheers!"
Well there we are - blimey that took a long time to type up! Thankfully I won't need to do another Seven Part story!
So here are the scores again:
Which gives us an average of
I type this up only a day before we next meet! I hope you've enjoyed our witterings.
So here are the scores again:
Jason: 6
Leigh: 4
MJ: 8
Mark: 6.78
Shaun: 5.3
Gavin: 7.238
Shana: 5.1374
Gavin: 7.238
Shana: 5.1374
Which gives us an average of
I type this up only a day before we next meet! I hope you've enjoyed our witterings.
Until next time, I shall return, yes I shall return!
MJ - 12/03/16
MJ - 12/03/16
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