Monday, 12 October 2015


Sunday 27th September 2015

Hello cheeky!  After last times mammoth-watch I thought it would be a relief to the gang that we only had a four-part tale to watch this time!  So we had all the bitches come over to my house to watch the tale of the South African robots: "The Krotons"!

This story is the first to be penned by future script editor Robert Holmes, whose contributions to the series will be REALLY important later on...but back to this tale!

Photo 1:
MJ, Shaun (holding the sign), Mark (holding the DVD Cover),
and Leigh
around MJ's house!  With MJ's dog Yana!

The Krotons starts with the TARDIS landing on planet (name unknown) and our team come across a race called the Gonds.  These simple humanoids seem beholden to the mysterious Krotons, unseen beings who take the brightest intelligences as “companions”.  The Gonds all seem to go along with this except for Thara, son of the Gond leader Selris, he objects stating that those who have become companions before have never been seen nor heard from again!  In fact when The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive they actually witness the death of one of the chosen companions, Abu.  Abu is vaporised by smoke sprayed from nozzles on either side of the doorway from which he emerges - however they do manage to save a girl, Vana, who was also selected for this fate.

Photo 2:
Jason, Shaun (holding the sign), Mark (holding the DVD Cover),
and Leigh
around MJ's house!  With MJ's dog Yana!

Anyhow stuff happens and we finally meet The Krotons - big, crystalline beings that are bulky and speak with a quite strong South African accent!  They can't move very fast but do seem to have a big gun which they can shoot with.  They also have a funny thing when they get excited their heads spin round and round really fast!

The Krotons also seem to destroy the TARDIS - though we later find it has just made itself disappear to safety (a self-defense thing).

Photo 3:
MJ, Shaun (holding the sign)
 and part of Mark around MJ's house!

Photo 4:
Mark (holding the DVD cover), Leigh
(eyeing up part of MJ's dog, Yana, around MJ's house!

More stuff happens - some of the Gonds begin to rally for all-out war with the Krotons, have now seized the initiative in Gond society.  This is led by Security chief Eelek (played by the wnderful actor Philip Madoc - who will appear in more Who in the (not to far distant) future...!)  The more level headed leader, Selriss is deposed, but warns them all that an all-out attack will not benefit his people!  He does manage to convince some of his people to be sneaky and attack the Krotons' machine from underneath by destabilising its very foundation in the underhall.

Photo 5:
Jason, Shaun (holding the sign), Mark (holding the DVD Cover), Leigh
 and part of MJ's dog, Yana, around MJ's house!

Photo 6:
Part of MJ, part of Shaun (holding the sign), Mark (holding the DVD Cover), Leigh
 and MJ's dog, Yana, around MJ's house!

Zoe and the Doctor are forced into the the Krotons ship (the Dynatrope) and Selris dies providing them with a phial of acid which the Doctor adds to the Kroton vats!  We get to see Krotons melting away which is quite fun!  Outside, Jamie and a scientist, Beta, launch an attack on the structure of the ship using sulphuric acid.   This double-attack destroys the tellurium-based Krotons and their craft.  The Dynatrope dissolves away and the Gonds are free at last - choosing Thara rather than the cowardly and ambitious Eelek to lead them.

Photo 7:
Jason, Shaun (holding the sign), Mark (holding the DVD Cover)
 and part of MJ's dog, Yana, around MJ's house!

So anyway overall the tale gets quite a poor reception from fellow fans, but I really enjoyed it!  There were some good characters, the Krotons were fine aliens (for a one-off).  They wouldn't work as a re-curring villain as they are too unwieldy to get around!

The story also seemed to go down well(ish) with the group.

Jason - 6/10
Leigh - 6/10
Mark - 6/10
MJ - 6/10
Shaun - 6/10

So it gave us an average of 6 out of 10 - which is obvious!


Until then, I shall return, yes I shall return

MJ - 12-10-15

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