Friday, 31 July 2015


Sunday 26th July 2015

And lo it was said unto the Four-Whoresmen group:
"You've watched enough full-on re-cons.  Well done.  From now on, as your reward, there will be no more COMPLETELY re-con stories.

Well, except for this one!"

Yup we were all gathered around Mark's house to watch the 6 part (completely re-con) story "Fury From The Deep".  This time we were all present - but still Jim-less.  At this stage I think Jim ain't coming back.  Still he did do all of Hartnell, so kudos for that.

In fact for the last few group signs I've changed the "& JIM" to "& SHAUNY-JIM" (Still gotta keep the "Jim" name in the group - I LIKE that name!)

Photo 1:
MJ (holding the DVD Cover), Mark (holding the sign),
Shaun and Leigh around Mark's house!

So anyway onto the story (which featured the first ever use of the "Sonic Screwdriver"!).  The TARDIS lands on the sea (just off the East Coast of England) and they have to use a rubber dinghy to get ashore!  The Doctor says they must be in England - Jamie agrees pointing out the rubbish weather as proof and suspects that the TARDIS must be broken as it keeps returning them to Earth - a nice little in-joke!  The come across a pipe (with "EuroSea Gas" written on the side) leading into the sea and hear strange noises coming from it!  After larking about throwing foam at each other the Doctor tries to get a look inside a box that is attached to the pipe.  He can't but does use a stethoscope on the pipe where he hears a strange distant, faint, pumping heartbeat!  Definitely not what you should be hearing in a gas pipe!  They move on but are soon all shot down by a remote controlled camera - with a weapon attached (I presume!).

Photo 2:
MJ (holding the DVD Cover), Mark (holding the sign),
Shaun and Leigh around Mark's house!
MJ and Shaun were the only ones to do the
"Possessed Poisonous Gas Breathing Men" from the story!

When our team are woken up they are in a power station and are accused of being saboteurs, interfering with the pipe.  The guy in charge here is John Robson.  A no-nonsense London-accented chap who's constantly tetchy!  I could have seen Sid James playing that part!  Anyhow they (including another Scientist called Frank Harris) give our gang an antidote to the knock-out drug and try to question them some more.  Not happy with the fact that "they just turned up and aren't saboteurs" excuse, Robson gets Harris and guards to lock them up in a bunk room.

Photo 3:
Jason (holding the DVD Cover), Mark (holding the sign),
Shaun and Leigh around Mark's house!

So we get some to-ing and fro-ing as we discover that the enemy is SEAWEED!  It's intelligent and when it stings you, you become taken over by it!  Oh and it makes you equipped with poisonous breath!  In fact one creepy scene that does exist (thanks to being snipped out by those Aussies) has two characters, Mr. Oak and Mr. Quill, mentally controlled by the seaweed (or Possessed Poisonous Gas Breathing Men!), advancing silently towards Maggie (Harris - wife of Frank Harris) before opening their mouths to choke her with poisonous fumes!

In fact they aren't the only ones to be possessed!  Even grumpy Robson gets possessed and steals a helicopter (whilst kidnapping Victoria).  There was a cool scene of him covered in foam in the middle of a room talking quite calmly - quite the opposite of the usual hot-headed character we were used to (who had been on the rigs for FOUR YEARS).

Another cool and creepy scene was set outside on the beach Robson and Maggie (Harris) meet up.  They are both now possessed by the seaweed and Maggie, quite cryptically, that  there is little time and that Robson knows what to do!  Then Robson stays there and  watches as Maggie walks out into the sea until she is no longer visible....!  VERY eerie scene indeed!  It's like she's walking out to her death...

...Except we see her again later when all the possessed people are released from the hypnotic seaweed!


Photo 4:
Close-up of MJ (holding the DVD Cover),
(not impressed andholding the sign),
and Shaun around Mark's house!
MJ and Shaun were the only ones to do the
"Possessed Poisonous Gas Breathing Men" from the story!

Ahem, anyhow the seaweed tries to take over but they stop it by, well firstly Victoria screams at it, which seems to make it recoil (as most of us would!) and the Doctor records this and plays it through an amplifier - which makes the seaweed retreat.

So, yes, our last completely missing story seemed to go down well.  PLUS we had the leaving of a companion.  Victoria has finally had enough of screaming and being constantly scared, so decides to stay.  In fact there were plenty of hints throughout this serial - her moaning about them ALWAYS being in danger and not knowing where they are going.  I wish we could have SEEN this scene as it would have been nice to see Jamie's reaction.  Although never stated you can see he adores Victoria - possibly even loves her.  You might wonder, if it was real life, he would have stayed with her.  Thankfully he doesn't as we NEED a Jamie in the TARDIS!

I think overall though we were most amused by Robson constantly (and irritably) telling everybody not to tell him what to do  as he'd been "FOUR YEARS" on the rigs!  "FOUR YEARS"!

Did I mention "FOUR YEARS"??!

Until then, I shall return, yes I shall return - IN FOUR YEARS!!!

MJ - 31-07-15

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