Sunday 10th May 2015
Well once again we met on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Once again we were Jim-less but this time we had a GIRL in our midst! Shaun (or "Added Shaun" as he's known) invited his sister Toni to come along and sit in a darkened room with five guys to watch black and white 1960's Doctor Who.
Luckily for her she joined us to watch "The Tomb of the Cybermen"! Not only does it feature the return of a recurring villain (The Cybermen, but you guessed that) but it exists - completely!
No re-cons, no animation. Four complete episodes - found in Hong Kong back in 1991! What a great way to kick of Doctor Two's second season.
Photo 1: Mark, Toni (holding the sign),
Shaun, Jason (holding the DVD Cover)
and Leigh around Mark's house!
Shaun, Jason (holding the DVD Cover)
and Leigh around Mark's house!
So we start with the TARDIS crew still on Skaro with new companion
Victoria in tow - she can't believe they are about to travel through
time and space).
However she soon starts to believe when the TARDIS takes off from Skaro and then lands on the planet Telos/usual quarry pit!
It's on Telos we find an expedition who are trying to find the tombs of the legendary Cybermen. After setting some explosives they blast away part of a cliff face which reveals the entrance to the Cybermen's tombs.
They all cheer and are ecstatic - and quite right as well - it's a very good model shot! However there cheers are soon muted when the Doctor turns up (having been found by another member of the expedition and brought to the main team at gunpoint) as they assume he's part of a rival expedition! Still they don't have time to fret as they need to get into the Tombs via the main doors. One guy tries (ignoring the Doctor's warning) and ends up being electrocuted! Thankfully, although the guy is dead, the doors have lost all their electrical charge and so Kaftan (a lady on the expedition who is the female villain of the piece) gets her manservant (the giant Toberman) to open the doors!
Toberman is great - a giant, black actor with muscles as large as Birmingham! He doesn't say much just grunts and shouts odd words - much like The Hulk might say "HULK SMASH"! His mistress, Kaftan, is a member of the Brotherhood of Logicians. Along with her colleague, Eric Klieg, she financed Professor Parry's expedition to Telos. The Logicians secretly hoped to find the Cybermen and re-animate them so that they could form an alliance to rule the Earth.
However she soon starts to believe when the TARDIS takes off from Skaro and then lands on the planet Telos/usual quarry pit!
It's on Telos we find an expedition who are trying to find the tombs of the legendary Cybermen. After setting some explosives they blast away part of a cliff face which reveals the entrance to the Cybermen's tombs.
They all cheer and are ecstatic - and quite right as well - it's a very good model shot! However there cheers are soon muted when the Doctor turns up (having been found by another member of the expedition and brought to the main team at gunpoint) as they assume he's part of a rival expedition! Still they don't have time to fret as they need to get into the Tombs via the main doors. One guy tries (ignoring the Doctor's warning) and ends up being electrocuted! Thankfully, although the guy is dead, the doors have lost all their electrical charge and so Kaftan (a lady on the expedition who is the female villain of the piece) gets her manservant (the giant Toberman) to open the doors!
Toberman is great - a giant, black actor with muscles as large as Birmingham! He doesn't say much just grunts and shouts odd words - much like The Hulk might say "HULK SMASH"! His mistress, Kaftan, is a member of the Brotherhood of Logicians. Along with her colleague, Eric Klieg, she financed Professor Parry's expedition to Telos. The Logicians secretly hoped to find the Cybermen and re-animate them so that they could form an alliance to rule the Earth.
Photo 2: Mark, MJ, Shaun (holding the DVD Cover),
Jason (holding the sign) and Leigh around Mark's house!
Jason (holding the sign) and Leigh around Mark's house!
The Cybermen do get found, frozen in suspended animation inside catacombs. However they don't stay frozen for long as Klieg re-activates them and they quickly thaw out. It's a really impressive scene to see them slowly thaw and break out of their holes before releasing the Cybercontoller! He's a tall fellow, with no handles on his head - but he does have a cyber brain on show!
Well I for one really enjoyed watching the story - it zipped along nicely and had a nice mix of stuff that made sense and stuff that was outrageous! Again we had a nice mix of accents and nationalities (though I wasn't sure on the accent of the American pilot who kept calling Victoria "Vic"!). I think the Cybermen's design was impressive again, but I still find you really have to concentrate hard to understand what they are saying! The supportive cast were strong and seemed to be quite fun - oh and of course we have the first appearance of the Cybermen's pet robots - The Cybermats! They may be small but they can inflict some damage - well unless you trap them within a loop of electrical cable - which seems to fry their brains!
I think the highlight for me, was a quieter moment between Victoria and the Doctor in which they talk about how Victoria's feeling. I mean let's not forget, she been yanked out of her own time after having had her father brutally killed. So it's nice that they acknowledge this and we even get the Doctor talking about his own family - and revealing his age, which I think was the first time we heard it - though I might be wrong!
I think the gang (and the new girl) enjoyed the story - a strong start to the Trout-Mans second season. Next time we're off to the Himalayas!
So until then, I shall return, yes I shall return!
MJ - 18-05-15
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