Friday, 7 November 2014


Tuesday 4th November 2014

So again with a lot of weekends not free we decided to meet again on a Tuesday night - this time around Leigh's.

We were there to FINALLY finish off watching The Dalek's Master Plan - and it happened to fall on My Birthday Eve (which is a proper date - just like Christmas Eve and New year's Eve!)!
  Like last time we were to watch 4 recons and 1 episode.  The first exciting title we had to look forward to was: "Volcano"

Photo 1: Shaun (holding THE BOOK!), Mark,Jason (holding The Dalek's Master Plan DVD cover), Jim (with the sign) and Leigh (holding the Lost In Time DVD cover) around Leigh's house.  All are doing the Mavic Chen evil pose!

We started off with the Doctor and his two companions escaping from the Daleks and Mavic Chen (to whom the Doctor had given the fake taranium core).

They detect another time ship after them and assume it's the Daleks so try to shake them off by landing first in The Oval (the English cricket ground) during the middle of a cricket game.  The Cricket Commentators start moaning about the game being spoiled by a Police Box!  This is quite a bizarre sequence and I thought we'd gone back to the mental-ness of the Christmas episode!  they soon get back on their way and end up on a volcanic planet (Tigus) in which the time ship catches up with them - but it's not the Daleks!  It's our old friend The Meddling Monk!  So apart from the Daleks this was our first recurring villain (if you want to call him that).  It was great to have him back and see the banter between him and the Doctor!  The Monk's revenge, for the events of the Time Meddler, is to damage the Doctor's TARDIS lock.  Luckily for us all the Doctor manages to free the lock by shining sunlight through his ring onto the lock and that frees it.....  Hmmmm - not sure about that - still they get away and the Doctor explains "the sun in the galaxy that Tigus is in possesses certain qualities that when filtered through the gem in his ring reversed the process of the Monk's device"....  Okay well we'll let him get away with that - this once!

Meanwhile The Daleks and Mavic Chen, having realised they've been duped by the Doctor have ordered a Time Ship from the Daleks home world and are now in pursuit of our heroes....


Photo 2: Shaun (holding THE BOOK!), Mark,MJ (holding The Dalek's Master Plan DVD cover), Jim (with the sign) and Leigh (holding the Lost In Time DVD cover) around Leigh's house.
We're all doing the Mavic Chen evil pose!

We then moved on to re-con number 2 - "Golden Death" in which the Doctor and co land in Ancient Egypt at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza!  However Mavic Chen and the Daleks are only 4 minutes behind!  Not only that but a small Egyptian boy tells the adults about there are strangers around - so guards are sent and immediately they arrest and tie up Sara and Steven - but not before they see that the Daleks and Mavic Chen have arrived.  This is a fun tale with the Monk throwing his lot in with the Daleks and then the Doctor.  In fact he sides with whoever he thinks will help him at any given moment!  The Doctor is also up to mischief (and revenge) and steals The Monk's TARDIS' directional unit. After a while the Monk and the Doctor meet up again and it looks like the Doctor is not going to put up with much more.  In fact the episode end with Steven and Sara, having cut off their bonds searching a sarcophagus which opens and a bandaged hand emerges...!  Very Scooby Doo!

Photo 3:
Shaun (holding THE BOOK!), Mark,Jason (holding The Dalek's Master Plan DVD cover), Jim (with the sign) and Leigh (holding the Lost In Time DVD cover)
Leigh's house.

We then move to our one existing episode of this run "Escape Switch" - where we discover that the bandaged hand belonged to The Monk - whom the Doctor had overwhelmed!
Sadly it doesn't take long for the Daleks and Mavic Chen to capture them and they send out a loud-speaker message telling the Doctor he can have the hostages back for the real taranium core.  This the Doctor does and they quickly make their escape and, using the newly fitted directional unit from the Monk's TARDIS, they can be more precise with where they land - Kembel to try and stop the Dalek's and Mavic Chen from using the Time Destructor.  Meanwhile the Monk, having escaped in his TARDIS end up on an ice planet - annoyed that this wasn't where he was supposed to land he checks his TARDIS and realise what the Doctor has taken.  He vows to meet the Doctor again one day and get his revenge!...

Back on the TARDIS the
directional unit is smoking away and the TARDIS veers about - has it not worked???....

Photo 4: Shaun (holding THE BOOK!), Mark,MJ (holding The Dalek's Master Plan DVD cover), Jim (with the sign) and Leigh (holding the Lost In Time DVD cover) around Leigh's house.

Moving on from that cliffhanger we FINALLY moved on to our last 2 recons of the evening "The Abandoned Planet" and the gloriously titled "The Destruction of Time"!  In the first one we have the Doctor fretting about how they are to get back to Kembel - luckily for them, they are already arrived there - the directional unit must have broken after the trip!  Anyhow they head off into the jungle - the Doctor getting split up from Sara and Steven.

Meanwhile Mavic Chen has come back to his council of weird and wonderful aliens (well those that haven't been killed by the Daleks already!).  He tells them all that he (Mavic Chen) has got back the
taranium core and is the ruler of them all - the delegates don't appreciate this and then get locked away by the Daleks!  Sara and Steven find them later on and release them all and the delegates escape in their own ships but Mavic Chen's ship has been boobie-trapped and blows up!  Of course this is a ruse and Sara and Steven get set upon by Chen who (thinking the Daleks will change their minds and appoint him in charge again) takes them into the Dalek bunker at gunpoint...

This leads into the final episode
"The Destruction of Time"!

So Chen still has Steven and Katarina captive and is convinced that the missing Doctor and his companions intend on usurping Chen's place as leader of the solar system by allying with the Daleks - and he won't believe when told otherwise!  Chen is really starting to lose the plot from now on and is trying everything to get back in with the Daleks.  However, after he's brought them prisoners and they still ignore him he goes ballistic and tries to shoot at the Dalek Supreme - which leads to his EXTERMINATION!!

Poor Chen - but this confusion allows the Doctor to emerge from the shadows where he turns on the Time Destructor and threatens the Daleks with it - using
it as a shield to stop the Daleks from shooting.

They try to make there way back to the TARDIS, Steven get to he TARDIS fne, but the
Time Destructor makes good on it's name by turning everything around it to dust - the Daleks start to crumble and age - but so do the Doctor and Sara!  The Doctor, though struggling, at least can live for hundreds of years so hardly seems to age - but poor Sara ages quickly until she becomes a frail old lady and then turns to a skeleton and dust!  It's a shame this episode is missing as I would love to see this - it looks (thanks to some off screen photos) and sounds horrific!

Steven gets back to the Doctor and helps him back to the TARDIS whilst the

Time Destructor burns itself out!  So it could only destroy Time in a limited range eh?

Steven and the Doctor come out afterwards with the Doctor being pleased the Daleks are destroyed - Steven reminds him of all the lives that and the Doctor agrees saying "It's a waste... What a terrible waste...".  They both leave in the TARDIS leaving a real downbeat feel to the whole thing!

For me the story was excellent and quite bleak for back then.  I do acknowledge that the tale had a lot of padding in parts but it did feel the most epic we've seen so far.  All those locations and aliens.  Not only that but it must be the darkest tale we've seen?  Has there been so much death and destruction before?  Famously this story was only ever sent to Australia for a potential sale and they refused to put it on as they found it too violent!

Next time we shall watch a lot shorter story (they never did another 12-part single story) but that's all for now.  As ever, until next time I shall return, yes, I shall return....

MJ 07-11-14

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